Hidden Arsenal 2 features 60 cards from the OCG Duel Terminal - Justice Strikes Back!! and the OCG Duel Terminal - Demon Roar God Revival!!.
Introduces the "Naturia", "Jurrac", and "Fabled" archetypes to the TCG as well as further support for the "Genex", "Ice Barrier", "Mist Valley", "Flamvell", "Ally of Justice" and "Worm" archetypes.
Each pack contains 5 foil cards: 1 Secret Rare and 4 Super Rares and each box contained 24 packs in the TCG and 30 packs in the OCG.
This set contains 60 cards, including:
Hidden Arsenal 2 |
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- Unlimited Edition galleries
- English
Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
HA02-FR001 | "Naturia Beetle" | "Scarabée Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR002 | "Naturia Rock" | "Pierre Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR003 | "Naturia Guardian" | "Gardien Naturia" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR004 | "Naturia Vein" | "Liane Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR005 | "Genex Furnace" | "Fournaise Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR006 | "Genex Gaia" | "Gaïa Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR007 | "Genex Spare" | "Machine de Secours Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR008 | "Genex Turbine" | "Turbine Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR009 | "Genex Doctor" | "Docteur Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR010 | "Genex Solar" | "Soleil Genex" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR011 | "Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier" | "Grand Prêtre de la Barrière de Glace" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR012 | "Medium of the Ice Barrier" | "Oracle de la Barrière de Glace" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR013 | "Mist Valley Baby Roc" | "Oisillon de la Vallée de Brume" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR014 | "Mist Valley Executor" | "Exécuteur de la Vallée de Brume" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR015 | "Flamvell Grunika" | "Grunika de la Cloche de Feu" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR016 | "Flamvell Baby" | "Bambin de la Cloche de Feu" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR017 | "Ally Mind" | "Intelligence Artificielle des Alliés" | Super Rare | Normal Tuner monster |
HA02-FR018 | "Ally of Justice Nullfier" | "Annihilateur, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR019 | "Ally of Justice Searcher" | "Patrouilleur, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR020 | "Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher" | "Traqueur, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR021 | "Ally of Justice Thunder Armor" | "Armure du Tonnerre, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR022 | "Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway" | "Porte Cosmique, Allié de la Justice" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR023 | "Worm Linx" | "Ver - Lynx" | Super Rare | Flip monster |
HA02-FR024 | "Worm Millidith" | "Ver - Millidith" | Super Rare | Flip monster |
HA02-FR025 | "Worm Noble" | "Ver - Noble" | Super Rare | Flip monster |
HA02-FR026 | "Naturia Beast" | "Lion Naturia" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR027 | "Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier" | "Dewloren, Tigre-Roi de la Barrière de Glace" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR028 | "Thermal Genex" | "Station Spatiothermale Genex" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR029 | "Geo Genex" | "Géo Genex" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR030 | "Ally of Justice Field Marshal" | "Maréchal de Guerre, Allié de la Justice" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR031 | "Fabled Lurrie" | "Lurrie Mythologique" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR032 | "Fabled Grimro" | "Grimro Mythologique" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR033 | "Fabled Gallabas" | "Gallabas Mythologique" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR034 | "Fabled Kushano" | "Kushano Mythologique" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR035 | "Jurrac Protops" | "Protops Préhistorique" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR036 | "Jurrac Velo" | "Velo Préhistorique" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR037 | "Jurrac Monoloph" | "Monoloph Préhistorique" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR038 | "Jurrac Tyrannus" | "Tyrannus Préhistorique" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR039 | "Naturia Antjaw" | "Margoulette la Fourmi Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR040 | "Naturia Spiderfang" | "P'tit Croc l'Araignée Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR041 | "Naturia Rosewhip" | "Épinette la Rose Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR042 | "Naturia Cosmobeet" | "Pâquerette le Scarabée Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR043 | "Genex Blastfan" | "Ventilateur d'Énergie Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR044 | "Genex Recycled" | "Recycleur Genex" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR045 | "Genex Army" | "Armée Genex" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR046 | "Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier" | "Pèlerin de la Barrière de Glace" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR047 | "Geomancer of the Ice Barrier" | "Thaumaturge de la Barrière de Glace" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
HA02-FR048 | "Mist Valley Falcon" | "Guerrier-Faucon de la Vallée de Brume" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR049 | "Mist Valley Apex Avian" | "Apex Aviaire de la Vallée de Brume" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR050 | "Ally of Justice Reverse Break" | "Foreuse Thermique, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR051 | "Ally of Justice Unlimiter" | "Ravitailleur Énergétique, Allié de la Justice" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR052 | "Worm Opera" | "Ver - Opéra" | Super Rare | Flip monster |
HA02-FR053 | "Worm Prince" | "Ver - Prince" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR054 | "Worm Queen" | "Ver - Queen" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR055 | "Worm Rakuyeh" | "Ver - Rakuyeh" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
HA02-FR056 | "Fabled Valkyrus" | "Valkyrus Mythologique" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR057 | "Jurrac Giganoto" | "Giganoto Préhistorique" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR058 | "Naturia Leodrake" | "Dragolion Naturia" | Secret Rare | Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR059 | "Windmill Genex" | "Ultron Éolien Genex" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
HA02-FR060 | "Mist Valley Thunder Lord" | "Roi du Tonnerre de la Vallée de Brume" | Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
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