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Phoenix Beast Gairuda is a character version of the card, "Phoenix Beast Gairuda", which is part of the main cast of The Sparrow's TV show.


Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL[]

Phoenix Beast Gairuda only appeared as a character in a brief moment of a "The Sparrow" episode which Astral watched. It is shown being overpowered together with Beast-Warrior Puma by Galaxy Queen's evil powers. The Sparrow then arrives and confronts her.[1]

During Nelson's Duel against Yuma, it is revealed that Phoenix Beast Gairuda was owned by a princess, but couldn't abandon his comrades and instead of staying with her, joined The Sparrow and the others. Astral, who watched the show, commented that Phoenix Beast Gairuda has a strong bond with the others.[2]

Nelson, who plays the role of The Sparrow, uses the card version of Phoenix Beast Gairuda on his Deck, which is entirely based on the TV show.[2] The cards hint that when Phoenix Beast Gairuda, The Sparrow, Beast-Warrior Puma and Ironhammer the Giant unite, they can control a giant spaceship.

Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL[]


Phoenix Beast Gairuda's brief appearance in Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL.

Phoenix Beast Gairuda makes a brief appearance in Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL, as one of The Sparrow's allies in the TV show.[3]


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL episode 7: "The Sparrow, Part 1"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL episode 8: "The Sparrow, Part 2"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL Chapter 6: "A Duel with the New Deck!!"