This Property entry details every card with an effect(s) with a predetermined number of activations per Duel. The restriction is applied to the card(s) of the same name instead of individual copies.
All OCG/TCG "Only once per Duel" cards[]
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Afterglow | アフター・グロー | Spell Card Normal Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Constellar Tempest | セイクリッド・テンペスト | Spell Card Continuous Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Dai Dance | GUYダンス | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Exchange of the Spirit | 現世と冥界の逆転 | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Limit Code | リミット・コード | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Plunder Patroll Parrrty | 海造賊-祝宴 | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Rainbow Bridge of Salvation | 救いの架け橋 | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One | RUM-七皇の剣 | Spell Card Normal Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force | RUM-アージェント・カオス・フォース | Spell Card Normal Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
The Seal of Orichalcos | オレイカルコスの結界 | Spell Card Field Spell Card | Field Spell Card |
Speedroid Dupligate | SRデュプリゲート | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Void Reignition | 熾動する煉獄 | Spell Card Normal Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
All anime "Only once per Duel" cards[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Armored Kappa | アーマー・カッパー | Xyz Monster | WATER | Psychic | 2 | ??? | 400 | |
Blackwing - Hillen the Tengu-wind | BF-天狗風のヒレン | Effect Monster | Tuner monster | DARK | Winged Beast | 5 | ??? | 0 |
Condemned Maiden | 失楽の聖女 | Effect Monster | LIGHT | Fairy | 4 | ??? | 100 | |
Dotscaper | ドットスケーパー | Effect Monster | EARTH | Cyberse | 1 | ??? | 0 | |
Flick Clown | フリック・クラウン | Effect Monster | DARK | Cyberse | 4 | ??? | 1000 | |
Invincible Demise Lord | デスロード | Effect Monster | DARK | Fiend | 6 | ??? | 1300 | |
Kiteroid | カイトロイド | Effect Monster | WIND | Machine | 1 | ??? | 200 | |
Magic Hand | マジック・ハンド | Effect Monster | DARK | Spellcaster | 4 | ??? | 800 | |
Mogmole | モグモール | Effect Monster | EARTH | Beast | 2 | ??? | 800 | |
Morphtronic Lantron | D・ライトン | Effect Monster | Tuner monster | LIGHT | Machine | 1 | ??? | 200 |
Stack Reviver | スタック・リバイバー | Effect Monster | DARK | Cyberse | 2 | ??? | 100 | |
Triggering Wurm | トリガー・ヴルム | Effect Monster | DARK | Dragon | 2 | ??? | 600 | |
Twin-Headed Behemoth | ドル・ドラ | Effect Monster | WIND | Dragon | 3 | ??? | 1500 |
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Cynet Defrag | サイバネット・デフラグ | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Vision | 幻視 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |