Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Gizmek Makami, the Ferocious Fanged Fortress
() (こう) () 御神尊真神 (オンカミコトノマカミ)
English Gizmek Makami, the Ferocious Fanged Fortress
French Gizmek Makami, la Forteresse à Crocs Féroce
German Gizmek Makami, die wilde Reißzahnfestung
Italian Gizmeck Makami, la Feroce Fortezza con Zanne
Korean 기교아-온카미코토노마카미
Portuguese Bugiganga Makami, a Fortaleza de Presas Ferozes
Spanish Makami Cacharrek, la Fortaleza Feroz con Colmillos
Japanese (kana) きこうが-オンカミコトノマカミ
Japanese (base) 機巧牙-御神尊真神
Japanese (rōmaji) Kikōga - Onkamikoto no Makami
Japanese (translated) Mechanical Fang - Onkamikoto-no-Makami
Card type Monster
Attribute WIND WIND
Types Machine / Effect
Level 6 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK / DEF 2150 / 2150
Passcode 46809548
Card effect types

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