The Croatian and Portuguese names given are not official.
The Portuguese lore given is not official.
Genex Furnace |
Fournaise Genex |
Genex-Ofen |
Genex Fornace |
제넥스 히트 |
Genex Fornalha |
Horno Genex |
ジェネクス・ヒート |
Jenekusu Hīto |
Genex Heat |
Monster |
Pyro / Effect |
5 |
2000 / 1300 |
53944920 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
Si vous contrôlez un "Contrôleur Genex" face recto, vous pouvez Invoquer Normalement cette carte sans Sacrifice. |
Falls du einen offenen "Genex-Überwacher" kontrollierst, kannst du diese Karte als Normalbeschwörung beschwören, ohne Tribut anzubieten. |
Se controlli un "Genex Controllore" scoperto, puoi Evocare Normalmente questa carta senza offrire Tributi. |
Se você controla um "Genex Controller", você pode Normal Summon esta carta sem Tributo. |
Si controlas un "Controlador Genex" boca arriba, puedes Invocar esta carta de modo normal sin Sacrificar. |
①:自分フィールドに「ジェネクス・コントローラー」が存在する場合、このカードはリリースなしで召喚できる。 |
①: 자신 필드에 "제넥스 컨트롤러"가 존재할 경우, 이 카드는 릴리스 없이 일반 소환할 수 있다. |
TCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
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Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity
OCG sets
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Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity
Video game sets
Card search categories
- Yugioh-Card card database: 7948 ()