The Gate in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is where Legendary Duelists can be challenged, even outside from their own Duel World. Some unlockable duelist events have Legendary Duelists appear at the Gate for a limited time.
Duelists at the Gate[]
DM World[]
- Yami Yugi
- Seto Kaiba
- Joey Wheeler
- Mai Valentine
- Téa Gardner
- Yugi Muto
- Weevil Underwood
- Rex Raptor
- Mako Tsunami
- Yami Marik
- Yami Bakura
- Bandit Keith
- Ishizu Ishtar
- Odion
- Maximillion Pegasus
- Mokuba Kaiba
- Paradox Brothers
- Arkana
- Bonz
- Espa Roba
- Tristan Taylor
GX World[]
- Jaden Yuki
- Zane Truesdale
- Aster Phoenix
- Jesse Anderson
- Chazz Princeton
- Alexis Rhodes
- Dr. Vellian Crowler
- Bastion Misawa
- Syrus Truesdale
- Tyranno Hassleberry
- Sartorius Kumar
5D's World[]
Zexal World[]
Arc V World[]
VRAINS World[]
+Also DsoD & a couple rush ones
Gate Events[]
- Welcome to Toon World
- Fear the Deck of Terror! The Destiny Board of Doom
- Paradox Brothers: Guardians of the Gate
- Attack of the Rare Hunters! Yami Marik Returns!
- Dr. Crowler's Tricky Tests
- Unleash the Egyptian God Card! Yami Marik Returns II
- Awaken! Rainbow Dragon!
- Cyberdark Impact! Zane Truesdale Strikes!
- Rise of Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
- Sector Security on the Move! Officer Tetsu Trudge
- Atlas Rising: The Return of Jack Atlas
- I've Got Dino DNA! Tyranno Hassleberry's Ultimate Evolution
- Consumed by Light: Sartorius Emerges
- Rise of Yubel - Soul Polymerization
- Destiny Decided! Dark Signer Carly Carmine
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