Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

The Pharaoh Tour 2006 promotional cards are a set of two cards that were given out at the Pharaoh Tour 2006. "Toon Dark Magician Girl" was given as a participation card and "Shrink" was given as a prize card.



Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
PT02-FR001"Shrink""Rétrécissement"Ultra RareQuick-Play Spell Card
PT02-FR002"Toon Dark Magician Girl""Magicienne des Ténèbres Toon"CommonToon monster

Set number Name German name Rarity Category
PT02-DE001 Shrink Schrumpfen Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
PT02-DE002 Toon Dark Magician Girl Dunkles Toon-Magier-Mädchen Common Toon monster

Set number Name Italian name Rarity Category
PT02-IT001 Shrink Rimpicciolire Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
PT02-IT002 Toon Dark Magician Girl Ragazza Maga Nera Toon Common Toon monster
