Fonda Fontaine, known as Emi Ayukawa in the Japanese version, is a character in the Tag Force games. This is a video game version of Fonda Fontaine, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.
Tag Force[]
Fonda can be found before and after class outside of the Obelisk Blue Girls' dorm. She will only agree to be partners with the player if she is given an autograph coming from a very specific person.
In Part 2 only, Fonda teams up with Lyman Banner.
Tag Force 2[]
During Blair's fifth story event, Fonda and Yasmin Tag Duel against the player and Blair.
Tag Force 3[]
In Angry Alexis' second story event, Fonda and Blair Tag Duel against the player and Alexis.
In the first game, Fonda uses a Deck featuring mostly cute, weak monsters.
From Tag Force 2 onwards, Fonda uses Burn Decks that actively increase the players' Life Points in order to deal damage, being Decks centered around either "Fire Princess" or "Bad Reaction to Simochi" and "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One".
Tag Force[]
Tag Force 2[]
Tag Force 3[]
- Giant Trunade
- Heavy Storm
- Level Limit - Area B (D)
- Messenger of Peace x2 (D)
- Monster Reborn
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Premature Burial
- Rain of Mercy x2
- Soul Taker x2
- Swords of Revealing Light
- Upstart Goblin x2
- Bad Reaction to Simochi x3
- Dark Cure x2 (Favorite)
- Gift Card x2
- Gravity Bind (D)
- Life Equalizer
- Wall of Revealing Light
Tag Force Special[]
- Cestus of Dagla x2
- Rain of Mercy x3
- Upstart Goblin x3
- Brutal Potion x3
- Dark Cure x3
- Numinous Healer x3 (D)
- Solemn Wishes x3
- The Eye of Truth x3
- Messenger of Peace x3
- Rain of Mercy x3
- Soul Taker x3
- Upstart Goblin x3
- Dark Cure x3
- Gravity Bind x3 (D)
- Numinous Healer x3 (D)
- Safe Zone x2
- Solemn Wishes x3
- The Eye of Truth x3
- Messenger of Peace x3
- Rain of Mercy x3
- Soul Taker x3 (D)
- Upstart Goblin x3
- Dark Cure x3
- Gravity Bind x3 (D)
- Safe Zone x2
- Solemn Wishes x3
- The Eye of Truth x3