Kenneth Drayden, known as Kengo Dojun (

Full body view of Kenneth.

Shepherd in his VR form.
Kenneth is a man with pink hair and purple accents, white shirt with purple accents, brown belt, white pants and brown with green gloves. Kenneth lost his right arm so he has a silver prosthetic replacing it. The right half of his face is also partially scarred following the car accident. When in public, Kenneth covers his face with sunglasses and a maroon scarf.
While in LINK VRAINS as The Shepherd, he wears purple with green hat, red and blue mask with pink eyes, purple cape, black coat, blue shirt with green accents, black pants and boots with red sole and yellow star behind the boots. He wears a black glove on his left hand, and his prosthetic arm has attributes of a six-shooter gun.
Kenneth was once a driven but benevolent and positive man who prioritized his mother's happiness above all else until the night an AI malfunctioned and derailed his entire life. Even before this incident, Kenneth had a shred of darkness in his heart due to his resentment of his father abandoning him and his mother.
Since then, he has become a cold-hearted man. One of few words, he prefers to handle things as quickly as possible. His previous drive is still as apparent as ever, but now made him a very dangerous and persistent man which earned him quite an infamy, as he has been known to never let any of his prey evade him, and pursues them with relentless tenacity, and ruthless fervency. He is fairly materialistic and doesn't concern himself with anything that doesn't yield him any personal reward. He openly believes that personal feelings are irrelevant when compared to one's mission, as he chastised Emma for not going after Playmaker, believing that view made him a true professional.
He is extremely amoral in his methods, noted to use any and all means available to successfully complete his mission. He shows no loyalty to others as he is willing to use any "teammate" he is working with as bait or as a tool to get himself any advantage if possible, even if means endangering them greatly. He is, however, not above saving them if it proves too dangerous, after they served their purpose. He is very dishonest and manipulative, constantly using lies and traps to deceive his enemies.
One of his most noticeable traits is his loathing for over-dependence on AIs, stemming largely from the accident that ruined his life. Ultimately, he only sees them as a tool for humans to exploit and otherwise disposable. Kenneth projects his intense hatred towards AIs into the Ignis, which he became obsessed with destroying.
Despite his ruthlessness, Kenneth displays a soft side for his younger half-sister, Emma, as seen when he saved her during the bounty hunter mission, when he decided not to erase her LINK VRAINS account after defeating her, and when he advises her not to get involved in the Ignis war for her own safety. He also showed a bit of sympathy towards his late father by bringing flowers for his grave. After being defeated by Lightning, Kenneth reveals that he fought the Ignis to help protect Emma, showing how much he loves and cares for his sister.
As noted by Varis, Kenneth displays a strong pride in being a bounty hunter and acting on his own, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. Varis described Kenneth as "a lone wolf" because of this.
As of Season 3, Kenneth retains much of his original personality but is now willing to work alongside others, joining Playmaker's allies and the Knights of Hanoi in the fight against Ai.
Kenneth is a professional hacker well known in the military for interrogating Artificial Intelligence using his prosthetic right arm. This is seen when he modified his support AI to lie and when he lured Playmaker and Soulburner into a trap by creating a gate that sucked in the later. Kenneth is also skilled enough to decode an Ignis program, contrary to Varis's claim that only he, his father, and the Ignis themselves can do so.
In LINK VRAINS, The Shepherd has the ability to shoot energy blasts from his prosthetic right arm. These energy blasts have the power to delete AI, and even erase an account.
His given name contains the characters for "strong" (健) and the board game "go" (碁). His surname, "道順" can be translated as "route", "directions", or "itinerary".

Kenneth's father leaving them
Years ago, Kenneth grew up without his father in his life, to whom had separated from his mother and build a successful and wealthy career.[1]

Kenneth seeing the new happy family of his father
As an adult, Kenneth moved next door and saw his father again, with a new family included his new half-sister Emma, which only made him more resentful of his father.[1]

Kenneth Drayden before the accident.
Celebrating his mother's birthday, Kenneth took her out to dinner. She asked if he would reconsider graduating from college, but Kenneth claimed with his father absent, he was glad she permitted him a high school graduation. In fact, Kenneth wanted to work to make his mother happy. They went into a car, controlled by an AI. The two were amazed by this technology, and Kenneth thought of attending his mother's birthday in another restaurant. Suddenly, the two saw an accident on a road. As Kenneth pleaded to stop, the AI malfunctioned and the car crashed. Kenneth and his mother were wounded, but her injuries were so severe, and both were taken to a hospital. Kenneth's right arm was broken, but he became distraught to learn his mother suffered extreme damage to her spinal cord, rendering her permanently paralyzed. Months after recuperating, Kenneth had his right arm replaced with a prosthetic and ended up working in the military, becoming well-known in interrogating Artificial Intellgence.[2]

Kenneth's scar after the accident.
Three years ago, Emma was in a team with Shepherd and Akira Zaizen. Together, they rode in a cyberspace to track down a hacker, who promised to hurt them with a program. Akira and Ghost Gal pondered what to do, but Shepherd gave the hacker three turns before surrendering. The hacker thought he was bluffing, but Shepherd snapped his fingers. On the third turn, Ghost Gal and Akira charged, only to see Shepherd continued hiding, for he intended them to be decoys. The hacker emitted a net to capture Ghost Gal and Akira, and just as he went to attack, Shepherd started shooting at him. The hacker was defeated, but the program to hurt them started falling to Ghost Gal. Shepherd pushed Emma out of the way and shot the program, which exploded. Akira and Ghost Gal were fine, but were angry at Shepherd for being used a decoys. Shepherd simply stated his mission was over, and logged out. While Akira was furious, Ghost Gal realized Shepherd knew her real name, Emma.[3]
Season 2[]

Ghost Gal meets her acquaintance, the Shepherd.
Shepherd was in LINK VRAINS. Two avatars were trying to get rid of the people at a cafe, and attacked Shepherd. In return, the latter grasped one of the avatars, causing it to vanish. Ghost Gal met up with Shepherd, and the former noted he took the call of SOL Technologies for a bounty hunter, which she declined, believing she owed Playmaker her life. Shepherd called her weak for turning down the offer. She replied she didn't base her choices solely on money, to which Shepherd believed it is what made him a pro. Regardless, he proclaimed that she stayed away from him, else she would be his enemy, too. Eventually, she noticed Playmaker came to LINK VRAINS, but wondered why would he log in. When Playmaker logged in LINK VRAINS, he was confronted by Shepherd, for he had a bounty on his head. Playmaker replied he didn't have Ignis by his side, but was pointed by his Duel Disk, for Ai returned to him with "Linkuriboh". To get rid of Shepherd, Ai summoned a Data Storm, causing Shepherd to log out, due to the danger present.[4]

Shepherd attempts to capture Playmaker.
Gore was surprised to see the guy wrapped-up, as Shepherd didn't want to show his face to those that did reveal in LINK VRAINS. Gore ignored that, claiming he would be the one to defeat Playmaker, since the latter was always one step ahead of him. Shepherd ignored Gore, but reminded not to be ordered around, since he did his things at his own pace. Akira showed a footage of Bohman, the orange figure, since Shepherd believed it would help them track Playmaker down. Gore was alarmed at the figure, while Shepherd noticed the figure did not log out yet. Regardless, Akira exclaimed the figure went beyond the restricted area of LINK VRAINS.[5] Ai and Playmaker descended down to find the gate to the restricted area. However, they started to feel spooky, fearing something was to happen soon. The two were attacked by Shepherd, who came to collect his bounty.[6]
Shepherd started shooting, so Ai tried to lose him by releasing a Data Storm. However, Shepherd resisted it and continued shooting. Playmaker reminded he was just threatening them, and could only win Ai through a Duel. Shepherd made them choose to either battle or surrender. Playmaker and Ai pondered thoughts, but Shepherd shot at the second turn. Playmaker realized he wanted them to think they had three turns to lower their guard, and would do anything to win. Since neither side would give up, they started a Duel. Shepherd summoned "Drone Pawn" and set a card. Ai commented he must be up to something when facing Playmaker, who shushed Ai. Ai thought Shepherd was bluffing and was just bad at Dueling, but Playmaker asked of it not to interfere. Shepherd was reminded of Playmaker's latest monster he had obtained, and claimed he shouldn't have played his monster. Ai boasted Shepherd would lose soon, but even Shepherd silenced it. Playmaker took a turn into a corridor, and summoned "Clock Wyvern", who summoned a "Clock Token", and brought out "Backup Secretary".[3]
He Link Summoned "Elphase", but remained silent for a moment, for Shepherd's AI told him he could not activate his set card. Ai claimed they should finish off the bounty hunter in no time, so Playmaker used "Elphase" and "Clock Token" to bring out "Shootingcode Talker", and using "Elphase", Playmaker revived "Clock Wyvern". Shepherd's AI explained his owner would lose in the next attack, and Ai confirmed this. Shepherd, however, claimed he succeeded in fooling them; by playing "Capture Drone", Playmaker's "Shootingcode Talker" was unable to attack. Ai confronted Shepherd that his AI stated he could not activate the set card. He simply replied nobody stated AI gave out correct information, which made Ai realize Shepherd modified his AI to lie. Instead, the latter replied one should never trust an AI, which riled up Ai. Playmaker noted Shepherd has analyzed his Deck, so he set a card. Shepherd, however, Link Summoned "Battledrone Sergeant", but Ai pointed out he could not win with an 800 ATK monster. Shepherd called him dumb for pointing out such obvious info, and used "Capture Drone" to summon three "Drone Tokens". After silencing his AI, Shepherd used his tokens to Link Summon "Battledrone General".[3]
Shepherd proceeded with his tactics, equipping "Battledrone General" with "Drone Launcher Unit". Ai thought the enemy was a fan of weaponry; Shepherd simply stated a soldier receives power from the equipment they have been given from their superiors. Shepherd went to inflict 700 LP damage through his drone's effect, one for each Link Marker on the field. Ai tried to fool Shepherd into six Link Markers, but failed. With the ATK of "Battledrone Pawn" lowered by 1000, it attacked Playmaker directly, and tributed it through the effect of "Battledrone General" to inflict 600 more LP damage. He made the same move with "Battledrone Sergeant", lowering Playmaker's LP to 500. To reverse the damage, Playmaker played "Cure Conversion", tributing "Clock Wyvern" to stop Shepherd's attack and heal himself by the ATK of the monster he drew: "Cyberse Wizard", who had 1800 ATK. Ai taunted Shepherd for missing the target, but the latter replied so did they, for they were unable to activate the Skill. Shepherd, however, counted two turns before Playmaker met his doom.[2]
Playmaker played "Cyberse Bridge" to clear his Extra Monster Zone by moving "Shootingcode Talker" away. Using his revived "Clock Wyvern" and "Clock Token", Playmaker played his Ritual-style tactics by summoning "Cyberse Witch", and using it to take "Cyberse Magician" and "Cynet Ritual", with the latter Ritual Summoning the former. Though "Capture Drone" prevented Link Monsters from attacking, "Cyberse Magician" was unaffected, and Playmaker banished "Trash Hacker" to double that damage. In return, Shepherd tributed "Battledrone General" to use "Demolition Drone" and halve the damage. Ai nevertheless questioned if it was worth to reduce the damage by tributing that general. As the two went deeper into the system, Shepherd promised to end them. Using "Capture Drone", Shepherd summoned "Drone Tokens", using them to summon another "Battledrone Sergeant" and a "Medicdrone Dock". Using "Assemble Drone", Shepherd Special Summoned "Battledrone General" back, and had it revive his "Drone Pawn". Playmaker commented that despite the general unable to attack, it could permit other monsters to attack directly.[2]
Applying his tactics, Shepherd attacked with "Drone Pawn" and "Battledrone Sergeant" to inflict damage to Playmaker, whose "Cyberse Magician" halved any damage. Shepherd intended to finish Playmaker, by using his Skill: Drone Force, which reduced the ATK of "Cyberse Magician" by 1000 and "Battledrone General" gained that ATK. With "Drone Pawn" gone, the general attacked "Cyberse Magician", leaving Playmaker with 200 LP left. "Medicdrone Dock" attacked "Cyberse Witch", but Playmaker used "Excess Lesser Linker" to even their ATK, causing both sides to be destroyed. Shepherd commended Playmaker, since he evaded the loss, even after he made the count. To prevent Playmaker's Skill Access, the destruction of "Medicdrone Dock" increased both sides' LP by 1000. Ai claimed there was no need for that "gift". Shepherd nevertheless urged Playmaker to hand over Ignis, but Ai claimed Playmaker and he had strong bonds. This made Shepherd surprised, and made him think of his past. Shepherd shouted at Playmaker that humans should control AI, which surprised Ai.[2]
To turn the situation around, Playmaker paid 600 LP to banish "Shootingcode Talker", thus destroying "Capture Drone". To protect his drones, Shepherd played "Drone Cordon", disabling Playmaker from attacking with Link Monsters. Regardless, Ai called upon a Data Storm, pemitting Playmaker to use Skill Access. Banishing his Ritual cards, Playmaker summoned two "Cynet Tokens", using them to Link Summon the monster he just obtained, "Clock Spartoi". Removing "Dimension Link", Playmaker Special Summoned "Shootingcode Talker" from banishment, and increasing its ATK to 2900. Shepherd reminded Link Monsters could not attack, but Playmaker went on by reviving "Clock Wyvern". Thus, using three monsters as Fusion Materials, Playmaker activated "Cynet Fusion" to Fusion Summon the Fusion Monster "Cyberse Clock Dragon". Shepherd groaned, as Playmaker sent five monsters, equal to the sum of Link Markers of the Fusion Materials ("Clock Spartoi" having 2 and "Shootingcode Talker" having 3), and increasing the dragon's ATK equal to that number times 1000. Firing a 7500 ATK blast, "Cyberse Clock Dragon" destroyed "Battledrone General" and defeated Shepherd. Shepherd questioned himself to losing against an opponent with an AI ally, while Playmaker lamented his count turn was wasted.[2]
Reading news about Kyoko Taki's prison escape, Yusaku realized Varis and the Knights of Hanoi were regrouping and were to join his list of enemies, besides Shepherd.[7]
Akira informed Gore and Shepherd of the gate in the restricted area, through which Playmaker and Soulburner had gone to. Gore questioned why Akira didn't inform them of this earlier, but was reminded they were only hired to capture Playmaker and his Ignis. Akira noted unless the gate was reopened, Playmaker had no reason to return to LINK VRAINS, while his team were investigating the chances of reopening the gate. Shepherd asked about Soulburner, whom Akira had no information of, save for having an Ignis and being a Lost Incident victim. Akira simply asked of them to be ready to capture Playmaker. Shepherd turned around, deciding to take the matter into his own hands, regardless of Akira's demands. Shepherd jumped and logged out, making Gore question if it was wise to trust him. In the real world, Kenneth started analyzing data, and set a trap in LINK VRAINS, in form of a gate. His efforts managed to trap Soulburner and Flame.[8] Despite not the target he wished to capture, Shepherd was nevertheless pleased, since Soulburner had an Ignis, too. Bubbles appeared to show some of Soulburner's memories.[9] Flame appeared to Soulburner, seeing that Shepherd was destroying the bubbles containing Soulburner's memories. Flame tried to wake Soulburner up, while Shepherd had found Soulburner's weakness: "Despair from the Dark". Flame managed to wake Soulburner up, and told him that Shepherd had trapped him and spied on his memories.[10]
A cave filled with lava was formed before Shepherd confronted Soulburner. Soulburner was not pleased that Shepherd peeked inside his memories, who shot Emma Bessho's surveillance, in form of a data ladybug, down. The two then commenced a Master Duel. Shepherd summoned a "Duplicate Drone"; Soulburner was displeased that Shepherd had his AI explain the card effects, but Flame reminded him to concentrate on his turn. Soulburner proceeded to use "Salamangreat Meer" and "Salamangreat Wolvie" to Link Summon the Link-2 "Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf", then used the latter with "Salamangreat Mole" to summon his ace monster, "Salamangreat Heatleo". Its effect returned Shepherd's "Mirror Coat Unit" to his hand, but its effect let him add a "Duplicate Drone" to his hand. Soulburner was in shock, since the AI didn't mention that effect, but Shepherd simply claimed he didn't let the AI speak. Flame alerted Soulburner of this, for Shepherd did something like that during his Duel with Playmaker. Due to this, Shepherd called Soulburner a fool to trust an AI, for it was a tool that should only serve humans, and showed his right arm as reference.[10]
Since his field was wide open, Shepherd activated "Drone Barricade" to protect himself from direct attacks. Soulburner, using "Salamangreat Sanctuary", summoned a new "Salamangreat Heatleo" to remove the barricade. Much to his dismay, Shepherd countered that by setting a new "Drone Barricade" from his Deck and activate it. Flame noticed that Shepherd did study Soulburner's Deck. Soulburner ended his turn, while Shepherd started his own. The latter declared Soulburner would lose in this turn, to himself. Soulburner questioned the meaning of those words, as Shepherd uses the effect of "3D Bio Scanner" to Special Summon "Despair from the Dark" from his deck. Soulburner suddenly became paralyzed with fear, remembering his trauma from the Hanoi Project. Taking advantage of the situation, Shepherd uses the effect of three of his copies of "Duplicate Drone", to move "Despair from the Dark" to the Spell & Trap Zone. The drones camouflaged themselves as "Despair from the Dark", which overwhelmed Soulburner with fear. Flame called out Shepherd for using that fear to his advantage, but Shepherd simply replied that he'd use everything to win, especially against someone who had an AI as a partner. He proclaimed he'd bury Soulburner in dark despair.[10]
The first "fake" "Despair from the Dark" destroyed Soulburner's "Salamangreat Heatleo". The second one attacked Soulburner directly, who recalled his painful memories during the Lost Incident. To protect himself from the attack of the third monster, Soulburner Special Summoned "Salamangreat Parro", and had its ATK become that of "Salamangreat Heatleo", 2300. Soulburner barely survived the attacks, but Shepherd knew of his weaknesses, proclaiming he won't last the next turn. In fact, due to the incident having happened when Soulburner was a child, Shepherd knew that he still struggled against the trauma. Snapping his fingers, he demanded the Ignis from him, and set a card. Flame, however, asked of Soulburner to calm down. Shepherd still offered a chance to Soulburner to surrender and give Ignis up. Soulburner refused, and played "Rising Fire" to revive "Salamangreat Heatleo". He performed a third Reincarnation Link Summon of "Salamangreat Heatleo". Shepherd doubted in Soulburner's actions, claiming they were pointless. Soulburner countered his point, for "Rising Fire" banished all of Shepherd's monsters, and he took 2800 LP damage.[11]

"Salamangreat Heatleo" disappears, cancelling the attack on Shepherd.
Shepherd was surprised at these actions, since Soulburner should've been terrorized with fear. Flame and Soulburner played dumb, as Shepherd realized he was fooled. Flame reminded Shepherd that he did say one should not trust an AI. Flame also added that Soulburner also controlled himself to reveal a part of his memories. Soulburner thanked Flame for helping him with that, and belittled Shepherd for failing to see his weakness. "Salamangreat Heatleo" returned "Drone Barricade", but this allowed Shepherd to set a new barricade from his Deck. With "Salamangreat Foxer", Takeru returned a "Salamangreat Heatleo" and destroyed Shepherd's barricade. Despite Shepherd's set card, Soulburner declared he would make a new step with Flame by his side, which disgusted Shepherd. Shepherd went to play his set card, but Kolter's executed program disrupted the Duel, shattering the place. He watched as Playmaker and Soulburner logged out of LINK VRAINS. When Ghost Gal logged in, Shepherd confronted her. He was angry at her interference, despite her claim that he would've lost. Shepherd branded her an enemy, and charged his hand to launch a blast at her.[11]
Per Akira's order, Shepherd, Yoroizaka and Kenomchi were sent to Windy's temple, to find the Ignis. The trio went after Lightning, who summoned dozens of Bit and Boot programs to fight them. To fight the AI, Shepherd rapidly shot all of them.[12] Shepherd continued deleting the AI.[13]

Shepherd trapped by Ghost Girl.
Kenneth visited his mother in the hospital, and thought of the incident that scarred her and him for life. He swore to protect humanity from being conquered by AI. Later, Shepherd attacked Aqua, who was mourning Earth. Aqua told him if he wanted to capture her, he would have to defeat her in a Duel. However, Shepherd intended on destroying her. Aqua teleported into LINK VRAINS, but Blood Shepherd analyzed the Ignis algorithm to track her down, and fired more shots to hit her. Just as he fired, Blue Girl showed up and rescued her. Shepherd attacked Blue Girl and chased her, but ended up facing Ghost Gal, who noted how much time had passed since they had seen each other. Ghost Gal refused to have Shepherd obtain the WATER Ignis, and used a program to teleport Shepherd in a place where he could not track the Ignis down. Furious, Shepherd shot the doors of the place. As he tried to search for his target, Ghost Gal went to confront him. Shepherd was annoyed that she continued foiling his plans, and wondered why would she side with an Ignis. Ghost Gal simply replied that it was an exception of her to be in the women's company. Shepherd went as far to challenge Ghost Gal in a special Duel - the ante was to have the opponent's avatar deleted, thus making them unable to log into LINK VRAINS forever. Ghost Gal accepted, and wished Blue Girl to keep Aqua safe, while she confronted her brother, Shepherd, in the Speed Duel.[14]
By summoning a "Drone Corporal" and setting a card, Shepherd ended his first turn. Ghost Gal added that she found out about Shepherd's identity, as Kenneth Drayden - her half-brother. She also knew about the car incident, but commented it was no reason to hate the Ignis. Shepherd silenced her, envious that she had a good childhood. He exclaimed his father abandoned him and his mother, and later found out to have started a new family, with his new daughter, Emma Bessho. Ghost Gal tried to reason with Shepherd, who fired a shot and wanted the Duel to continue. Ghost Gal used "Infinite Impermanence" to negate the effects of "Drone Corporal", whose effect triggered to negate Ghost Gal's card. Though this backfired, Ghost Gal summoned "Altergeist Multifaker" by its effect. Preparing her field with "Meluseek" and "Marionetter", and the latter set "Altergeist Haunted Rock" to Ghost Gal's field, who activated that card by sending an "Altergeist" card from her hand to the GY. Using "Meluseek" and "Multifaker", Ghost Gal Link Summoned "Altergeist Hexstia". Next, Ghost Gal sent "Altergeist Haunted Rock" to her GY to have "Hexstia" Special Summon the monster she recently sent, the Tuner monster "Altergeist Fifinellag".[1]
Using the latter and "Marionetter" as materials, Ghost Gal Synchro Summoned "Altergeist Dragvirion". Shepherd attempted to counter her tactics by using "Capture Drone" to prevent "Altergeist Hexstia" from attacking, who tributed "Dragvirion" to negate Shepherd's Trap. Shepherd commented tributing her Synchro Monster was a big price to pay just to negate his card. Ghost Gal reminded her turn was not yet over, and revived "Dragvirion" by its effect, and "Hexstia" gained 2200 ATK. Belittling Shepherd for wasting his Trap, Emma had "Altergeist Dragvirion" destroy "Drone Corporal", and inflicted 600 LP damage to Shepherd. Confident in her victory, Ghost Gal had "Hexstia" attack Shepherd, who sent "Drone Asteroid" from his hand to the GY to negate that attack, and gained two "Drone Tokens". Ghost Gal felt that Shepherd could've easily countered her attack, and ended her turn. Shepherd exclaimed he would win the next turn, and snapped his fingers. Shepherd summoned "Drone Carrier", and used it and his tokens to Link Summon "Battledrone General".[1]
Its effect revived "Drone Carrier", who Special Summoned "Drone Corporal" from his GY. He had his general target "Drone Carrier", who could attack directly, and even attempt to inflict damage by its ATK, if tributed afterwards. He had "Drone Corporal" attack Ghost Gal directly by its effect, and "Battledrone General" could also tribute it to inflict damage to Ghost Gal. She played "Altergeist Kunquery" to stop the attack, and negate the effects of "Battledrone General". Shepherd exclaimed he didn't actually want to attack Ghost Gal directly; using "Drone Force Tuning", he used two of his monsters for Synchro Summon. Ghost Gal used "Hexstia" to tribute "Dragvirion" to negate that effect, but Shepherd stated his Spell's effects could not be negated. Despite this, Ghost Gal revived "Dragvirion" and boosted the ATK of "Hexstia" back to 3700. Shepherd proceeded with the Synchro Summon of "Commandrone Double Sniper". "Battledrone General" attacked "Altergeist Dragvirion", but Ghost Gal had it return "Altergeist Kunquery" to negate that attack. Shepherd thanked Ghost Gal for this move, as his Synchro Monster received a Drone Counter. Using his "Drone Force" Skill, Shepherd reduced the ATK of "Dragvirion" by 1000 and boosted the ATK of "General" by that difference.[1]
Ghost Gal used "Altergeist Kunquery" to negate the attack of "Commandrone Double Sniper", who gained another counter. This let Shepherd negate the effects of "Kunquery", destroy it and inflict 1000 LP damage to Ghost Gal. "Commandrone Double Sniper" attacked, inflicting 1000 damage to Ghost Gal. With the final move, Shepherd tributed his Synchro Monster and dealt 2000 damage to Ghost Gal, thus making her lose the Duel. Ghost Gal fell to the floor, unable to protect Aqua and Skye and crying that she'd lose her avatar. Just as Shepherd proceeded to erase Ghost Gal's account, she stated that their father died last year, and he wanted of Emma to help her half-brother in need. In response, Shepherd turned around and logged out.[1] Kenneth watched a video of Gore Dueling the EARTH Ignis, and wondered why did he chase the Ignis. Since Gore stated that he had an AI chip installed into his brain, Kenneth called him foolish. However, he wondered why SOL Technologies was after the Ignis. To learn more, he accessed the databank of the company, and was in shock to learn their intentions.[15]
Kenneth went in a car to SOL Technologies, being observed by Specter and Ryoken, and went to Akira, despite Hayami's protests that he didn't have an appointment. Akira dismissed her, and faced Kenneth Drayden, who asked him about their intention involving the Ignis. Kenneth gave Akira a device, showing data about SOL Technologies goal: using the Ignis to build a greater AI. Akira heard about this, but didn't believe it to be possible. Kenneth stated he was misled, for he didn't apply for the job to have a new Ignis created. On the question whether he should follow this goal, Akira replied that he didn't have enough power in the company to affect this decision. Kenneth called him lame and walked away, stating he needed time to think. Akira decided to stay in the company, but understood if Kenneth wanted to quit his job. Kenneth went home, and swore to destroy the other Ignis. He logged into LINK VRAINS, and thought of Ghost Gal's words that his father wanted her to take care of his son.[15]
He stopped, as he noted the presence of a Knight of Hanoi: Varis. Varis knew that Shepherd was disheartened after losing his father. Shepherd was alerted that he knew his identity, but Varis sensed revenge within Shepherd, even after his father's death. Shepherd cut the talk, since he still hunted after AI for hurting his mother. Varis noted that, and believed that to be important, hence why they want him into their ranks. Kenneth was surprised after Varis told him that some of the Ignis declared war on humanity; he believed this to be a good opportunity to destroy them. Shepherd saw that Varis invited him to join the Knights of Hanoi, but he hesitated a bit. Varis told if Shepherd became disobedient, he'd personally ensure that Shepherd followed his tasks. Shepherd became amused by his confidence, but reminded he could also erase him. Shepherd made his countdown, but Varis appeared behind him, admitting he chose Shepherd for his ruthlessness.[15]
Shepherd grew more intrigued to test Varis' power: the two started a Duel. However, when Varis ended his turn with a set card, Shepherd thought he was mocking him. Thus, Shepherd proceeded on with offense by Link Summoning "Battledrone General", which revived its Link Material, "Battledrone Warrant". Varis suffered the latter's attack, and "Battledrone General" inflicted additional 1200 LP damage by tributing the attacking monster. Shepherd claimed Varis would regret underestimating him, as "Battledrone General" proceeded to attack, though Varis made him doubt if he'd allow such an attack to defeat him. Varis Special Summoned "Checksum Dragon" to protect himself, leaving his LP at 800. Shepherd played "Blitz Drone", and used it to tribute the revived "Battledrone Warrant" to inflict 1200 LP damage. Varis reminded he would not be so easy to defeat, as his "Imperial Order" negated his Spell's effect. Instead, Varis warned Shepherd about Link Spells that the Ignis use. Shepherd became alarmed at this, but Varis reminded like a Spell Card, it could easily be prevented.[15]
Shepherd asked why was Varis warning him about this. He was told, since he disliked AI, he would be an attack target for the Ignis. Thus, Varis asked Shepherd to join him, to prevent that demise. Shepherd refused, since he didn't want anyone to order him around. Varis became disappointed with his pride, and took his turn. Due to "Imperial Order", he paid 700 LP to keep it. Varis summoned "Gateway Dragon" and "DMZ Dragon", and used them, as well as "Cheksum Dragon", to Link Summon "Topologic Trisbaena". Shepherd's "Capture Drone" tried to limit Varis by negating his Link Monster's effects, and make it unable to attack. Varis smirked, as he played "Vulnerability Dragon" to destroy the Link Monster he just summoned. Shepherd was shocked, but Varis made this move to allow his Link Monsters to attack, since "Capture Drone" was destroyed by its own effect. Next, Varis summoned "Rokket Synchron", which revived "Checksum Dragon". Summing his dragons to Level 8, Varis Synchro Summoned "Borreload Savage Dragon". The latter, with its own effect, equipped "Topologic Trisbena", its ATK raised to 4250. Varis' Synchro dragon attacked "Battledrone General", inflicting 1950 LP damage to Shepherd. By banishing "DMZ Dragon", Varis made his Synchro dragon attack once more, this time defeating Shepherd.[15]
Shepherd, kneeling, noted this was the power of Hanoi. Varis reminded he could not stop Link Spells. Shepherd replied that he didn't need any advice, and swore to pay Varis back someday, who noted he was not the type of guy that would leave his debts behind. Shepherd logged out, but Varis remarked his individualism.[15] He visited his father's grave, and left some flowers, despite having hated his father for abandoning him. Emma visited her father's grave, too, and noted her brother's presence. She thought that Kenneth came to forgive his father, but he denied. Emma took note of that, and, due to the rising danger in LINK VRAINS, asked of him to join their cause. Kenneth was aware the danger was about the start of the Ignis' war, and refused to join, since he worked alone. However, he advised his sister to stay out of this, as the opponent he would face was too dangerous. He went into LINK VRAINS, shooting a beam to scan the network, as he claimed Ignis' hiding was a pointless move. Lightning saw what he was doing, and opened a portal, daring Shepherd to venture inside and challenge him. Shepherd complied, and went through. He encountered Lightning reading a data book, who asked him what he saw beyond despair.[16]
Lightning introduced himself, whom Shepherd thought to be the one that declared war on humanity. Lightning confirmed, whom Shepherd called a fool, since they could not conquer humans, since they were not perfect beings. Lightning doubted that, thinking humans were the ones behind the programs, for they had a limited life-span. Shepherd cut the talk, and Lightning noted that Shepherd was stuck in his ways, and talking to him was pointless. He did only state that it was malicious to think that humans were atop the world of animal species. Shepherd demanded a fight, which Lightning promised to give him, but he'd have to bet his life, too; the loser would have to surrender the winner's data, and be turned into a form like Jin Kusanagi. Declaring his pride as a bounty hunter, Shepherd accepted the terms, which amused Lightning. Suddenly, Playmaker and his group came through the portal, and wondered why the two sides started a Duel.[16]
Lightning admitted he would've invited the group, too, just as he did Shepherd, since they could watch this Duel. Ai was furious at Lightning, who admitted he wanted to defeat his enemies, to reduce the number of anyone that wanted to destroy him. He boldly stated he wanted to start off with the weakest enemies, which enraged Shepherd. The latter proceeded to summon "Drone XL", which he used to consecutively summon "Battledrone Sergeant", "Warrant" and "General". Lightning smirked, as Shepherd already summoned his ace. Lightning used "Armatos Colosseum", turning his castle into an arena. He summoned "Armatos Legio Seeker", using it as Link Material for "Armatos Legio Centurion". Its effect allowed Lightning to send "Armatos Legio Gradius" to revive the former's Link Material. Sending another monster to his GY, Lightning summoned "Armatos Legio Speculata". Using "Gradius" and "Speculata", Lightning summoned "Armatos Legio Centurion". Lightning repeated his combo: sending "Scutum", he revived his materials, and used one of them to summon another "Armatos Legio Decurion". Continuing on, Lightning used "Judgement Arrows", a card that Shepherd was warned by Varis. Lightning continued on with summoning another centurion.[16]
Lightning went to attack, but Shepherd's Trap, "Snatch Drone", negated and destroyed "Judgement Arrows". While the latter's destruction would destroy Lightning's centurions, he sent his decurion to protect two of his monsters. Shepherd, however, suffered from the attack of "Armatos Legio Centurion", which destroyed his "Battledrone General". Regardless, Shepherd stated it was time for Lightning to abandon his hope.[16] Shepherd went on offense by summoning another "Drone Pawn" and have it attack directly, through "Battledrone General". Jin and Lightning suffered more damage, as "Drone Pawn" was tributed by the effect of "General". The same tactic was applied to "Battledrone Sergeant", and Lightning's LP was reduced to 1200. Lightning noted his persistence, as "Battledrone General" went to attack. This time, Lightning's centurion negated that attack. To finish his turn, Shepherd played "Drone Unity" to have all his drones gain the ATK of each other, though Lightning pointed out the only monster he had was "Battledrone General". Shepherd simply revived "Battledrone Warrant", guaranteeing himself monsters of 3600 ATK.[17]
Lightning went to prepare himself with "Armatos Lex", placing "Judgement Arrows" back into his Deck and taking back his "Armatos Legio Gradius". He sent back the latter to his GY to summon two "Armatos Legio" monsters from his GY, then used "Armatos Legio Speculata" and "Centurion" to Link Summon "Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis". Lightning's "Armatos Legio Centurion" attacked "Battledrone General"; due to "Gradius", the drone was automatically destroyed, while "Legatus Legionis" easily destroyed "Battledrone Warrant". Shepherd quickly summoned "Drone Recycler" and "Drone Carrier", then revived "Battledrone General" and "Drone Pawn". Lightning became surprised as Shepherd tuned "Drone Carrier" with "Recycler", Synchro Summoning "Commandrone Double Sniper". As Shepherd mounted his offense, Lightning used "Legatus Legionis" to swap "Seeker" from his GY with "Scutum" on his field. Lightning grinned, as due to the former's effect, Shepherd could only attack the centurion. To ensure that Shepherd attacked his monster, Lightning's "Armatos Lex" prevented direct attacks. Changing his tactics, Shepherd's "Commandrone Double Sniper" gained a counter, then attacked Lightning directly.[17]
"Armatos Lex" negated that attack, so Shepherd attacked centurion, who attempted to negate this attack. Shepherd snapped his fingers, awaiting this moment: his Synchro drone negated this effect and destroyed the centurion. However, "Scutum" protected the centurion from being destroyed by card effects. Lightning became surprised that Shepherd managed to hit him with 300 LP damage from the attack. Shepherd boldly stated that he didn't make attacks that an AI can predict, but Lightning wondered if there were attacks they could not predict. Shepherd's "Battledrone General" destroyed the centurion, and shaved off 700 of Lightning's LP, leaving him at 200. Finally, Shepherd used "Drone Force Fusion", fusing the general and sniper to summon "Fortressdrone Beehive", which gained six counters. Removing five counters, Shepherd summoned that many "Drone Tokens", as his Fusion Monster's ATK was raised to 5000 (1000 per each token). Lightning noted how fun it is to see the pinnacle of this Duel. However, he used the card he drew: "Judgement Arrows". Since Shepherd destroyed this card, he used "Snatch Drone" to destroy it again, and lock his "Legatus Legionis" with "Capture Drone".[17]

Shepherd, upon his defeat, vanishes.
Lightning frowned, and tributed "Scutum" to draw one card, which impressed him. He summoned "Armatos Legio Magica Alcum", then had it destroy "Judgement Arrows", much to everyone's surprise. In fact, Lightning had it destroy to have "Legatus Legionis" apply the self-destruct effect to all of Shepherd's cards but "Fortressdrone Beehive", thus clearing his field. With no defenses left, Lighting's "Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis" slashed the fortressdrone, and defeated Shepherd. Ghost Gal rushed to Shepherd's side, who admitted he failed to protect his sister. Shepherd, referring to her as Emma, apologized, and disappeared in a flash of light.[17]
Season 3[]
After Bohman's defeat, Shepherd was reformed back in LINK VRAINS, along with the rest of the victims.[18]
Akira called upon the heroes for a meeting: they were joined by Shepherd, the Gore and Ghost Gal, who also came on Akira's request. The Gore wanted to thank Playmaker, who waondered the purpose behind that gratitude. Unnamed sensed something large must've happened if Akira assembled everyone in this meeting. Akira explained that the top executive, Queen, had been attacked recently. He feared he'd be the next target, as he had the other piece of the keycard to the central computer. Unnamed stated that SOL Technologies has a share over the network's infrastructure, which could easily be destroyed. Blue Maiden added that they'd have control over SOLtiS androids, too. Akira told that the culprit even revealed their identity, and played the message they had left behind. He showed Ai and Roboppi, who threatened to attack Akira and take his keycard in three days.[19]
Shepherd and the rest were shocked that the DARK Ignis was behind that. Soulburner demanded the reason why would Ai do this. Akira had no answer, but that Ai had declared a war. Ghost Gal noticed that Ai sought revenge on the company, and Shepherd assumed it was just because he was an AI program. He assumed Playmaker knew where he was, but Soulburner and Akira wanted of Shepherd to cease his accusations. Akira reminded he fought for AI and humanity to cooperate together, but some assumed Playmaker would've done something about that by now. Akira turned to Playmaker, asking for his help, knowing he knew Ai more than anyone else, even if his innermost feelings were conflicted about Ai. Some time later, Blue Maiden and the rest regrouped in LINK VRAINS. Playmaker was absent, as Akira thought that'd be the case. Soon, they were joined by the Knights of Hanoi, as Akira called them for help.[19]
Ghost Gal asked didn't they hate SOL Technologies, to which Varis stated that te LIGHT Ignis revealed his true colors, and their thirst for revenge faded away. Blue Maiden reminded everyone of their crimes, of which Varis was aware of. Soulburner thought they'd turn themselves in to the police, to which Varis confirmed, but only after they hunted the Ignis down. At that point, Varis thought they would have no reason to exist as an organization, and would atone for their crimes. Soulburner regardless felt conflicted. Ghost Gal realized that'd show SOL Technologies was involved as well, and Akira would take the blame, too, despite having no actual involvement. Akira simply stated that's how companies were built, and decided to take that risk, which saddened Blue Maiden. Akira showed pictures of the cyberspace, believing Ai and Roboppi were near it. He showed two routes out of the central station. Akira and Blue Maiden decided to stay where they were. He deployed Shepherd, Ghost Gal and Specter to the eastern route.[19]
Soulburner wondered if Akira should remain logged out for security purposes. Shepherd denied this, thinking that Akira's consciousness would be stolen that way, and Akira assured him that there was no way they could reach him in real life. Before going, on Akira's request, Varis gave Pandor to Blue Maiden, Ghost Gal, and the Gore to help them out.[19] Ghost Gal rode with Ghost Gal and Shepherd around cyberspace. The latter two encountered Roboppi, who recognized the duo. Pandor warned Ghost Gal that she had no data on Roboppi's Dueling experience. Roboppi wanted them to lower their Dueling experience, as he was a new Duelist. Shepherd was surprised that Roboppi wanted to fight them on at the same time, but Ghost Gal thought it was for the best to quickly end this Duel.[20]
Roboppi let the tag team decide who'd go first, to which Ghost Gal thought he was underestimating them. Roboppi was simply excited, stating he won't even use his Skill. Ghost Gal began to wonder if Roboppi was simply underestimating them, but Roboppi simply wanted to gain experience from this. Shepherd commented he'd never thought that a simple AI would look down on him, and speed up. He swarmed the field with "Duplicate Drone" and "Scud Drone", using the latter as Link Material for "Battledrone Sergeant", then other two drones to Link Summon "Battledrone Warrant", and finally the two Link Monsters for "Battledrone General". Roboppi became excited that the ace monster already appeared, while Shepherd revived "Battledrone Warrant". Roboppi became excited, as he swarmed the field with "Appliancer Socketrolls". Ghost Gal applauded Roboppi for summoning three monsters this quickly, who used two copies of the monster to Link Summon "Appliancer Celtopus", while the third copy for "Appliancer Vacculephant". As it was co-linked, "Vacculephant" went to destroy "Warrant", but Shepherd played "Camouflage Drone", to protect his drones from being targeted or destroyed by card effects, as well as being destroyed in battle. Roboppi was displeased he could not play his tactic, and used "Appliancer Reuse" to revive "Socketroll" and use it as Link Material for "Appliancer Propelion". Roboppi's "Vacculephant" went to attack Shepherd's "Warrant", and his monster gained 2000 ATK for each co-link to "Appliancer Celtopus".[20]
To minimize the damage, Shepherd played his "Drone Force" Skill to reduce the ATK of "Vacculephant" by 800, and have his "Warrant" gain that much ATK - 200 per each Drone in his GY. Thus, he took 200 LP damage. However, "Propelion" gained the same ATK boost, and Shepherd suffered 1200 LP damage. Roboppi cheered that he got to inflict so much damage in one turn. Ghost Gal noted he fought well for a kid, but Shepherd warned her he was an AI, and a dangerous one. Roboppi explained that his "brother" taught him that humans were mean, as they harmed the planet, and he wanted to fight them and absorb them as experience points. Ghost Gal tried to understand Roboppi, but Shepherd thought it was futile to understand an AI, whose free will made them humanity's worst enemy. Roboppi let Ghost Gal fight, who summoned "Altergeist Marionetter". It let Ghost Gal set and play "Altergeist Haunted Rock" in the same turn. Its activation let Ghost Gal chain the summon of "Altergeist Multifaker", who was used with "Marionetter" to Link Summon "Altergeist Hexstia". Next, she used "Altergeist Fijialert" to summon it to the zone "Battledrone General" pointed to. With Shepherd's permission, she convered "Warrant" into an "Altergeist", then used the two mpnsters, along with "Altergeist Pookuery" in her hand, as Link Materials to summon "Altergeist Memorygant". It co-linked with "Hexstia", who gained its ATK, raising it o 4300.[20]
Roboppi felt overwhelmed, but Ghost Gal merely explained it to be the power of the bond she shares with her brother, and swore she'd defeat him with that card.[20] Roboppi admitted the duo was pretty strong. Ghost Gal revived "Scud Drone" with the effect of "General", to draw one card and set it. Due to the effect of "General", Ghost Gal inflicted 1600 LP damage to Roboppi (800 for direct attacck and 800 for tributing it). Roboppi became displeased that his opponents now had more LP than he did, but resolved himself to do his best. Pandor complimented Ghost Gal for effective use of his partner's cards. Ghost Gal thanked the AI, and had "Altergeist Hexstia" attack "Vacculephant". "Celtopus" granted the latter 2000 ATK, and "Propelion" cut the ATK of "Hexstia" in half. Ghost Gal's offense was repelled and her LP was lowered to 1750. Roboppi cheered that his tactic succeded, but Shepherd asked of Ghost Gal not to hold back, and to Duel in her own way. Ghost Gal thanked him, and used the effect of "Hexstia" to return "Kunquery" to her hand, then tributed Shepherd's "Battledrone General" to activate the effect of her "Altergeist Memorygant".[21]
"Memorygant" gained the ATK of "General", 2400, its ATK becoming 5200. Roboppi became surprised, but he activated the effect of "Celtopus" to grant the attack target, "Vacculephant", 2000 ATK. Still, "Memorygant" dealt a serious blow that lowered Roboppi's LP to 200. Finally, "Memorygant" destroyed "Properlion" by its effect. Ghost Gal went to attack once more, surprising Roboppi, since she should've used up all her attacks. Ghost Gal explained that "Memorygant" could attack once more if its effect was activated. Roboppi was overwhelmed, but played "Appliancer Beakerbuncle" in his hand to prevent the battle damage and to protect "Appliancer Celtopus". Ghost Gal and Shepherd were surprised, and the latter ended her turn. Roboppi cheered, but Pandor reminded him he still had no cards in his hand. Thus, Roboppi bet all on his draw of destiny: he activated "Appliancer Test" to bring back the Link-1 "Appliancer" monsters in his GY - "Vacculephant" and "Propelion", but with ther ATK 0. Moreover, Roboppi used "Propelion" to Link Summon "Appliancer Laundry Dragon". Shepherd suspected something, which Roboppi confirmed: "Vacculephant" went to destroy "Memorygant".[21]
To protect her ace monster, Ghost Gal banished "Battledrone General" from the GY instead. Roboopy's "Laundry Dragon" attacked "Memorygant" to banish it with its effect, while taking no battle damage. Shepherd frowned, while Ghost Gal summoned "Altergeist Kunquery" to negate the attack, as well as to negate the effects of Roboppi's "Laundry Dragon". Finally, Roboppi bet all on his "Appliancer Conversion" to banish all of his Link-1 monsters and re-summon them. Ghost Gal wondered if he was going to use their effects again, but Shepherd denied, since Roboppi summoned them in different Main Monster Zones, so they were not co-linked to "Celtopus". Roboppi smiled, for his monsters had different effects, depending on whether they were co-linked or not. "Vacculephant" made a direct attack on Ghost Gal, inflicting 1500 LP damage. "Laudry Dragon" went to make another attack. Per Pandor's advice, Ghost Gal played her Skill, Secret Cure. The monster she drew was "Altergeist Marionetter", and both sides got 1600 LP bonus. Roboppi was still smug, for "Laundry Dragon" destroyed "Memorygant" and inflicted damage to Ghost Gal equal to its ATK, 2800.[21]
Shepherd took the hit, which shocked Ghost Gal. Shepherd admitted that Ghost Gal calmed his rage. He thanked Emma Bessho, who apologized that they both lost. The two tried to reach out to each other, but both were deleted.[21] Three months later, after Ai's defeat, Ghost Gal and Shepherd were riding past Frog and Piegon, who were being chased around by monsters, in LINK VRAINS, with their "Altergeist Memorygant" and "Commandrone Double Sniper". Ghost Gal asked of her brother to take the monsters to the left, to which Shepherd complied.[22]
Emma Bessho[]
Although the two are half-siblings, they have been estranged for most of their lives. Despite the fact that Emma has for the most part lived an easy life filled with luxuries as a result of their common father's success, while he and his mother lived a life of hardships, he has never blamed or hated Emma for it.
Although he behaves coldly in front of her and posing as nothing more than a ruthless bounty hunter willing to use his companions as bait, or downright threaten her to stay out of his way, deep down, Drayden deeply loves his sister and has stepped up to her defense when required. When the two siblings had their first duel where they also openly revealed their relationship with on another, their relationship, they begun talking on far more familiar terms. When Drayden won the duel that gave him the right to delete Emma's account, he ultimately opted not do it and left.
By far Drayden's greatest demonstration of love towards his sister was when he challenged Lightning to a duel despite knowing the risks involved, but did so in order to defend Emma from the mad Ignis' threat. This affection was displayed once more during their duel against Roboppi, where Kenneth shielded Emma from the effect damage that depleted their life points. He also admits that Emma freed him from his prison of hate and reached out to Emma before being erased.
Shepherd uses a "Drone" Deck, which uses anti-Link Monster lockdown strategies and a combination of burn damage, direct attacks, and powering up his ace monster "Battledrone General" to defeat opponents quickly. He will study his opponents to incorporate cards specifically to counter them, either in their primary strategies or cards that specifically induce trauma to the user, such as "Despair from the Dark".
Sometime after his duel with Soulburner, he incorporated Synchro Summoning to reinforce his strategies further. Following his duel against Varis, he also incorporates Fusion Summoning to combat the strategies of the Ignis.
His Speed Duel Skill is "Drone Force" which allows him to make 1 monster his opponents lose 200 ATK for each "Drone" in his graveyard, and have 1 "Drone" to gain ATK for that lost ATK. It reflects his strategies to use his opponent's strength for his own gain.
Opponent(s) | Episode(s) | Outcome |
Yusaku Fujiki/Playmaker | 53-54 | Lose |
Theodore Hamilton/Soulburner | 62-63 | No result |
Emma Bessho/Ghost Gal | 77 | Win |
Ryoken Kogami/Varis | 78 | Lose |
Lightning | 79-80 | Lose |
Roboppi | 106-107 | Lose (with Emma Bessho/Ghost Gal) |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 77: "A Family Reunion"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 54: "Game of Drones"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 53: "The Shepherd"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 47: "LINK VRAINS 2.0"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 50: "A Common Cause"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 52: "Tapping Out"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 59: "Return of the Hanoi"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 60: "Sidekick Showdown"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 61: "Darkness Dawns"
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 62: "Fearing the Worst"
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 63: "Scare Tactics"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 71: "A Logical Decision"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 73: "Weathering the Storm"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 76: "Awakened Memories"
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 78: "From One Hunter To Another"
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 79: "The Hunt Is On"
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 80: "Lightning Strikes"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 103: "Reflections"
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 105: "Unlikely Alliance"
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 106: "Roboppi Mops Up"
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 107: "Cleaning House"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 120: "Journey's End"