The Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Portuguese names given are not official.
The Chinese lore given is not official.
Monster Eye |
眼球怪 |
Œil de monstre |
Monsterauge |
Occhio Mostruoso |
Olho Monstro |
Monstruo ojo |
モンスター・アイ |
Monsutā Ai |
Monster |
Fiend / Effect |
1 |
250 / 350 |
84133008 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
1000ライフポイントを払って発動する。自分の墓地に存在する「融合」魔法カード1枚を手札に戻す。 |
支付1000分。自己的墓地1張「融合」魔法卡回到手卡。 |
A sneaky familiar that spies on foes from a variety of places. It has the ability to reveal the cards in the foe's hand. |
At the cost of 1000 Life Points, you can return "Polymerization" from the Graveyard to your hand. |
TCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
OCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity
Video game sets
Card search categories
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4408 ()