Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
(ひょう) (けっ) (かい) (しょう) (へき)
English Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
French Chaînes Glaciales de la Barrière de Glace
German Frostketten der Eisbarriere
Italian Catene di Gelo della Barriera di Ghiaccio
Korean 빙결계의 정벽
Portuguese Correntes Glaciais da Barreira de Gelo
Spanish Cadenas Congeladas de la Barrera de Hielo
Japanese (kana) ひょうけっかいのしょうへき
Japanese (base) 氷結界の晶壁
Japanese (rōmaji) Hyōkekkai no Shōheki
Japanese (translated) Crystal Wall of the Ice Barrier
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Continuous Continuous
Passcode 43582229
Card effect types

Card descriptions
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OCG sets
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