Gladiator Beast's Assault Fort
- Japanese: 剣闘獣の強襲城
- Kana: グラディアルビースト・アサルト・フォート
- Romaji: Guradiaru Bīsuto Asaruto Fōto
- Translated: Gladial Beast Assault Fort
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Activate this card when you take battle damage from an attack involving a "Gladiator Beast" monster. Destroy all cards you control, except "Gladiator Beast" cards. All other face-up "Gladiator Beast" cards in your Spell & Trap Zone become Continuous Spell Cards named "Gladiator Beast's Assault Fort" with the effect listed below. (The original effects of those cards are negated.) Then, choose a number of "Gladiator Beast" monsters from your Deck equal to the number of other "Gladiator Beast's Assault Fort" you control and place 1 of them underneath each other "Gladiator Beast's Assault Fort". If this card is destroyed: You can destroy as many cards you control as possible, and if you do, activate 1 "Gladiator Beast's Great Fortress" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.
Effect of the Continuous Spell Card "Gladiator Beast's Assault Fort" Once per turn: You can shuffle 1 card underneath this card into the Deck; inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. Once per turn, if this card has no cards underneath it: You can place 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Deck underneath this card. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster you control, then activate 1 of these effects; ● If the targeted monster battles: It cannot be destroyed by that battle, also you take no battle damage from that battle. ● If the targeted monster is targeted by a card effect: It cannot be destroyed by that effect. | |
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Japanese | ①:「 永続魔法カード「 ①:1ターンに1度、このカードの下に重ねて置いたカード1枚をデッキに戻してこの効果を発動できる。相手に1000ダメージを与える。②:1ターンに1度、このカードの下に重ねて置いたカードが無い場合にこの効果を発動できる。デッキから「 |
Guradiaru Bīsuto Asaruto Fōto |
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