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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

The Metal counterparts are a small series of Semi-Nomi monsters that can only be Special Summoned by Tributing the corresponding card when it is equipped with "Metalmorph", some saying these cards were "metallized". These monsters could be considered precursors to the "/Assault Mode" archetype.



In the manga, the card "Metalmorph" turned the equipped monster into a metalic version of itself, causing it to gain 400 ATK and DEF and immunity to magical attacks.

Original Metalmorph
Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF
Zoa-JP-Manga-DM-CA Zoa 2600 1900 Metalzoa-JP-Manga-DM-NC Metalzoa 3000 2300
RedEyesBlackDragon-JP-Manga-DM-CA Red-Eyes Black Dragon 2400 2000 RedEyesBlackMetalDragon-JP-Manga-DM-NC Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 2800 2400


The anime features two cards which can be used for "metallizing"; "Magic Metal Force" and "Metalmorph".

  • "Magic Metal Force" worked the same way as "Metalmorph" did in the manga, giving the equipped monster 400 ATK and DEF + 1 Level and immunity to magical attacks.
  • "Metalmorph" worked as it does in the OCG and TCG, giving the equipped monster 300 ATK and DEF, plus half the ATK of a monster it attacks for the duration of the battle. Certain monsters equipped with "Metalmorph" can be Tributed to Summon another monster from the Deck, which is the same as their "Magic Metal Force" counterpart.
Original Metalmorph Magic Metal Force /
Tribute with "Metalmorph"
Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF
Zoa-OW Zoa 2600 1900 Zoa-JP-Anime-GX-NC-Metalmorph "Zoa" 2900 2200 Metalzoa-OW Metalzoa 3000 2300
RedEyesBDragon-OW Red-Eyes Black Dragon 2400 2000 RedEyesBDragon-JP-Anime-DM-NC-Metalmorph "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" 2700 2300 RedEyesBlackMetalDragon-OW Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 2800 2400
MusicianKing-OW Musician King 1750 1500 HeavyMetalKing-JP-Anime-DM-NC Heavy Metal King 2050 1700


In the OCG and TCG, "Metalmorph" worked the same way it did in the anime. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK and DEF, plus half the ATK of a monster it attacks for duration of the battle. Certain monsters equipped with "Metalmorph" can be Tributed to Summon another monster from the Deck, which is Machine-Type and has 400 more ATK and DEF than the original monster.

Original Tribute with "Metalmorph"
Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF
Zoa-TF04-JP-VG Zoa 2600 1900 Metalzoa-TF04-JP-VG Metalzoa 3000 2300
RedEyesBDragon-TF05-JP-VG Red-Eyes Black Dragon 2400 2000 RedEyesBlackMetalDragon-GX06-JP-VG Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 2800 2400

Original Tribute with "Max Metalmorph"
Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF
Zoa the Fiendish Beast 2600 1900 Metalzoa X 3000 2300
Red-Eyes Metal Claw Dragon 2400 2000 Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal Dragon 3400 2400

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories[]

In Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, "Metalmorph" can be fused with monsters to create metal counterparts or Spell and Trap Cards to create Spell Cards.

If the player does not have the actual card for the metal counterpart, they can Summon the monster using the aforementioned method. If they have the actual card, they can Summon it normally, without using "Metalmorph".

Original Metalmorph
Image Name ATK DEF Image Name ATK DEF
BabyDragon-TF04-JP-VG Baby Dragon 1200 700 MetalDragon-TF04-JP-VG Metal Dragon 1850 1700
JiraiGumo-TF04-JP-VG Jirai Gumo 2200 100 LauncherSpider-TF04-JP-VG Launcher Spider 2200 2500
Zoa-TF04-JP-VG Zoa 2600 1900 Metalzoa-TF04-JP-VG Metalzoa 3000 2300

OCG/TCG Deck[]
