The Ignition Assault Sneak Peek Participation Card is an Ultra Rare "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross", given to all participants at Ignition Assault Sneak Peek events.
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Card number | Name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-ENSP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-FRSP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | "Assaut de l'Air - Manœuvre - Ciseaux Croisés" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
Card number | English name | German name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-DESP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | "Himmelsjäger-Manöver - Scherenschneider" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
Card number | English name | Italian name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-ITSP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | "Assaltatrice del Cielo Manovra - Taglio a Forbice" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
Card number | English name | Portuguese name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-PTSP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | "Força Celeste - Manobra - Cruz Tesoura" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
Card number | English name | Spanish name | Rarity | Category |
IGAS-SPSP1 | "Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross" | "Caza del Cielo Maniobra - Cruce de Tijeras" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
External links[]
- Ignition Assault Sneak Peek
- Ignition Assault Sneak Peek
- l'Assaut de l'Ignition Sneak Peek (French)
- Ignition Assault Sneak Peek (German)
- Assalto Accensione Sneak Peek (Italian)
- Asalto Ignición Sneak Peek (Spanish)