Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara
(ゆめ) () (きょう) () () -イケロス
English Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara
French Ikelos, Mara du Miroir des Rêves
German Ikelos, der Traumspiegel-Mara
Italian Ikelos, la Mara Specchio dei Sogni
Korean 몽마경의 몽마-이케로스
Portuguese Ikelos, a Moura do Espelho Onírico
Spanish Ikelos, la Pesanta del Espejo Ensueño
Japanese (kana) ゆめまきょうのむま-イケロス
Japanese (base) 夢魔鏡の夢魔-イケロス
Japanese (rōmaji) Yumemakyō no Muma - Ikerosu
Japanese (translated) Succubus of the Dream Magic Mirror - Ikelos
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Fairy / Effect
Level 1 CG Star
ATK / DEF 500 / 0
Passcode 75888208
Card effect types

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