Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Guardian of the Voiceless Voice
(しゅく) (せい) のガーディアン
English Guardian of the Voiceless Voice
French Gardien de la Sans Voix
German Wächter der stimmlosen Stimme
Italian Guardiano della Voce Muta
Korean 순성의 가디언
Portuguese Guardião da Voz Sem Voz
Spanish Guardián de la Voz Muda
Japanese (kana) しゅくせいのガーディアン
Japanese (base) 粛声のガーディアン
Japanese (rōmaji) Shukusei no Gādian
Card type Trap TRAP
Property Continuous Continuous
Passcode 61773610
Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
