The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Swedish and Thai names given are not official.
Meteor Dragon |
陨星龙 |
Dragon Météore |
Meteordrache |
Drago Meteora |
메테오 드래곤 |
Dragão Meteoro |
Dragón Meteoro |
メテオ・ドラゴン |
Meteo Doragon |
Monster |
Dragon / Normal |
6 |
1800 / 2000 |
64271667 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
This dragon appeared from the sky and crashed to the earth. |
Ce dragon surgit des cieux et s'écrasa sur terre. |
Dieser Drache erschien am Himmel und stürzte auf die Erde. |
Questo drago è apparso dal cielo e si è schiantato sulla terra. |
Este dragão surgiu nos céus e colidiu na terra. |
Este dragón apareció en el cielo y se estrelló contra la Tierra. |
A meteoric dragon that appeared from the end of the universe and crashed on Earth. |
This dragon appeared from the heavens and crashed to earth. |
A dragon that came from the outer reaches of space. It fell to earth with meteors. |
This dragon appeared from the heavens and crashed to earth. |
TCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
DEM5-EN001Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020Common |
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity
DEM5-FR001Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020Common |
Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity
DEM5-DE001Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020Common |
Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity
DEM5-IT001Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020Common |
Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity
DEM5-PT001Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020Common |
Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity
OCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetSimplified Chinese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity
Video game sets
Card search categories
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4718 ()