The Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Polish names given are not official.
The Chinese lore given is not official.
Prevent Rat |
防止鼠 |
Rat Préventif |
Abwehrratte |
Corazzatopo |
갑옷쥐 |
Rato Prevenido |
Rata de la Prevención |
プリヴェント・ラット |
Purivento Ratto |
Monster |
Beast |
4 |
500 / 2000 |
00549481 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
This creature is shielded with a tough hide of hair and is excellent at defending itself. |
Cette créature est protégée par une fourrure épaisse et sait parfaitement se défendre. |
Diese Kreatur ist durch eine harte Haarschicht geschützt und kann sich exzellent verteidigen. |
Creatura protetta da un foltissimo strato di pelo con il quale si difende in maniera molto efficace dagli attacchi nemici. |
Esta criatura é blindado com uma pele de cabelos rigidos e é excelente em se defender. |
Esta criatura esta escudada por una gruesa piel de pelo y es excelente defendiendose a si misma. |
毛が集まり、かたい皮のようになっている。守備はかなり高い。 |
它的毛被雲集,看起來像皮膚發硬。它的守備力是相當高的。 |
털이 모여 딱딱한 피부처럼 되어 있다. 수비력은 꽤 강하다. |
This creature is shielded with a tough hide of hair and is excellent at defending itself. |
A beast with a tough, blue shell made of hair bunched together. The shell gives it a high degree of protection. |
This creature is shielded with a tough hide of hair and is excellent at defending itself. |
TCG sets
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Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity
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Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity
OCG sets
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Video game sets
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4261 ()