Go Rush Deck Bonus Cards are promotional cards that are included with the Go Rush Decks.
The bonus cards are 5 cards from a total of 12 cards, available as 1 Normal Parallel Rare Legend Card, and 4 Commons.
Card number | English name | Japanese name | Rarity | Category |
RD/GRD0-JP001 | "Pitch-Black Warwolf" | 「漆黒の戦士 ワーウルフ」 | Normal Parallel Rare | Effect Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP002 | "Alien Shocktrooper" | 「エーリアン・ソルジャー」 | Normal Parallel Rare | Normal Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP003 | "Dark Factory of Mass Production" | 「闇の量産工場」 | Normal Parallel Rare | Normal Spell Card |
RD/GRD0-JP004 | "Trap Hole" | 「落とし穴」 | Normal Parallel Rare | Normal Trap Card |
RD/GRD0-JP005 | "Windcaster Torna" | 「風使いトルネ」 | Common | Effect Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP006 | "Necmaid Nana" | 「ネクメイド・ナナ」 | Common | Effect Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP007 | "Siesta Torero" | 「シエスタレーロ」 | Common | Effect Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP008 | "Amazing Dealer" | 「アメイジング・ディーラー」 | Common | Effect Monster |
RD/GRD0-JP009 | "Tribute Doll" | 「生け贄人形」 | Common | Normal Spell Card |
RD/GRD0-JP010 | "Ancient Rules" | 「古のルール」 | Common | Normal Spell Card |
RD/GRD0-JP011 | "Music Maiden's Solo Performance" | 「楽姫の独演」 | Common | Normal Trap Card |
RD/GRD0-JP012 | "Acetic Acid Trap Hole" | 「酢酸のたまった落とし穴」 | Common | Normal Trap Card |
External links[]
- [1] Rush Duel Database page (Japanese)