Main article: Hero Signal
Hero Signal
- Japanese: ヒーロー・シグナル
- Romaji: Hīrō Shigunaru
Card type | |
Property | |
You can only activate this card when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand or Deck that includes "Elemental Hero" in its card name. | |
Appearances |
Manga cards (Galleries: GX)
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Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | ヒーロー・シグナル | 自分場上のモンスターが戦闘によって破壊され墓地へ送られた時に発動できる 自分の手札またはデッキから「 |
Search categories
- Actions
- Activates if destroyed by battle