Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Invitation to a Dark Sleep
(あん) (こく) (ねむ) りを (さそ) うルシファー
English Invitation to a Dark Sleep
Chinese 誘導睡眠的黑暗路西法
French Invitation au Sommeil des Ténèbres
German Aufforderung zum dunklen Schlaf
Italian Invito al Sonno Oscuro
Korean 암흑 수면으로의 초대
Portuguese Convite a um Sono Escuro
Japanese (kana) あんこくのねむりをさそうルシファー
Japanese (base) 暗黒の眠りを誘うルシファー
Japanese (rōmaji) Ankoku no Nemuri wo Sasou Rushifā
Japanese (translated) Dark-Sleep-Inviting Lucifer
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Spellcaster / Effect
Level 5 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK / DEF 1500 / 1800
Passcode 52675689
Card effect types

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Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent / Dark Duel Stories2000-07-13740????????????Present
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07740Present
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited