Jasmine, known as Junko Makurada in the Japanese version, is a character in the Tag Force games. This is a video game version of Jasmine, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.
Tag Force[]
Jasmine can be found with Mindy and Alexis Rhodes, and teams up with the former for the Tag Force tournament.
By beating Jasmine 10 times, she gives the player a "Harpie's Feather Duster" card.
Tag Force 2[]
The player and Alexis Tag Duel against Jasmine and Mindy in Alexis' fifth story event.
If Blair Flannigan is the player's partner, Jasmine and Mindy can Tag Duel against them as part of an optional random event.
Tag Force 3[]
Mindy and Jasmine Tag Duel against the player and Alexis in the first story event of both of Alexis' stories.
During Obelisk Blue Zane Truesdale's third story event, Zane and the player Tag Duel against Jasmine and Atticus Rhodes.
Jasmine uses Harpie Decks in the Tag Force GX games.
In Tag Force Special, Jasmine switches to Fire King Decks.
Tag Force[]
Tag Force 2[]
- Birdface x3
- Flying Kamakiri #1 x3
- Harpie Lady 1 x3
- Harpie Queen x3
- Hunter Owl x3
- Winged Rhynos x3
- Sonic Duck x3
- An Owl of Luck x2
- D.D. Crow x3
- Eagle Eye x3
- Stealth Bird x3
- Whirlwind Weasel x3
Tag Force 3[]
- Creature Swap x2
- Elegant Egotist x2
- Giant Trunade
- Harpies' Hunting Ground x2 (Favorite)
- Heavy Storm
- Monster Reborn (D)
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Phalanx Pike x2
- Premature Burial
- Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
- Hysteric Party x2 (D) (Favorite)
- Icarus Attack x2
- Mirror Force (D)
- Sakuretsu Armor
- Torrential Tribute
- Widespread Ruin
Tag Force Special[]