Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Glory of the Noble Knights
(えい) (こう) (せい) () () (だん)
English Glory of the Noble Knights
French Gloire du Chevalier Noble
German Edler Ritter: Für Ruhm und Ehre
Italian Gloria dei Nobili Cavalieri
Korean 영광의 성기사단
Portuguese Glória dos Nobre Cavaleiros
Spanish Gloria del Noble Caballero
Japanese (kana) えいこうのせいきしだん
Japanese (base) 栄光の聖騎士団
Japanese (rōmaji) Eikō no Seikishidan
Japanese (translated) The Glorious Holy Knights
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Quick-Play Quick-Play
Passcode 75719089
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
