The Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.
Chinese lore given is not official.
(card lores)
Mr. Volcano |
火山先生 |
M. Volcano |
Mr. Volcano |
Mr Vulcano |
미스터 볼케이노 |
Sr. Volcano |
ミスターボルケーノ |
Misutā Borukēno |
Monster |
Pyro |
5 |
2100 / 1300 |
31477025 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
This seemingly mild-mannered creature has an extremely volatile temper. |
Cette créature qui donne l’apparence d’avoir des manières douces a en fait un tempérament extrêmement versatile. |
Dieses scheinbar ausgeglichene Wesen ist von extrem sprunghaftem Temperament. |
Una creatura dai modi gentili che dimostra avere un carattere in realtà molto volubile. |
화염을 조종하는 신사. 평상시에는 온화하지만 분노하면 무섭다. |
This seemingly mild-mannered creature has an extremely volatile temper. |
A gentleman who is skilled in the exotic art of pyrotechnics. While he is mild-mannered, he has a terrible temper. |
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4974 ()