Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Metaion, the Timelord
() (かい) (しん) メタイオン
English Metaion, the Timelord
Chinese 时械神 梅塔伊恩
French Metaion le Seigneur du Temps
German Metaion, Herr der Zeit
Italian Metaion, il Signore del Tempo
Korean 시계신 메타이온
Portuguese Metaion, o Senhor do Tempo
Spanish Metaion, el Señor del Tiempo
Japanese (kana) じかいしんメタイオン
Japanese (base) 時械神メタイオン
Japanese (rōmaji) Jikaishin Metaion
Japanese (translated) Metaion, the Time Machine God
Card type Monster
Attribute FIRE FIRE
Types Fairy / Effect
Level 10 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK / DEF 0 / 0
Passcode 74530899
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
