Hunter Pace, known as Mukuro Enjo in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series. This is a video game depiction of Hunter Pace, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime.
Tag Force Special[]
- Burning Skull Head x3
- Molten Zombie x2
- Pyramid Turtle x3 (D)
- Shutendoji x2
- Skull Conductor x2
- Skull Flame x3
- Supersonic Skull Flame x2
- Zombie Master x3
- Burning Skull Head x3
- Goblin Zombie x2
- Mezuki x2
- Pyramid Turtle x3 (D)
- Skull Conductor x2
- Skull Flame x3
- Supersonic Skull Flame x2
- Zombie Master x3