Maria Bianchi, known as Zenwa Mai in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL World Duel Carnival and Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special
Her japanese name is derived from "Zenmai", the original name of the "Wind-Up" archetype.
World Duel Carnival[]
Tag Force Special[]
- Wind-Up Bat x2
- Wind-Up Dog x2
- Wind-Up Honeybee x3
- Wind-Up Juggler x2
- Wind-Up Kitten x2
- Wind-Up Knight
- Wind-Up Magician x2 (D)
- Wind-Up Rabbit x2
- Wind-Up Rat x2 (D)
- Wind-Up Shark x2
- Wind-Up Snail x2
- Wind-Up Soldier
- Wind-Up Warrior x2
- Summoner Monk
- Wind-Up Dog
- Wind-Up Honeybee x3
- Wind-Up Juggler x2
- Wind-Up Kitten x2
- Wind-Up Knight x2
- Wind-Up Magician x3 (D)
- Wind-Up Rabbit x2
- Wind-Up Rat x3 (D)
- Wind-Up Shark x3
- Wind-Up Soldier x3