Joey Wheeler, known as Katsuya Jonouchi (城之内克也 Jōunouchi Katsuya) in the Japanese version, is a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour. This is the game's incarnation of Joey Wheeler, from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and manga.
Deck Recipe[]
| Anime, manga, books | |
| Video games | |
| | | Other Duelists |
- Mokuba Kaiba
- Bakura Ryou
- Tea Gardner
- Mai Valentine
- Serenity Wheeler
- Rebecca Hawkins
- Solomon Muto
- Bonz
- Mako Tsunami
- Espa Roba
- Rex Raptor
- Weevil Underwood
- Dox
- Para
- Maximillion Pegasus
- Ishizu Ishtar
- Yami Yugi
- Yugi Muto
- Joey Wheeler
- Seto Kaiba
| Antagonists |
- Noah Kaiba
- Gozaburo Kaiba
- Marik Ishtar
- Yami Marik
| The Big Five | |
| Rare Hunters |
- Strings
- Arkana
- Lumis
- Umbra
- Rare Hunter
- Odion
| Shadow Game Duelists | |
| Non-Duelists | |