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OTS Tournament Pack 5 is a booster pack that is available as a Tournament Prize or Participation Pack released to the TCG tournament locations. It is the fifth OTS Tournament Pack, following OTS Tournament Pack 4.


There are 3 cards per pack. The set contains 27 cards. This consists of:



Card numberNameRarityCategory
OP05-EN001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-EN002"Zoodiac Whiptail"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-EN003"Terraforming"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-EN004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-EN005"Fairy Tail - Snow"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-EN006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-EN007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-EN008"Zoodiac Ramram"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-EN009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-EN010"Swing of Memories"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-EN011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-EN012"Lost Wind"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-EN013"True Draco Apocalypse"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-EN014"Snakeyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-EN015"Feral Imp"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-EN016"Mystical Shine Ball"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-EN017"The Agent of Creation - Venus"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-EN018"Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-EN019"Tin Goldfish"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-EN020"Scapeghost"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-EN021"Fairy Tail - Luna"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-EN022"Rose Spectre of Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-EN023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-EN024"Scapegoat"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-EN025"Chain Summoning"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-EN026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-EN027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
OP05-FR001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit""Ogre Fantôme et Lapin des Neiges"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-FR002"Zoodiac Whiptail""Fouet-Queue du Zoodiaque"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-FR003"Terraforming""Terra Formation"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-FR004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju""Dogoran, Kaiju des Flammes Enragées"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-FR005"Fairy Tail - Snow""Animal Féérique - Blanche"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-FR006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix""Quik-Fix ESPIRALE"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-FR007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper""Animal Féérique - Belle"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-FR008"Zoodiac Ramram""Bélierbélier du Zoodiaque"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-FR009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem""Golem Rouages Ancients Ultime"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-FR010"Swing of Memories""Balançoire des Souvenirs"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-FR011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix""Disciples du Véritable Dracophénix"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-FR012"Lost Wind""Vent Perdu"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-FR013"True Draco Apocalypse""Apocalypse du Véritable Draco"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-FR014"Snakeyashi""Serpentyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-FR015"Feral Imp""Lutin Sauvage"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-FR016"Mystical Shine Ball""Sphère Mystique Lumineuse"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-FR017"The Agent of Creation - Venus""Vénus, Agent de la Création"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-FR018"Kagetokage""Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-FR019"Tin Goldfish""Poisson Rouge Étain"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-FR020"Scapeghost""Bouc Fantôme"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-FR021"Fairy Tail - Luna""Animal Féérique - Luna"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-FR022"Rose Spectre of Dunn""Spectre Rose de Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-FR023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero""Zéro Absolu, HÉROS Élémentaire"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-FR024"Scapegoat""Bouc Émissaire"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-FR025"Chain Summoning""Chaine d'Invocation"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-FR026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters""Village Secret des Magiciens"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-FR027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism""Cimetière des Créatures Millénaires"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategory
OP05-DE001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit""Geisteroger und Schneehase"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-DE002"Zoodiac Whiptail""Zoodiak-Schweifpeitsche"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-DE003"Terraforming""Landformen"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-DE004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju""Dogoran, der Kaiju der verrückten Flamme"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-DE005"Fairy Tail - Snow""Märchenschweif - Schnee"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-DE006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix""SPIORAL-Schnellreparatur"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-DE007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper""Märchenschweif - Schläfer"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-DE008"Zoodiac Ramram""Zoodiak-Rammbock"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-DE009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem""Ultimativer Antiker Antriebsgolem"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-DE010"Swing of Memories""Schaukelnde Erinnerungen"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-DE011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix""Wahre Drachophönix-Schüler"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-DE012"Lost Wind""Verschwundener Wind"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-DE013"True Draco Apocalypse""Wahre Drachoapokalypse"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-DE014"Snakeyashi""Schlangenyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-DE015"Feral Imp""Wilder Kobold"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-DE016"Mystical Shine Ball""Kugel des mystischen Scheins"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-DE017"The Agent of Creation - Venus""Sendbotin der Schöpfung - Venus"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-DE018"Kagetokage""Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-DE019"Tin Goldfish""Blech-Goldfisch"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-DE020"Scapeghost""Sündengeist"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-DE021"Fairy Tail - Luna""Märchenschweif - Mond"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-DE022"Rose Spectre of Dunn""Rosengespenst von Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-DE023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero""Elementar-HELD Absoluter Nullpunkt"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-DE024"Scapegoat""Sündenbock"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-DE025"Chain Summoning""Kettenbeschwörung"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-DE026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters""Geheimes Dorf der Hexer"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-DE027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism""Grab des superantiken Organismus"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
OP05-IT001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit""Orco Fantasma & Coniglio della Neve"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-IT002"Zoodiac Whiptail""Zoodiaco Codafrusta"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-IT003"Terraforming""Terraformare"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-IT004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju""Dogoran, il Kaiju Folle Fiamma"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-IT005"Fairy Tail - Snow""Codafavola - Neve"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-IT006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix""Aggiustatore Rapido SPIARALE"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-IT007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper""Codafavola - Addormentata"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-IT008"Zoodiac Ramram""Zoodiaco Arietariete"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-IT009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem""Golem-Ingranaggio Antico Finale"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-IT010"Swing of Memories""Altalena dei Ricordi"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-IT011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix""Discepoli della Vera Dracofenice"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-IT012"Lost Wind""Vento Perso"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-IT013"True Draco Apocalypse""Apocalisse del Vero Draco"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-IT014"Snakeyashi""Snakeyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-IT015"Feral Imp""Demone Selvaggio"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-IT016"Mystical Shine Ball""Sfera Mistica Lucente"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-IT017"The Agent of Creation - Venus""L'Agente della Creazione - Venere"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-IT018"Kagetokage""Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-IT019"Tin Goldfish""Pesce Rosso di Latta"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-IT020"Scapeghost""Fantasma Espiatorio"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-IT021"Fairy Tail - Luna""Codafavola - Luna"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-IT022"Rose Spectre of Dunn""Rosa Spettro di Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-IT023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero""Zero Assoluto EROE Elementale"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-IT024"Scapegoat""Capro Espiatorio"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-IT025"Chain Summoning""Evocazione a Catena"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-IT026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters""Villaggio Segreto degli Incantatori"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-IT027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism""Tomba dell'Organismo Super Antico"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
OP05-PT001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit""Ogro Fantasma & Coelho da Neve"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-PT002"Zoodiac Whiptail""Rabochicote Zoodíaco"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-PT003"Terraforming""Transformação Campal"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-PT004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju""Dogoran, o Kaiju Louco das Chamas"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-PT005"Fairy Tail - Snow""Cauda de Fadas - Neves"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-PT006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix""Reparador ESPIRÃO"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-PT007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper""Cauda de Fadas - Adormecida"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-PT008"Zoodiac Ramram""Carneríete Zoodíaco"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-PT009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem""Golem Definitivo do Mecanismo Antigo"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-PT010"Swing of Memories""Balanço das Memórias"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-PT011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix""Discípulos da Verdadeira Dracofênix"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-PT012"Lost Wind""Vento Perdido"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-PT013"True Draco Apocalypse""Verdadeiro Draco Apocalipse"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-PT014"Snakeyashi""Serpentyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-PT015"Feral Imp""Diabrete Selvagem"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-PT016"Mystical Shine Ball""Bola com Brilho Místico"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-PT017"The Agent of Creation - Venus""O Representante da Criação - Vênus"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-PT018"Kagetokage""Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-PT019"Tin Goldfish""Peixe-dourado de Lata"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-PT020"Scapeghost""Fantasma Expiatório"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-PT021"Fairy Tail - Luna""Cauda de Fadas - Luna"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-PT022"Rose Spectre of Dunn""Espectro da Rosa de Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-PT023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero""Zero Absoluto, o HERÓI do Elemento"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-PT024"Scapegoat""Bode Expiatório"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-PT025"Chain Summoning""Invocação em Cadeia"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-PT026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters""Vila Secreta dos Magos"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-PT027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism""Cemitério do Organismo Super Antigo"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
OP05-SP001"Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit""Ogro Fantasma & Conejo de las Nieves"Ultimate RareEffect Tuner monster
OP05-SP002"Zoodiac Whiptail""Colalátigo del Zoodíaco"Ultimate RareEffect Monster
OP05-SP003"Terraforming""Terraformación"Ultimate RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-SP004"Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju""Dogoran, el Kaiju de la Llama Loca"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-SP005"Fairy Tail - Snow""Colacuento - Nieves"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-SP006"SPYRAL Quik-Fix""Arreglo Rápido E.S.P.I.R.A.L."Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-SP007"Fairy Tail - Sleeper""Colacuento - Durmiente"Super RareFlip monster
OP05-SP008"Zoodiac Ramram""Carneroariete del Zoodíaco"Super RareEffect Monster
OP05-SP009"Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem""Golem de Mecanismo Antiguo Definitivo"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-SP010"Swing of Memories""Columpio de los Recuerdos"Super RareNormal Spell Card
OP05-SP011"Disciples of the True Dracophoenix""Discípulos de la Verdadera Dracofénix"Super RareContinuous Spell Card
OP05-SP012"Lost Wind""Viento Perdido"Super RareNormal Trap Card
OP05-SP013"True Draco Apocalypse""Apocalipsis del Verdadero Draco"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
OP05-SP014"Snakeyashi""Snakeyashi"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-SP015"Feral Imp""Diablillo Salvaje"Short PrintNormal Monster
OP05-SP016"Mystical Shine Ball""Bola Reluciente Mística"CommonNormal Monster
OP05-SP017"The Agent of Creation - Venus""El Agente de la Creación - Venus"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-SP018"Kagetokage""Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-SP019"Tin Goldfish""Pez Dorado de Hojalata"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-SP020"Scapeghost""Scapeghost"CommonFlip Tuner monster
OP05-SP021"Fairy Tail - Luna""Colacuento - Luna"CommonEffect Monster
OP05-SP022"Rose Spectre of Dunn""Rose Specter de Dunn"Short PrintFusion Monster
OP05-SP023"Elemental HERO Absolute Zero""HÉROE Elemental Cero Absoluto"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
OP05-SP024"Scapegoat""Scapegoat"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-SP025"Chain Summoning""Invocación en Cadena"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
OP05-SP026"Secret Village of the Spellcasters""Pueblo Secreto de los Magos"CommonField Spell Card
OP05-SP027"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism""La Tumba de un Organismo Super Antigüo"CommonContinuous Trap Card
