Labyrinth of Nightmare is a Japanese set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG). In is the sixth Booster Pack in the OCG Series 2.
In other languages, the set Labyrinth of Nightmare is a combination of this set and Spell of Mask.
Labyrinth of Nightmare includes Yami Bakura's occult cards from Battle City", such as "Dark Necrofear" and "Destiny Board". It also contains the Attribute Spirits and an Ultimate Rare reprint of "Dark Magician".
Highly sought after cards include "Jowgen the Spiritualist" and "The Last Warrior from Another Planet".
Each pack contains 5 cards and each box contains 30 packs. The set contains 52 cards or 56 in the Master Set. This is comprised of:
- 2 Ultimate Rare
- 2 Ultra Parallel Rare
- 3 Ultra Rare
- 4 Super Rare
- 6 Rare
- 39 Common