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Nadia, known as Hinata Natsuno in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force games.


Tag Force 4-6[]

In Tag Force 4-6, she is a student at Duel Academy in New Domino City, and is Nadine's older sister.

Tag Force 4[]


Nadia, in Tag Force 4.

In her own story, she competes with the player against Carly Carmine and Luna in the preliminaries, Misty Tredwell and Leo in the quarter finals, Crow Hogan and Akiza Izinski in the semi finals and Jack Atlas and Yusei Fudo in the finals. For completing the story, the player will receive a photo of himself, Cherry, Rayna, Hana, Reyna, Odelia, Yuma, Tasha, Nadia and Maggie called "City Student".

Tag Force 5[]

In Tag Force 5, she is located in the coastal region.

Tag Force 6[]

In Duel Academy Leo's first story event, Nadia and Cali Tag Duel against the player and Leo.


The player is able to give Nadia gifts. The following tables detail how much she likes or dislikes the gifts.

Tag Force 4[]

Strongly likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Strongly dislikes
Card accessories
Foods & Beverages

Tag Force 5[]

Strongly likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Strongly dislikes
Card accessories
Foods & Beverages

Tag Force 6[]

Strongly likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Strongly dislikes
Card accessories
Foods & Beverages


Nadia uses "Dark World" Decks.

Tag Force 4[]

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4, Nadia uses Decks titled "Summer Jobs in the Dark" (補習は暗黒夏休み, Hoshū wa ankoku natsuyasumi)

Tag Force 5[]

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5, Nadia uses Decks titled "Sunny with a Chance of Darkness" (晴れ時々暗黒, Hare tokidoki ankoku)

Tag Force 6[]

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6, Nadia uses Decks titled "Nice Weather for Darkness" (快晴のち暗黒, Kaisei nochi ankoku)

Tag Force Special[]
