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Lucidien "Luke" Kallister is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Lucidien Kallister, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime.


5th grader Lucidien Kallister - better known as Luke - is the self-proclaimed best Duelist at Goha #7 Elementary School. Though that may sound silly to some, he has the skills to back up his claim. Luke repeatedly challenges a strange stranger for the King of Duelists title, but he seeks Yuga's help when his account is almost deleted. His ace monster is Multistrike Dragon Dragias, a dragon that can attack twice in a single turn. Once again, his ace monster is Multistrike Dragon Dragias, a dragon that can attack twice in a single turn. (We mention it twice because this detail is twice as important.)



Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]


Tag Duel Tournament[]

Skill: Use Every Means to Fell Your Foe!

Duel Rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Luke, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Phoenix Dragon"
SR "Stone Dragon"
SR "Fire Guardian"
R "Lesser Dragon"
R "Sky Dragon"
N "Dragon's Priestess"
N "Blue Medicine"
N "Gust"

Level-up rewards[]

The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Luke reach a certain Level.

Level Reward
2 10 Gems
3 1 copy of "Triad Drago"
4 20 Gems
5 Deck slot (Luke)
6 Hammer Crush Deal (Legendary Skill)
7 1 copy of "Fire Guardian"
8 Deck slot (Luke)
9 50 Gems
10 1 copy of "Phoenix Dragon"
11 1 Skill Ticket
12 Tribute Boost (Archive Skill)
13 1 copy of "Triad Drago"
14 Deck slot (Luke)
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Fire Guardian"
17 60 Gems
18 Dragonic Resonance (Legendary Skill)
19 80 Gems
20 1 copy of "Phoenix Dragon"
21 20 Skill Chips
22 100 Gems
23 1 Skill Ticket
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Fire Dragon's Heatflash"
26 150 Gems
27 Deck slot (Luke)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Fire Dragon's Heatflash"
31 100000 Gold
32 100 Gems
33 150 Gems
34 200 Gems
35 1 copy of "Fire Dragon's Heatflash"


Skill Effect Unlock
Rush On - Dragias [REQUIREMENT] At the beginning of the Duel if you have no Level 6 or higher Effect Monsters in your Deck.
[EFFECT] Add 1 "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and 1 "Dragonic Slayer" to your Deck.
Level 1
Hammer Crush Deal [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel.
[EFFECT] Set 1 "Hammer Crush" from your hand in your Spell & Trap Zone, and draw 1 card.
Level 6
Tribute Boost [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated on turn 4 onward, pay 1000 LP (once per Duel).

[EFFECT] 1 face-up Level 5 or 6 monster on your field gains 500 ATK until the end of this turn. This turn, that monster can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a monster in Attack Position, but you cannot attack directly.

Level 12
Dragonic Resonance This Skill can be used if the only monsters in your Deck are Dragon-Type.
[REQUIREMENT] Can be activated if you have a face-up EARTH Attribute Effect Monster with 1500 or more ATK or 1300 or more DEF on your field.
[EFFECT] This turn, up to 2 face-up monsters with 2300 or less ATK on your field gain 500 ATK, and their Level is increased by 4.
Level 18
Ancient Forces This Skill can be used if the only monsters with 1400 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon-Type.
[EFFECT] 1 face-up Level 6 FIRE or WATER Attribute Dragon-Type Effect Monster on your field gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn. Then, you can send 1 Level 6 WATER or FIRE Attribute Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to your Graveyard.
Lifetime Mission
Blaster's Inferno This Skill can only be used if all of the monsters with 1400 ATK or more in your Deck are Dragon monsters, and the Deck contains at least 1 or less Level 5 or higher non-FIRE Attribute monster.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up Level 6 or higher FIRE Attribute Normal Monster on your field. It gains 600 ATK until the end of the turn. If it was a Level 7 monster, you can add 1 "Fire Dragon's Heatflash" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand (once per Duel).
Lifetime Mission
Curse of the Dark This Skill can be used if the only Level 4 or higher monsters in your Deck are all either Dragon-Type Normal Monsters or "Multistrike Dragon Dragias".
[EFFECT] 1 face-up DARK Attribute Normal Monster on your field that was Summoned this turn gains 500 ATK until the end of this turn. Then, if you have selected "Dragon Knight of Darkness", you can return 1 card from your hand to your Deck. If you do so, it gains 700 ATK as long as it stays face-up.
Dark Giastrike This Skill can be used if all of the monsters with 1300 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon Type monsters, and your Deck contains at most 1 LIGHT Attribute Level 6 or higher monster.
[REQUIREMENT] During a turn you have Normal Summoned "Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias" or "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias".
[EFFECT] Choose 1 DARK Attribute monster with 2500 ATK from your Deck and add it to your hand. Until the end of your next turn, the battle damage inflicted to your opponent by your Level 7 DARK Attribute monsters is halved.
Lifetime Mission
Dragiastar Nova [REQUIREMENT] Can bee activated if all of the monsters in your constructed Deck are Dragon Type monsters and all of the monsters in your constructed Extra Deck are High Dragon Type monsters.
  • Make the ATK of 1 face-up Level 7 LIGHT Attribute monster on your field with 2600 or less ATK become 2700.
  • If the total ATK of the face-up Level 5 or higher monsters on your opponent's field is 1400/2800/4200 or more, add 1/2/3 "The Dragon" and/or "Fusion" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. ("The Dragon" only once per Duel.)
Dragonic Strike Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw on turn 4 onward, if you have no monsters on your field.
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 7 EARTH Attribute Dragon-Type monster with 2300 ATK. You cannot activate this Skill during your next turn.
Dragon's Grace This Skill can be used if the only monsters with 1400 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon-Type.
[REQUIREMENT] Can be activated if you have a face-up "Dragon's Sage" on your field that you have Summoned this turn.
[EFFECT] 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster on your field gains 400 ATK, but it cannot attack directly this turn.
Fullmetal Fist This Skill can only be used if all of the monsters with 1300 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon monsters, and the Deck contains 1 or less non-DARK Attribute Level 6 or higher monster.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up Level 5 or 7 DARK Attribute monster on your field and its original ATK becomes 2600 until the end of this turn. Then, if it was "Metagears the Steelstriking Dragon" that was Summoned this turn, you can add 1 DARK Attribute Level 7 monster from your Graveyard to your hand.
Lifetime Mission
Attack Mode [REQUIREMENT] None
[EFFECT] 1 face-up monster with 0 ATK and 1400 or less DEF on your field gains 1200 ATK and loses 600 DEF.
Blazing Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw on turn 4 onward, if your opponent has a face-up Level 7 or higher monster and you have no monsters on your field (once per Duel).
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 5 or 6 FIRE Attribute non-Legend monster in your Deck.
Gravity Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw on turn 4 onward, if your opponent has a face-up Level 7 or higher monster and you have no monsters on your field (once per Duel).
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 5 or 6 EARTH Attribute non-Legend monster in your Deck.
Drop Lightstar Sign You can only Fusion Summon once per Duel.
[REQUIREMENT] Twice per Duel.
[EFFECT] Reveal 1 LIGHT Attribute Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, and the original ATK of 1 face-up monster on your field whose name is specifically listed as material on that Fusion Monster becomes 1600 until the end of the turn. Then, you can add 1 "Fusion" from outside of your Deck to your hand (once per Duel).
Rocket Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw, if your opponent has a face-up Level 5 or higher monster and you have no monsters on your field (once per Duel).
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a "Thousand Attack Rocket".



Yuga Ohdo
  • When starting a Duel with Yuga Ohdo, Luke announces "As your Future King, I promise I won't let you down, Yuga!" or "Yuga, I gotta defeat you if I want to be the King of Duels!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Luke says "That was an awesome Duel, Yuga!" or "As the creator of Rush Duels you gotta do better than that!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Luke says "You want to be the King of Duels too? That's cool!" followed by "Cuz when you become King, you can share the crown with me!"
Gavin Sogestu
  • When starting a Duel with Gavin Sogetsu, Luke announces "Gavin! If I win, I get to be student council president!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Luke says "Since I won, I'm the new president of Goha 7! Mwahahaha!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Luke says "You must study for hours to come up with these moves..." followed by "If that means you're too busy to be Prez, I'll take the job.!
Romin Kassidy
  • When starting a Duel with Romin Kassidy, Luke announces "Want me to teach ya how to Rush Duel? Hey! Come back!" or "Romin, you're traitoring again you traitorous traitor?!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Luke says "You still got much to learn Romin! But I'm a great teacher!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Luke says "Romin! Since when did you get so good?!"
Yosh Imimi, Good Yosh
    • When he wins the Duel, Luke says "If you wanna be a hero to the max, stay true to yourself!"


  • When Luke Summons "Multistrike Dragon Dragias", he says "Seven stars collide to burst into a supernova!" followed by "You're not ready for this! You're so not ready for this!!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Luke briefly appears, and he announces "Rise into the light! Multistrike Dragon Dragias!" If that player hasn't already summoned "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Dragius! Attack!" followed by "Concussive Electrostatic Shockball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Infinite Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Dragius's effect!" followed by "Double Doom!"
  • When Luke Summons "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F", he says "Twin suns crash into a super giant Nebula!" followed by "Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon!!" and he announces "Break into the light! Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time due to the first effect, he announces "Attack Dragiastar F!" followed by "Concussive Electroball Strike Star!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time due to the first effect, he announces "Surge Slash of Infinite Ruin!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time due to the second effect, he announces "Dragiastar F! Attack!" followed by "Concussive Electrospark Shock Star!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time due to the second effect, he announces "Surge Slash of Infinite Devastation!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "Here's Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F's effect!" followed by "Graviton Charge!"
    • When Luke activates the second effect of that monster, he says "I select and activate Dragiastar F's effect!" followed by "Axion Charge!"
  • When Luke Summons Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias", he says "In this real reality, this illusion is no illusion!" followed by "Make the unreal into the real!" and he announces "Rise up! Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Go Miragias!" followed by "Concussive Darkcharge Burstball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Eternal Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Miragias's effect!" followed by "Training Doom!"
  • When Luke Summons "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias", he says "Soaring to the edgiest edge of the universal universe!" followed by "a wormhole tunnels to the end of the end of the end!" and he announces "Rise to the skies! Steel Strike Dragon Metagias!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Attack Metagias!" followed by "Concussive Powerblast Spikeball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Unending Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Metagias's effect!" followed by "Defending Doom!"
  • When Luke Summons "Ancient Arise Dragon", he says "Here's a Frosty Frostbiter that'll give you frostbite!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Luke's face briefly appears, and he announces "Ancient Arise Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Ancient Arise Dragon!" followed by "Frightening Frostbite Flux!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Ancient Arise Dragon's effect!" followed by "Icy Increase!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragonic Slayer", he says "From inside the nebulas comes a dragon like no other!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Luke's face briefly appears, and he announces "Flare forth, Dragonic Slayer!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Dragonic Slayer!" followed by "Cataclysmic Doom Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Dragonic Slayer destroys one of your Spell or Trap Cards!" followed by "Resonating Roar!"
  • When Luke Summons "Shock Dragon", he says "Say hey to a monster that really knows how to take charge!" and he announces "Shock Dragon! Come on out!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Shock Dragon, attack!" followed by "Furious Fist of Frenetic Force!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Shock Dragon's effect!" followed by "Diabolical Depletion!"
  • When Luke Summons "Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike", he says "Rip open the universe to create my highway to the throne!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Luke briefly appears, and he announces "Break through! Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Bunker Strike!" followed by "Destructive Charging Charger Strike!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Bunker Strike's effect activates!" followed by "Go! Future Mining!"
  • When Luke Summons "Burning Blaze Dragon", he announces "Take to the skies, Burning Blaze Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Torch'em Burning Blaze Dragon!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Burning Blaze Dragon's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Clear Ice Dragon", he announces "Come on out, Clear Ice Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Clear Ice Dragon, freeze'em to their core!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Clear Ice Dragon's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Gravity Press Dragon", a cut-in frame of Luke's face briefly appears, and he announces "Things are about to get heavy! Gravity Press Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Put on the pressure, Gravity Press Dragon!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Gravity Press Dragon's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Phoenix Dragon", he announces "Phoenix Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Phoenix Dragon!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Phoenix Dragon activates it's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sportsdragon Defender", he announces "Sportsdragon Defender!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sportsdragon Defender, attack!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Sportsdragon Defender effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sportsdragon Pitcher", he announces "Sportsdragon Pitcher!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Sportsdragon Pitcher!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Sportsdragon Pitcher activates it's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sportsdragon Slugger, he announces "Sportsdragon Slugger!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sportsdragon Slugger, knock'em out of the park!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Activate your effect, Sportsdragon Slugger!"
  • When Luke Summons "Triad Drago", he announces "Triad Drago!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Triad Drago!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Triad Drago activates it's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Twin-Edge Dragon", he announces "Twin Edge Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Twin Edge Dragon! Attack!"
  • When Luke Summons "Draco the Tiny", he announces "Draco the Tiny!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Draco the Tiny!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragon Bat", he announces "Dragon Bat!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dragon Bat! Attack!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragon Knight of Darkness", a cut-in frame of Luke's face briefly appears, and he announces "From the darkest depths comes a soldier from the shadows!" followed by "Dragon Knight of Darkness!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dragon Knight of Darkness! Attack!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragon's Sage", he announces "Dragon's Sage!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dragon's Sage! Attack!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragorite", he announces "Dragorite!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dragorite! Attack!"
  • When Luke Summons "Fire Guardian", he announces "Fire Guardian!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Fire Guardian attacks!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sylphdra", he announces "Sylphdra!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sylphdra attacks!
  • When Luke Summons "The☆Dragon", he announces "The Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Dragon, attack!
  • When Luke Summons "The☆Star Dragon" , he says "A monster bright as a star, and a star bright as a monster!" and he announces "Shine on! The Star Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Star Dragon attacks!" followed by "The Spinning Star Strike!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate The Star Dragon's effect!" followed by "The Falling Star Slam!"
  • When Luke Summons "The☆Wyvern", he announces "The Wyvern!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Wyvern, Attack!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate The Wyvern's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Treasure Dragon", he announces "Treasure Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Treasure Dragon attacks!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Treasure Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sportsdragon Keeper", he announces "Sportsdragon Keeper!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Sportsdragon Keeper!"
  • When Luke Summons "Strayange Cat", he announces "Let's go, Strayange Cat!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Strayange Cat!" followed by "Feeline Force!"
  • When Luke Summons "Volcano Attack Dragon", he announces "Emerge from the Earth's Molten core! Volcano Attack Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Volcano Attack Dragon, attack!
  • When Luke Summons "Sevens Road Magician", he says "A wall, a mountain, Not even a planet can block my way!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Luke's face briefly appears, and he announces "Nothing'll stop my highway to victory! Sevens Road Magician!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Sevens Road Magician!" followed by "Sevens Magic Attack!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Sevens Road Magician activates his effect!" followed by "Elemental Road!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragonic Pressure", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Dragonic Pressure!"
  • When Luke activates "Fusion", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragon's Return", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Dragon's Return!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragon's Inferno", he announces "I activate Dragon's Inferno to burn your card to a crisp!"
  • When Luke activates "Pierce!", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Pierce!"
  • When Luke activates "Pot of Greed", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Pot of Greed!"
  • When Luke activates "The☆Power-Up", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! The Power-Up!"
  • When Luke activates "The☆Barrier", he announces "I activate my Trap! The☆Barrier!"

Unused Dialogue[]

  • When Luke Summons "Mega Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst", he says "10 Galaxies soar beyond the universe into the atmosphere!" followed by "The dragon of dragons is here! Maximum Summon!" and he announces "Mega Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Mega Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst, attack!" followed by "Concussive Dragostrike Lightball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Unyielding Destruction!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the third time, he announces "Relentless Surge of Devastating Demolition!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "I activate Strike Dragias Burst's effect!" followed by "Triple Terror!"
    • When Luke activates the second effect of that monster, he says "Mega Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst's effect!" followed by "Super Gias Inflation!"
  • When Luke Summons "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord", he says "Break through the atmosphere at supersonic speed!" followed by "Nothing will stop my highway to Triumph! Maximum Summon!" and he announces "Arise! Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Attack Magnum Overlord!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "I activate Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord's effect!" followed by "Severing Divide!"
    • When Luke activates the second effect of that monster, he says "Here's Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord's effect!" followed by "Maximum Cannon Blast!"
  • When Luke Summons "Full Moon Dragon Umbralancer F", he says "Raise the tides of the night! Raise the tides of the night!!" followed by "I say it twice because this monster is twice as bright!" and he announces "Shine in the light! Full Moon Dragon Umbralancer F!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Umbralancer F, attack!" followed by "Umbrell Spear!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Umbralancer F's effect!" followed by "High Dragon Revival!"
  • When Luke Summons "Hazy Strike Dragon Miragias Star F", he says "Explode into the Galaxy unhaze the haze! unhaze the haze!!" followed by "I say it twice to make the physical physical! Fusion Summon!" and he announces "Take flight! Hazy Strike Dragon Miragiastar F!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Miragiastar F, attack!" followed by "Concussive Dark Pulse Burst Star!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I select Miragiastar F's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons Hollow Strike Dragon Zerogaigias", he says "it rises to infinity and dives to negative Infinity!" followed by "But its core remains at zero I Fusion Summon!" and he announces "The High Dragon! Hollow Strike Dragon Zerogaigias!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Attack Zerogaigias!" followed by "Concussive Zerowave Hyperboom!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Entombing Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "I select Hollow Strike Dragon Zerogaigias's effect!" followed by "Zero Full Charge!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "Zerogias's activates its effect!" followed by "Cylic Cyclone!"
  • When Luke Summons "Solid Strike Dragon Metagiastar F", he says "The Starry stars align in the Cosmic Cosmos!" followed by "Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon!!" and he announces "The high dragon! Solid Strike Dragon Metagiastar F!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Metagiastar F attacks!" followed by "Catastrophic Doom Crush Break Ball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Firestorm of Binding Extinction!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "I can choose Solid Strike Dragon Metagiastar F's effect!" followed by "Full up Charge!"
    • When Luke activates the second effect of that monster, he says "I select and activate Metagiastar F's effect!" followed by "Double Defending Doom!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sevens Paladin", he says "This is our Fusion Summon!" followed by "The mystic hero Rises to spread the legend of the sevens!" and he announces "Wield the blade of Destiny! Sevens Paladin!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sevens Paladin, attack!" followed by "Sevens Sword Slash!"
    • When Luke activates the first effect of that monster, he says "Sevens Paladin selects and activates his effect!" followed by "Ultimate Elemental Road!"
    • When Luke activates the second effect of that monster, he says "I can choose which effect Sevens Paladin activates!" followed by "Harvest of Fate!"
  • When Luke Summons "Boost Soul Dragon Gygias", he says "Hearts of the soul, unite and armor up!" and he announces "Boost Soul Dragon Gygias!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Gygias!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Gygias's effect!" followed by "Cylic Module!"
  • When Luke Summons "Insurrection Dragon", he says "The king of dragons rises to lead the rebellion!" and he announces "Insurrection Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Insurrection dragon, attack!" followed by "Blasting Cascade of Chaos!" or "All I need is one chance to smoke ya in this duel!" followed by "Insurrection Dragon! Blasting Cascade of Chaos!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Time to flex your pex Insurrection Dragon!" followed by "Revolution Charge!" or "King of dragons, roar from your sleeping slumber!" followed by "Insurrection Dragon activates it's effect!" followed by "Revolution Charge!"
  • When Luke Summons "Nightbringer Dragon", he says "From chaos emerges the nightmare nightmares are made of!" and he announces "Here it is! Nightbringer Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Finish'em Nightbringer Dragon"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Nightbringer Dragon's effect!" followed by "Midnight Mauling!"
  • When Luke Summons Nullstrike Dragon Zerogias", he says "Let's count down to the core! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and what's after one? Nothing!" followed by "Material lies from the central Nexus of the Galaxy!" and he announces "Nullstrike Dragon Zerogias!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the first time, he announces "Zerogias, attack!" followed by "Concussive Voidslam Zapball!"
    • When Luke declares an attack with that monster for the second time, he announces "Inferno of Nullifying Destruction!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Zerogias's effect!" followed by "Zero Charge!"
  • When Luke Summons "Poet Fairy", he announces "Poet Fairy!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Poet Fairy!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Poet Fairy activates her effect!" followed by "Poetic Cemetry!"
  • When Luke Summons "Righteous Dragon", he announces "Come here, Righteous Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Righteous Dragon!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Righteous Dragon's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sevens Road Enchanter", he announces "Here's the sixth member in the Sevens Road family!" followed by "Sevens Road Enchanter!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sevens Road Enchanter, attack!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Sevens Road Enchanter's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Dragon's Lock Closer", he announces "Here to pitch is Sportsdragon Closer!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sportsdragon Closer! Strike them out!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Sportsdragon Closer activates his effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Sportsdragon Striker", he announces "Sportsdragon Striker!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sportsdragon Striker! Attack!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "Sportsdragon Striker activates it's effect!"
  • When Luke Summons "Stock Buster Dragon", he says "One stock tip can tip the scales!" and he announces "Shock the stocks! Tear up the trade! Stock Buster Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Stock Buster Dragon, put'em out of business!" followed by "Firing Fist of Fire!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Stock Buster Dragon's effect!" followed by "Monster Market Correction!"
  • When Luke Summons "The Fire Dragon", he announces "The Fire Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Fire Dragon, attack!
  • When Luke Summons "Tyhone 2", he announces "Tyhone #2!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Tyhone #2, attack!
  • When Luke Summons "Whispering Fairy", he announces "Whispering Fairy!"
    • Most of the time when Luke declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Whispering Fairy!"
    • When Luke activates the effect of that monster, he says "I activate Whispering Fairy's effect!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragon's Peak, he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Dragon's Peak!"
  • When Luke activates "Hypernova", he announces "I play a spell that's really out of this world! Hypernova!"
  • When Luke activates "Mountain", he announces "I activate the Field Spell! Mountain!"
  • When Luke activates "7 Chance", he announces "I activate my Trap! 7 Chance!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragon Encounter", he announces "I activate my Trap Card! Dragon Encounter!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragon's Fortitude", he announces "I activate my Trap! Dragon's Fortitude!"
  • When Luke activates "Dragonic Disorder", he announces "I activate my Trap! Dragonic Disorder!"


  • Through leaked dialogue, it is teased that Tiadosia Kallister will make a appearance in Duel Links:
    • When starting the duel Luke says: "Let's go Tiadosia! You don't scare me! Ah maybe a little..."
      • When he wins against Tiadosia, Luke says: "See that sis? I can handle my own!"
      • When he loses against Tiadosia, Luke says: "S-stay back terror tiger!"
  • Interestingly, Luke has lines for summoning methods that aren't available in Rush Duels:
    • When Ritual summoning a monster he says: "I Ritual Summon a monster. Ritual summon!"
    • When Synchro summoning a monster he says: "I Synchro summon a monster. Synchro summon!"
    • When Xyz summoning a monster he says: "I Xyz summon a monster. Xyz summon!"
    • When Pendulum summoning he says: "I pendulum summon a monster. Pendulum summon!"
    • When Link summoning he says: "I link summon a monster. Link summon!"