Arabic, Chinese and
Croatian names given are not official.
(card names)
The Chinese lore given is not official.
Kabazauls |
打噴嚏的河馬龍 |
Kabazauls |
Kabazauls |
Kabazauls |
재채기 하마사우루스 |
Kabazauls |
Kabazauls |
おおくしゃみのカバザウルス |
大くしゃみのカバザウルス |
Ōkushami no Kabazaurusu |
Hipposaurus of the Giant Sneeze |
Monster |
Dinosaur / Normal |
4 |
1700 / 1500 |
51934376 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
A huge monster in the shape of a hippopotamus. The sneezing from his gigantic body is so fierce that people mistake it for a hurricane. |
Un monstre immense ayant la forme d'un hippopotame. La violence de son éternuement est telle que les gens le confondent avec un ouragan. |
Ein riesiges Monster, das einem Nilpferd gleicht. Wegen seiner gigantischen Ausmaße ist sein Niesen so heftig, dass manche es für einen Orkan halten. |
Un mostro enorme sotto forma di ippopotamo. I suoi starnuti sono così potenti che la gente li scambia per uragani. |
Um monstro enorme com a forma de um hipopótamo. O espirro do seu gigantesco corpo é tão feroz que as pessoas confundem-no com um furacão. |
Un monstruo enorme con forma de hipopótamo. Los estornudos de su gigantesco cuerpo son tan fuertes que la gente los confunde con un huracán. |
巨大な体を持つカバの化け物。その巨体からくり出されるクシャミは、ハリケーンに匹敵する。 |
擁有巨大身體的河童怪獸。從其巨大的身體打出的噴嚏,可以匹敵颱風。 |
거대한 몸을 가진 하마 괴물. 그 거구에서 나오는 재채기는 허리케인에 필적한다. |
A huge monster, shaped like a hippopotamus. The sneezing that racks its gigantic body is so fierce that people mistake it for a hurricane. |
TCG sets
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OCG sets
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Video game sets
- Yugioh-Card card database: 5507 ()