I was happy that you treated me as your equal. To achieve the future we both wanted, I'm counting on you... partner...
— Flame's last words to Soulburner[1]
The "Fire Ignis" (

Flame's full body.

Flame's Artwork.
Flame is a small digital humanoid being. When not in a solid form, his body is red prism-like data. Like Ai, a fellow Ignis, Flame has markings over his black body, which is tinted red, in red flame shaped markings and thicker lines than the lines on Ai's body. He has yellow eyes that are semi-oval, giving him a more mature appearance. His body is notably more slender than Ai's body with more boot like feet and wisps on his head that resemble the flicks of a flame. In stature, Flame is one of the taller Ignis, being the same height as Ai and shorter than Earth.[2] When overexcited, he becomes a fire demon, but he doesn't enlarge.
When peering out of Theodore's Duel Disk, he takes an eye form nearly identical to Ai's. The lines are red and the iris is the same yellow as his eyes.
Unlike Ai who is quick to panic or pull jokes, Flame is normally a level-headed Ignis who speaks with an even voice and is very straightforward. He is very calculative, keeping track of how many times he's told his introduction to Theodore (37 times exactly). However, when overconfident, he tends to burst into flames, usually with a flame on the wisp of his head. Flame also has the tendency to flaunt his partner in front of opponents and over-exaggerate their words, seen as he says to Bit and Boot that Soulburner (Theodore) will give them a crushing defeat. He can be a bit egotistical (always explaining the kanji used in his name and calling it cool) and appears to be a risk taker because of his Skill.
Like Ai, Flame trusts and believes in humans. Having been inspired by Playmaker's victory against the Knights of Hanoi, Flame followed in his footsteps by finding and teaming up with Theodore. He also recognizes that there are good and bad humans compared to Earth, Windy, and Lightning, who resent humans either way. Despite his ego, Flame does show that he cares about those that he considers allies, shown in the Duel against Ryujiro and Flame helps Theodore overcome his trauma during the Lost Incident and when Flame and Ai express genuine interest in understanding Yusaku and Kolter's backstory. When confronted by Lightning about his stance, Flame firmly says there are no sides, showing how he and Theodore both want humans and Ignis to coexist peacefully.
Much like Ai, Flame has a hard time understanding sarcasm and rhetorical questions, as such he tends to take everything Theodore says literally much to the latter's annoyance. Despite being more mature than Ai, he has a small interest in human technology that makes him subtly childish, such as on the Ferris Wheel (he claims logical reasons for using the ride for a private conversation, only for Ai to point out that he just wanted to ride it)[3] and when he suggested adding wheels to Theodore's Duel Disk after seeing Ai fly. Also similar to Ai, he is loyal to the Ignis (until he learns about Lightning's betrayal) and his partner, whose potential is why he supports coexisting with humans.
In addition, like Ai, Flame also shows care towards his fellow Ignis, as he quickly saved Ai (and Playmaker) after they were trapped by Lightning and when he attempted to save Windy's data as he was being deleted by Lightning.
Despite being the FIRE Ignis, Flame is actually very calm and level headed in tough situations. He also seems to be able to control his anger, as seen when despite vowing to take Lighting down for destroying Cyberse World he knew to escape when he and Soulburner we surrounded by the Bit and Boot clones. He is even willing to work with Varis to stop Lightning, despite the latter's attempt to destroy the Ignis. He even managed to help Theodore understand Varis wanted to apologize for what his partner endured during the Hanoi Project.
Flame also has a tendency to be very blunt, often pointing out the mistakes of both Ai and Theodore, much to their annoyance. He can be a bit prideful, ignoring Theodore whenever he feels embarrassed. He also likes to be praised, seen as he blushes when Ghost Gal calls him cute.
As an Ignis, Flame is an AI with free will and has a degree of control over the Cyberse, can create Cyberse Monsters, and can control data material. Flame is associated with the FIRE Attribute, and can manipulate technology to an extent.
Flame's distinction from the other Ignis is his indomitable willpower, as seen when he was able to suppress Windy. another powerful Ignis, while being on the very verge of erasure.
Like with Ai, Flame can lend his abilities to the human he's in possession of. Flame's skill is "Burning Draw", which he lends to Theodore.
In the Japanese version, Flame claims his name in kanji means "indomitable soul dream", pronounced "Flame", while in the English dub, it comes from "F for Ferocious, L for Leader, A for Awesome, M for Magnificent, and E for Elucidating".
Voice & Mannerisms[]
Flame speaks with a British accent in the English dub.

Flame in his Territory after creation of Cyberse World.
Ten years ago,[4] Flame, who was based off Theodore's personality,[3] was created with the other Ignis by Dr. Kogami in the Hanoi Project to be the saviors of humanity. Like his fellow Ignis, Flame evolved and they created the Cyberse World, as well as the Cyberse monsters. Their progress worried Dr. Kogami, who predicted the AI and humanity would become enemies, who created Ignis to help humanity instead.[2] Despite this, Flame and the other Ignis continued developing the Cyberse World. Flame's sector of Cyberse is a large, active volcano. In Ai's words, the Ignis would never try harm humanity, and would rather live in their own world.[5] However, the simulations showed that, in a group, the Ignis would destroy the world, but separately, they'd improve humanity through coexistence. The exception to this was Lightning, who was predicted to demolish others' progress and start a war between the Ignis and humanity.[6] Though referred to as living beings, Flame and the other Ignis, except Ai, lacked human instinct, and their decisions were based on their rational thinking.[7]

Flame and Windy trapped
Varis launched an attack to Cyberse with three of his "Cracking Dragons". The entities of Cyberse, including Flame, were sealed off and could not retaliate, except for Ai. Varis and the "Cracking Dragon" chased Ai, who escaped Cyberse and severed the connection with that place. Others realized he wanted to hide Cyberse at the price being unable to return. Just as Ai succeeded and gloated, Varis' "Cracking Dragon" ate him, though his eye was lost in the network. Varis had his team search for Ai's remains, for only he knew the location of Cyberse.[8]
In Ai's absence, Flame spoke with the other Ignis, how their technology surpassed humanity. They wondered if they should share this technology with humans, and co-exist with them. Since they learned Varis and Dr. Kogami tried to destroy them, the Ignis noted humans could potentially become their enemy. The Ignis did not reach a conclusion, as the Cyberse World was attacked by an unknown enemy. The Ignis escaped from Cyberse World, and since then, Flame had been searching for them. To find help, he approached Theodore.[3]
Season one[]
Flame appeared on a TV screen in a shop to talk to Theodore. However, Flame quickly disappeared as Kiku approached Theodore, making the latter wonder whether there was a ghost hunting him. Flame repeated his attempt, by appearing on a tablet that Theodore was holding, and spoke about Theodore's past 10 years ago. Theodore threw the tablet in panic, but Kiku managed to catch it before it fell down. She scolded Theodore how expensive the device was, but to the argument the tablet spoke, Kiku found nothing. Theodore, back home, pondered the thoughts Flame told him about. He found his Duel Disk, on which Flame, in his eye form, appeared to congratulate Theodore for finding the item. Theodore became frightened, throwing the Duel Disk as he screamed the Ignis was actually a ghost his grandfather told him about. Theodore went to smash the Duel Disk, but Flame exclaimed he was an AI, and mentioned Theodore's past was connected to that of Playmaker. Theodore stopped, and listened to Flame, who told Theodore that he, like Playmaker, was a victim of the incident.[9]

Flame appears on Theodore's television.

Flame, as an eye, congratulates Theodore.
Theodore didn't wish to remember his past, but Flame replied that Playmaker was actually confronting his past. Theodore was still alert of Flame, who tried shifting into his true form, but Theodore preferred him to be in his eye form. Still, Flame exclaimed if Theodore were to find Playmaker, he would seek his path, advising to seek him out in LINK VRAINS by going to Den City. Theodore saw he'd have to Duel again, and remembering the trauma, he swore not to Duel ever again. Just as Flame was to continue, Theodore came outside, as a friend came to report that Kiku was taken by the bullies. Theodore went to confront the bullies, but after being told of another message, he came to Flame again. Theodore came to the bullies alone, one of whom challenged Theodore to a Duel, due to his interest in Playmaker. Flame spoke to Theodore that this Duel would mark his future, and had to change to face his destiny. Theodore proceeded on by dueling the bully. Despite his efforts, Theodore became frightened when the bully summoned "Despair from the Dark".[9]
Flame shouted at Theodore to calm down, while Ryujiro played "Skull Conductor". Theodore's monsters were destroyed and he took 500 LP damage, but Theodore fell on his knees and begged this torture to stop. Flame reminded Theodore that he had much more strength than he had thought, and should not give up. Theodore claimed he could do nothing against that monster. Flame exclaimed that the death of his parents, the refusal to Duel made him isolated. While Ryujiro set a card, Flame encouraged Theodore to stand up and "revive" himself. Theodore did so, and using combination of "Rising Fire" and "Tempest Fire", destroyed all monsters on the field to inflict Ryujiro enough damage to defeat him. Theodore was happy that he won, and Flame congratulated him. Theodore thanked the Ignis, who introduced himself as Flame. Theodore thought his name was a translation to "Fire", but Flame, in embarrassment, ignored Theodore.[10]
Season two[]
In LINK VRAINS, Soulburner pointed out he found Flame's friend. Flame did not wish to be called Ai's friend, seeing that Ignis cowering in fear. When Playmaker was stopped by Bit and Boot, Soulburner, in a fiery whirlwind, appeared with Flame. He let Playmaker continue, as he went to deal with Bit and Boot himself. Flame was relieved it could help Soulburner out, who promised to burn away his enemies.[11] Soulburner took the two on, and Flame supported him, since he was powerful enough to defeat them. Soulburner asked Flame to cool down, and wondered if it was an AI to be telling those things. Flame confirmed he was an AI, and Soulburner's partner. He reminded it was ten years since he was born, and his name being translated from "indomitable soul dream", meaning "Flame", reminding he said this 37 times already. Bit and Boot decided to take on Soulburner to retrieve the "fire Ignis", and fused together as one entity: BitBoot. Flame simply assumed this would make their Duel more fun.[4]
BitBoot quickly summoned "D-Scale Battle Coela". BitBoot moved their Link Monster to the Main Monster Zone, so that through their Skill, Marker's Portal, they could bring out "Judgment Arrows". Soulburner and Flame noted like Playmaker's opponent, these ones used Cyberse monsters and used Link Spells, for which Flame swore to never forgive them. Soulburner hoped they could defeat this duo and interrogate them for information. BitBoot moved their Link Monster to a different Main Monster Zone, to inflict 800 LP damage to Soulburner for each time their Link Monster was displaced. BitBoot were proud of their combo, and Flame reminded they could move their Link Monster three more times before Soulburner would be defeated. Soulburner prepared himself, summoning three "Salamangreat" monsters. Flame got fired up, announcing a Link Summon, but let Soulburner conduct it.[4]
Using three monsters, Soulburner Link Summoned "Salamangreat Heatleo". Soulburner inflicted 2300 LP damage on BitBoot, who used their Skill once more, which shocked Soulburner and Flame. BitBoot counterattacked with "D-Scale Full Metal Dunkle", inflicting heavy damage on Soulburner. Flame reminded Soulburner everything depended on his next draw. He drew "Monster Reincarnation" and went to play it, but BitBoot used "D-Scale Chaff" to negate cards on his field and hand. BitBoot exclaimed they were the greatest, and demanded Soulburner to surrender. The latter smiled, and was pumped up to finish them off. He used his Skill, Burning Draw, taking 1000 LP damage to draw a card. He drew and played "Salamangreat Sanctuary", as Flame reminded that card was unaffected by "D-Scale Chaff". Regardless, Soulburner used "Salamangreat Heatleo" to Link Summon another copy of it, a move he called Reincarnation Link Summon. Soulburner exclaimed he used "Salamangreat Heatleo" to Link Summon a monster with the same name, since "Salamangreat Sanctuary" allowed him to do that.[4]
Soulburner's "Salamangreat Heatleo" removed "Judgment Arrows", and Flame reminded that BitBoot's "D-Scale Full Metal Dunkle" was destroyed. However, the monster was protected from destruction of card effects and moved to a new Main Monster Zone, and went to destroy "Salamangreat Heatleo", which was in the same column. Flame saw it really was over, and realized he really would be taken away. However, the Reincarnation Link Summoned "Salamangreat Heatleo" caused the ATK of "D-Scale Full Metal Dunkle" to become that of "Salamangreat Mia": 800. "D-Scale Full Metal Dunkle" was destroyed in battle, and BitBoot lost the Duel. Flame was proud, knowing Soulburner would win, but the latter reminded a second ago Flame was depressed about being taken away by the enemy. Soulburner kneeled in pain, since Burning Draw did hurt him, and Flame confirmed this. Soulburner wished Flame to show more empathy, but changed his mind once Ignis started to worry sarcastically.[4]
Skye passed by Theodore, who, from a distance, knew she was Blue Angel. Naoki appeared to inform Skye about the Duel Club and Flame pointed out that Naoki was Brave Max. Theodore saw Yusaku, and noted he was Playmaker in LINK VRAINS. He followed him, but when Yusaku turned his head, Theodore hid in a different room. Flame pointed out that Yusaku knew about them, since he had contacted the "Dark Ignis". Theodore asked of Flame not to do anything on his own, for Playmaker could be alerted. Flame assured him it was fine, since Ignis communicate with each other with a code no human could understand. Theodore objected, but was reminded those were the people that had defeated the Knights of Hanoi. Flame pointed out they were not without confidence, unlike Theodore, and went further to conquer the enemy. Theodore was nevertheless upset, but Yusaku entered the room.[3]
Theodore greeted him as Playmaker, which infuriated Yusaku, demanding his name. Theodore explained they met yesterday, with him being Soulburner, fully named Theodore Hamilton. Yusaku was surprised, and asked what he was after. Theodore claimed he was his ally, and showed Flame, the other Ignis, whose presence surprised Ai. Flame introduced himself, and though Theodore reminded it named himself like that, Flame thought it was a cool name, unlike Ai. Theodore added Flame, whose Attribute was Fire, was based on him, since he was a victim of Lost Incident, too. Theodore pointed out after Hanoi's defeat, Flame sought him out, but a new enemy attacked Cyberse World. Ai asked Flame did he know what happened to Cyberse World, but the latter wished to speak to a place more private. Hence, they went to a Ferris Wheel.[3]
Ai was amazed by the view, whereas Flame pointed out nobody could overhear them, and thought they could've built this in Cyberse World. Instead, Ai believed Flame just wanted to ride the Ferris wheel. Flame explained that he and the other Ignis were discussing about sharing their technology with humans, but weren't able to come to a conclusion because they were attacked. Flame belittled Ai for the weak program he made to hide Cyberse, which the DARK Attribute Ignis claimed that was the best he could do in the time Varis attacked Cyberse. Flame doubted the Knights of Hanoi were behind the attack, since Yusaku and Ai had been battling them when the incident occurred. The Ignis had escaped, and Flame was searching for them. Yusaku noted there were six Ignis; Ai added there was one for each Attribute of Duel Monsters.[3]
Ai did not know of the Ignis linked with Jin Kolter, and admitted he never thought he'd be meeting with Yusaku at first. Flame admitted due to insecurity, he approached Theodore. To gather help, Flame asked for Ai and Yusaku's help. Ai pledged his support, while Yusaku replied he needed to find Jin's assailant. Flame exclaimed those two incidents were linked, since they both used the same Link Spell, "Judgment Arrows", to attack Cyberse World and fight off Playmaker and Soulburner. Thus, Theodore reminded the importance of finding the attackers. Yusaku believed Kolter found more about the attackers, for even while depressed, he was still a focused, determined man. Flame simply ordered everyone to get off the Ferris wheel, which annoyed Ai.[3]
At the food truck, Kolter provided Yusaku and Theodore with beverage. He admitted he didn't anticipate Yusaku to bring a friend, who knew about their identities. Still, he welcomed Theodore and Flame. Theodore admitted he was also involved in the Lost Incident, and understood Jin's suffering. Kolter nodded, and asked of them to help in search for the assailant of his brother. Theodore promised, while Flame described Theodore as soft, but a boy capable of Dueling. Kolter showed that Yusaku's enemies fled through the restricted area, and showed a location under LINK VRAINS, and an unknown program Yusaku identified to be an Ignis program. With the boys equipped to find the gate to LINK VRAINS, Yusaku and Theodore logged in with Ai and Flame to find that gate.[3]
The Gore and his companions intercepted Playmaker. Soulburner wished to face Gore, and Playmaker permitted him this, and went on. Gore ignored Soulburner, who showed his Ignis, Flame, which made Gore realize Soulburner was one of the victims of the Lost Incident. Soulburner confirmed this, and still challenged his senior. Gore brushed Soulburner off for being called a senior, but accepted his challenge, since his job was to obtain the Ignis. Soulburner cheered as Flame introduced himself, but Gore bluntly replied he would show no mercy and would make Soulburner regret his decision. Soulburner asked Flame about Gore; Flame joked he'd "go-go" and attack. Regardless, Flame reminded Gore constantly evolved in Duels, and didn't know what Gore could pull out at the moment.[12]
Soulburner retrieved "Salamangreat Heatleo" with "Link Fire's Return", and inflicted moderate damage to Gore. Suddenly, Soulburner was nearly attacked, though Gore stated he'd never attack his opponent like that. Gore and Soulburner continued the Duel, as the latter and Flame were glad Gore wouldn't resort to such low attempts to capture them. Using "Salamangreat Sanctuary", Soulburner made another Reincarnation Link Summon of "Salamangreat Heatleo", which lowered the ATK of Gore's "Dinowrestler King T Wrextle" to 800. To lower the damage he'd take, Gore's Link Monster forced Soulburner's "Salamangreat Jack Jaguar" to attack it, which prevented "Salamangreat Heatleo" from attacking. By discarding "Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo", Gore protected his Link Monster and took 1000 LP damage. Soulburner noted Gore's monsters were tough, as Flame noticed he mastered his Deck.[13]
Gore intended to win, rather than having an entertaining match when two sides' ace monsters would clash. Soulburner noted Gore put a lot of effort into Dueling, but reminded Soulburner also had a reason for winning. Flame supported Soulburner, who activated Burning Draw skill to draw a card. Much like Playmaker, Soulburner played "Rise of the Salamangreat" Ritual Spell Card, returning "Salamangreat" monsters from his GY to Ritual Summon "Salamangreat Emerald Eagle". Gore was defeated, but Soulburner gave him help to stand up. Gore stopped Soulburner, pointing out everyone could lose a Duel, but the important thing was whether dwell on the defeat or continue fighting. He claimed the true self was revealed once someone loses, and logged out, but Flame commented Gore was a sore loser to say that.[13]
Soulburner and Flame regrouped with Playmaker and Ai. The latter two were pleased to see them, since they defeated Gore, the success Flame attributed to himself. The group advanced on, and eventually crossed through LINK VRAINS, finding the "gate". The two continued crossing through, making Ai doubt whether that was safe, but was reminded they could not turn back. They came to a canyon area, and were nearly swept away by the strong winds, at the risk of crashing and getting hurt. To protect themselves, Ai and Flame emitted a small Data Storm to safely travel through the winds, an idea that impressed Playmaker.[14] After a while, however, Ai and Flame were too exhausted to use this ability. The shields faded, but strangely enough, the wind stopped blowing, and the group reached to a quiet floating temple. The group went up, and Playmaker sensed something. A monster took shape which Flame recognized to be the attacker of Cyberse World. Just as the monster started attacking, an Ignis appeared, laughing how he fooled the group. Ai described that one to be the Wind Ignis, who asked of Echo to form back; the monster took a different shape, to that of a monk.[15]
The Wind Ignis wondered if his joke was funny, but Ai denied that, claiming Flame nearly farted in fear, but Flame attributed that to Ai. The Wind Ignis believed the two were hanging out too much with humans; unlike them, he did not seek his Lost Incident Partner, since he could not trust humans that easily to be captured. Since the Wind Ignis name was mouthful, he decided to be nicknamed Windy. He pointed to the monk, claiming it was a program he named as Echo. Playmaker asked Windy why was he here, but Windy examined him and Soulburner, and had them follow them around. Windy stated he waited for his friends to come, and created the world to lure them and rejoin them. He believed the Ignis could rebuild Cyberse World, an idea Flame and Ai approved of. More importantly, Windy also wanted to lure the enemy in the territory to fight them, taking revenge for the destruction of Cyberse World, despite his calm nature. Windy proclaimed the place to be a trap, since he did not have the strength to battle the enemy. It was why he needed time to gather the data needed to build the place. Playmaker told that they were after Bohman, who assaulted his friend's brother, while Flame added that Bohman played the card that destroyed Cyberse World.[15]
Windy was intrigued, but had no clue, since most people that venture in the world were usually overwhelmed by his wind trap. However, he did notice a strange presence recently. Flame wondered if someone made a new world by using the trap as a cover. Windy was intrigued, and was asked to lend help. Windy refused, stating the facts were just assumptions, and needed proof. Instead, he asked Ai to stay around and help in rebuilding the world. Flame and Ai were tempted, but wished to know more about the attackers of Cyberse World. Windy saw no point in trying to convince the two. He promised to help them in weakening the Data Storm to access that new world, but asked for a favor. Snapping his fingers, Windy showed Ghost Gal and Blue Gal, whom he wished to see gone. Windy told if the two are defeated in a Duel, they would return to the real world. He did not wish to fight them alone, for the sake of exposing himself and the temple. Playmaker accepted the task, asking the winds to be toned down, believing he could convince Ghost Gal to stay down, due to his cooperation with her.[15]
To help Windy out, Playmaker agreed to defeat the intruders - Blue Gal and Ghost Gal, whom they later intercepted. Since Blue Girl wanted to obtain the Ignis, Soulburner faced her in a Duel.[15] Flame reminded Soulburner about Blue Girl's effect damage tactics, so Soulburner swore to quickly set up a formation to counter that. The two raced to a spot to determine who would take the first turn, and Blue Girl won that race.[16] Blue Girl proceeded by swarming the field, and made a combo so that Soulburner would take damage in lots of situations. Flame and Blue Girl reminded Soulburner could not use Burning Draw, else he'd take 200 LP damage when he would have 100 LP left. Soulburner took his turn, and took lots of damage after summoning "Salamangreat Wolvie", his LP lowered to 2400. Blue Girl expected Soulburner's "Salamangreat Heatleo", for "Trickstar Birdhelm" didn't allow himself and the equipped monster - "Trickstar Divaridis" - to be targeted by card effects. "Trickstar Heatleo" went to attack, and Blue Girl noted she lost her previous battles, since the enemy broke through her weak ATK monsters.[16]
This time, she used "Trickstar Corobane", which doubled her monster's ATK, thus cancelling Soulburner's ATK and lowering his LP to 900. Fortunately for Soulburner, "Salamangreat Heatleo" became undestructible, as he used "Salamangreat Wolvie" as material. Still, Soulburner complimented her as one of the LINK VRAINS' heroes. Flame reminded Soulburner he had one thing that improved himself, the Ignis. Soulburner, who believed Flame was just arrogant, asked if he could actually do something, but was told Flame could only observe. Blue Girl proceeded on by playing "Trickstar Fusion", the card she obtained through her Skill. Using "Trickstar Token" and "Trickstar Holly Angel", Blue Girl performed the Fusion Summon of "Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar". Flame saw Blue Girl continued to develop herself. Blue Girl went to defeat Soulburner, who used "Salamangreat Racoon" and gained 2600 LP, equal to the ATK of Blue Girl's Fusion Monster, with the additional effects of preventing effects from being used and preventing the destruction of "Salamangreat Heatleo".[16]
Despite having not won this turn, Blue Girl's confidence was unwavered, as she added "Trickstar Corobane" into her hand. Soulburner was not glad of the circumstances, but Flame stated there was a card in his Deck that could turn the site of battle around. Soulburner drew a card, but was disappointed it was not the card he wanted. Flame dared him to use his Skill, else he'd think Soulburner was lacking courage to face destiny. Soulburner used his Skill, Burning Draw, and succeeded in drawing the desired card. He played "Fusion of Fire", but Blue Girl reminded even if he summoned a monster, "Trickstar Divaridis" would finish him off. However, Soulburner used the latter monster on her side of the field and "Salamangreat Heatleo" on his side of the field to bring out "Salamangreat Violet Chimera". The monster defeated Blue Gal, who was slammed to the mountain wall. Soulburner approached her, complimenting her strength. Flame stated she lost because she didn't have Ignis as an AI, which made Blue Girl remark the two's friendship. She fainted and logged out.[16]
Ghost Gal confronted Soulburner, who explained the program activated to make her log out. Ghost Gal wanted to face Soulburner, but saw he was weakened from the last Duel. Instead, Flame showed a copy of the program that forced Blue Girl to log out. Ghost Gal took the program, thinking Flame is more charming than Ai. She logged out, proposing to meet someday. Flame, however, blushed at Ghost Gal's charming words.[16] Soulburner and Flame regrouped with Playmaker, and with the area dissolving, Soulburner logged out with Flame.[17] Later, the gate in LINK VRAINS was reopened, in an area still in development. Ai cursed Windy's choice, but Flame believed this was a logical move he did. Yusaku and Theodore logged into LINK VRAINS and went towards the gate. The gate was actually a trap for Playmaker. Soulburner pushed Playmaker out of the way and was trapped instead. Flame watched as Soulburner became paralyzed by the fear from the Lost Incident memories.[18]
Flame appeared next to Soulburner, seeing that The Shepherd was destroying the bubbles containing Soulburner's memories. Flame tried to wake Soulburner up, while Shepherd had found Soulburner's weakness: "Despair from the Dark". Flame managed to wake Soulburner up, and told him that Shepherd had trapped him and spied on his memories. Furious that Shepherd had captured him and spied on him, Soulburner initiated a Master Duel. Shepherd summoned a "Duplicate Drone"; Soulburner was displeased that Shepherd had his AI explain the card effects, but Flame reminded him to concentrate on his turn. Shepherd, however, fooled Soulburner, for his AI had lied about certain card effects. Flame alerted Soulburner of this, for Shepherd did something like that during his Duel with Playmaker. Due to this, Shepherd called Soulburner a fool to trust an AI, for he was a tool that should only serve humans, and showed his right arm as reference.[19]
Flame noticed that Shepherd did study Soulburner's Deck. In fact, Shepherd had summoned a "Despair from the Dark", and had three of his "Duplicate Drone" copy his name, ATK and DEF. Flame called upon Shepherd for using that fear to his advantage, but Shepherd simply replied that he'd use everything to win. He proclaimed he'd bury Soulburner in dark despair.[19] Using that weakness, Shepherd's fake "Despair from the Dark" attacked Soulburner, who barely managed to protect himself. In fact, due to the incident having happened when Soulburner was a child, Shepherd knew that he still struggled against the trauma. Flame, however, asked of Soulburner to calm down. Soulburner refused to surrender, and his "Rising Fire" banished all of Shepherd's monsters, and he took 2800 LP damage.[10]
Shepherd was surprised at these actions, since Soulburner should've been terrorized with fear. Flame and Soulburner played dumb, as Shepherd realized he was fooled. Flame reminded Shepherd that he did say one should not trust an AI. Flame also added that Soulburner also controlled himself to reveal a part of his memories. Soulburner thanked Flame for helping him with that, and belittled Shepherd for failing to see his weakness. Soulburner declared he would make a new step with Flame by his side, which disgusted Shepherd. Shepherd went to play his set card, but Kolter's executed program disrupted the Duel, shattering the place. Shepherd fled, while Soulburner returned to LINK VRAINS. Playmaker quickly found him, and reported to Kolter before the boys logged out.[10]
Ai remained near Kolter's truck, since Yusaku went to school. By accident, Ai bumped into a pillar and crashed down onto Theodore. Theodore and Flame were astounded by falling Duel Disks, but Ai claimed he simply fell, for in his words, "Ai fly". Flame was motivated by this to have Theodore install an engine into his Duel Disk, so he wouldn't have to pay train fare to return home. Theodore was not amused by the idea, but he greeted Kolter. He wanted to give him a present for rescuing him from LINK VRAINS, but Kolter was modest about that. While Kolter went to grab some coffee, Flame told Ai that Yusaku met up with Naoki for something important. Inside the truck, Flame listened to Kolter's story of his meeting with Playmaker.[20] When Ai described the Ignis, Playmaker remembered Flame and Windy.[21]
Yusaku came to Kolter's food truck, reporting Ai had gone missing. Flame noticed that the site Ai and Roboppy had been on had a hidden Ignis algorithm. When Yusaku opted to go alone instead of as a team, Flame questioned him about being suspicious of Windy. Yusaku tells him of how he found Bohman in the exact location Windy told them and how the wind field disappeared after Bohman was defeated, causing Flame to ponder whether Windy has any connection to this.[22] Kolter traced Playmaker's location in the cyberspace, and Theodore believed something was going on. Flame still trusted Windy, claiming he was their ally. With Theodore prepared, he and Flame went into the cyberspace to find Playmaker, but were shocked at the devastated surroundings.[23]
He approached Windy's temple, and noticed the remnants of a large battle. Flame wondered where Ai and Playmaker were, and Soulburner noticed Specter atop the stairs. Soulburner identified Specter, who awaited Soulburner's coming. Specter knew of Soulburner's accomplishments, and that Flame joined him. Instead of Dueling Soulburner, Specter wanted of Soulburner to follow him. Flame thought it was a trap, but Specter simply wanted Soulburner to find the truth about the Ignis. He wanted Soulburner to question his alliance with Flame, and threatened to erase him should he not change his mind. Thus, the two went inside to watch Varis Duel Windy, where Specter exclaimed that Varis was just getting started for the climax.[24]
Flame was told that Lightning and Windy trapped Playmaker and Ai. Flame was in shock, while Windy bemoaned that another human-supporter just arrived. Lightning went to trap Soulburner and Specter, but Flame used Kolter's program: he created a sphere to protect them from that attack, and flinged some of it to Playmaker and Ai to free them. Soulburner and Flame watched the end of the Duel, where Varis Synchro Summoned "Borreload Savage Dragon" to defeat Windy. Lightning questioned Flame whether he supported humans. Flame claimed there were no sides, and Soulburner backed him up, for they wanted to resolve the situation without hostilities. Much to their shock, Lightning summoned Harlin and Bohman, and revealed the silhouette of his figure: Jin Kolter.[24]

Flame swears revenge on his fallen friend for destroying Cyberse World.
Flame realized the "Judgment Arrows" card, given to Bohman, was from Lightning, and concluded it was the latter that destroyed Cyberse World. Lightning was bored by his conversation, unlike with Playmaker. Flame was displeased Lightning didn't answer, and Ai swore to stop Lightning for his crimes. Lightning knew that he would not be forgiven, and openly admitted he was the one responsible for the attack. Flame reminded him that his originator had unlimited potential, despite the Hanoi's attack making the Ignis distrustful of humanity. Soulburner and Playmaker chased them down, and Flame thought that Lighting could not attack when the Knights of Hanoi were active. Ai saw that Lightning actually saved them, so Playmaker could defeat the Knights of Hanoi, thus making way for Lightning to execute his plans. When Lightning used Windy to summon a Data Storm, Soulburner and Flame separated from Playmaker and Ai, who confronted Bohman. Regardless, Flame swore to stop Lightning, and Soulburner supported him.[25]

Flame and Ai sense something's wrong with Earth.
Soulburner and Flame continued their pursuit.[26] Flame claimed that the fighting would stop once Lightning would be defeated. Flame and Soulburner wanted to confront him and Jin, but since they were stalled by Bit and Boot clones, Jin and Lightning managed to escape. Flame called the clones weak, and Soulburner logged out.[7] While Yusaku spoke with Akira, Theodore and Flame watched them from a nearby roof. Flame thought it was unwise to share their information with SOL Technologies, but Theodore reminded the company had created the Ignis. Flame simply reminded him of the bounty hunters that sought them out, and believed they could not be trusted. The next day, Ai was annoyed that Earth still didn't show up, at the time when things became important. Flame exclaimed Aqua went missing after the attack on Cyberse World. Ai doubted she would align herself with Lightning, though Flame believed the latter would still view her as an enemy if she didn't join him. Thus, Ai concluded they had to find them soon. Yusaku, Theodore and Kolter tried to find the two Ignis - Earth and Aqua - finding that he was lurking around LINK VRAINS, trying to find Aqua. They logged in, and split up to find Earth.[27]
Following Earth's loss against Gore, Flame and Ai each sensed Earth, wondering what was happening to him.[28] Kolter showed Yusaku and Theodore a video of Shepherd chasing Blue Girl, who had the WATER Ignis. Flame believed Aqua was in trouble, and Ai urged others to rescue her from "the gunman". Yusaku nodded, and went into LINK VRAINS with Theodore. There, Playmaker and Soulburner met up with Ghost Gal, who reported that Shepherd was gone. Suddenly, Blue Girl appeared with the WATER Ignis, Aqua. Aqua greeted Ai, the DARK Ignis. Just as Flame went to introduce himself, Blue Girl announced her rebirth. She transformed her avatar, calling herself now as Blue Maiden, and exclaimed she would now fight together with Playmaker. With rebuilding of Cyberse World, saving Miyu and stopping Lightning, the trio rode off.[29]
In LINK VRAINS, Flame, with Blue Maiden, Playmaker, Soulburner and Ghost Gal went to the place where Aqua had been imprisoned. They went to inspect traces of Lightning's logs, but Ai found nothing.[30] The group continued searching the network, but found no trace of Lightning. Flame and Aqua advised caution, for Lightning was the type that erased any sort of evidence. Soulburner sensed they could only wait until the situation escalates. Later, Kolter saw a signal in LINK VRAINS, and the group moved towards a portal. Beyond it, they saw Lightning and Jin facing Shepherd. Lightning explained to the group that he wanted them invited; he Dueled Shepherd to reduce the amount of his enemies. Thus, the group watched the Duel, and noted how Shepherd timed his "Snatch Drone" destroy "Judgment Arrows", though Lightning managed to evade its negative effects.[31]
Soulburner commented how easily Shepherd had cornered Lightning, as Flame stated he had a big advantage. Blue Maiden was surprised at "Armatos Legio Gradius", as Soulburner and Aqua explained that it applied its effect to "Gradius", whom it linked to that monster. The group became frustrated, since Lightning managed to build a solid defense, as well as offense. With the Fusion Summon of "Fortressdrone Beehive", Flame reminded that "Drone Unity" would give all of Shepherd's tokens an ATK of 5000. In the end, Shepherd was defeated. With him gone, Lightning turned to the group, and stated they would be his next targets, then disappeared.[32] At the food truck, Ai admitted he was surprised to hear Shepherd and Ghost Gal were siblings. However, he wondered if they'd see each other, with Lightning having taken the brother. He stopped, and apologized to Kolter for mentioning Lightning, as Flame nodded to him. Kolter didn't mind that, while Yusaku was alerted of Lightning's strategy, who anticipated Shepherd's moves. Flame reminded that an AI can detect numerous patterns, and pointed out Lightning was no ordinary AI, either.[33]
Suddenly, Kolter showed traces of Earth, whose algorithm was detected in LINK VRAINS. Ai cheered that their friend may have escaped SOL Technologies, but others had doubts about that; Flame stated Ai was carefree to believe that. Realizing that even if he had escaped, Ai thought Earth could still be hunted by SOL Technologies, and Flame added that Lightning could be on his trail. Theodore and Yusaku immediately went to LINK VRAINS to investigate more. Inside, Playmaker and Soulburner sensed something was coming. The Gore appeared, and confronted Playmaker, wanting to crush him. The Gore replied he'd take on Soulburner, after he'd defeat Playmaker. Playmaker confronted the Gore, and Soulburner watched with Blue Maiden, who later joined him. Soulburner and Flame gasped, as the Gore used Earth's Link Monster, "G Golem Crystal Heart", showing that Earth's data has been integrated into the Gore.[33]
Soulburner and Flame continued to watch their Duel, and were shocked when Playmaker fell of his D-Board. Soulburner felt that Playmaker would even lose the Duel, but was interested when he Xyz Summoned a new monster. After the Gore's defeat, Playmaker gave Aqua the "G Golem Crystal Heart" card back, as it is the only thing Ai managed to retrieve from the Gore. Ai believed Earth would be more comfortable if Aqua held onto that card. However, Blue Maiden worried how was the Gore doing. Soulburner thought he was also a victim of this battle, a battle Playmaker hoped to end quickly.[34] The group advanced through the portal, and reached Mirror LINK VRAINS. Suddenly, the group faced copies of BitBoot AI, which started a Duel.[35] Soulburner defeated the AI with "Salamangreat Heatleo". Playmaker informed his allies to split and search for Lightning, but the cyberspace started to tremble. The data material disappeared, causing Soulburner to descend down from his D-Board, to a airport-like world. Suddenly, Kolter's program activated, as the latter saw everyone's progress, and sent the link to Varis' allies.[36] They were amazed to see Specter forming an Extra Link of seven monsters, and shocked when Lightning easily destroyed it and defeated Specter.[37]
With the video link severed, Soulburner noted how strong Lightning was. As he and Flame walked, they noticed the airplanes moving, despite nobody being on board. Soulburner was unnerved, and Flame joked those were ghost airplanes, which frightened Soulburner. Still, they noted that the airplanes blocked their path. Behind them, Windy appeared, while the Frog and the Pigeon were summoned, too. Soulburner was pumped up to Duel, while Windy braced Flame to battle. Soulburner felt ignored, but Flame believed Windy came because Varis would be too much to take on. Windy tried to silence Flame, while Soulburner realized that Windy thought they were weaker than Varis. Windy belittled Soulburner, who became furious. Flame calmed Soulburner down, since Flame was undertaking a plan to annoy Windy. Knowing that Windy lost his cool against Varis, Flame believed they could use the same exploit to win. He told Windy they'd exceed his expectations by not being weak. Windy bursted out, since Flame was smug to know about everything, and hated him for that. Flame replied that he didn't hate Windy, since he was now different, and asked what had changed inside him.[38]
Windy admitted this was his true-self, which made Flame exclaim he would never forgive him for the crimes he did. Flame pointed out he believed in Windy, who broke that trust. Windy didn't even expect of Flame to forgive him. Windy, who became impatient, decided to start the Duel, while Flame muttered to Soulburner that Windy may have lost his cool. Windy used his deliberate tactics to force Soulburner to set his card, summoning "Stormridership Bahamut Bomber" to destroy Soulburner's set card, and inflict 500 LP to him. Soulburner commented how Windy used their card to his advantage, while the Ignis planned on defeating him in the next turn. Soulburner was nevertheless annoyed, but took his turn. Summoning "Falco", Soulburner used it to summon "Salamangreat Balelynx" Link Monster, and added "Salamangreat Sanctuary" to his hand. Though he could use "Falco" to set "Salamangreat Roar", Soulburner and Flame agreed it would only improve Windy's position. Instead, he Link Summoned "Salamangreat Heatleo".[38]
Just as he was to attack, Soulburner was stopped by Flame. Windy laughed, seeing what a nuisance Soulburner was to Flame. Flame questioned Windy's words, who thought partners hindered each other down. Flame pointed out this was why Windy tried to kill his partner. Soulburner wanted to know how Windy felt to take part in such a crime, who replied he felt nothing. Soulburner was infuriated, for Windy actually stole hope from his partner, hope that they gained during the Lost Incident project to be saved. Now, Soulburner questioned Windy for thinking his partner as a nuisance. He exclaimed he would never know the feeling to take someone's hope away. Windy called this lame, but Flame reminded him the Ignis were created out the children's endurance towards the despair. He believed they should be thanking them, rather than to steal hope. Windy realized that they talked about thanking partners for creating the Ignis. Windy refused, and wanted to prove they were a hindrance, and bragged just as they would understand this, they would be deleted. Flame saw how arrogant and corrupted Windy was.
Soulburner felt it was hopeless to talk Windy down, who sent "Stormrider Gargoyle" to his GY to activate "Stormrider Turbulence", which boosted the ATK of "Bahamut Bomber". Windy expected of Soulburner to re-Link Summon Heatleo to trigger its effects, and "Stormrider Turbulence" negated that, but Soulburner negated it with "Salamangreat Beat Bison". With "Stormrider Blast", Windy forced Soulburner to attack "Bahamut Bomber" with his monsters, and Soulburner ended up taking 1200 LP damage. Windy thought it was bad for his enemy to have taken so many steps, but no progress was made. Windy showed that human partners could not do anything, but Flame disagreed. Repeating his last turn, Windy used "Skyfisher" to set "Salamangreat Roar", only for "Bahamut Bomber" to destroy it and have Soulburner take 500 LP damage. Next, Windy used "Skyfisher" to Link Summon "Stratastorm". The two monsters destroyed Soulburner's "Salamangreats", lowering his LP to 600. At the end of his turn, Windy banished "Stratastorm" to keep the effects of "Stormrider Blast" intact.[38]
Flame noted despite his trickery, Windy was still an Ignis, who, as a reward, promised Soulburner and Flame a trip to doom. Windy continued boasting, as he'd blow their flame with his winds away. Flame and Soulburner were still pleased to know it won't end like this. Windy noticed they were encouraging each other, which Soulburner pointed out that was what partners do. He swore to take revenge on Windy for his fallen partner, who dared him to try.[38] Soulburner tried to turn the tables by equipping Windy's ace with "Salamangreat Sparks", to lower its ATK down to the ATK of "Salamangreat Heatleo", and protected the former with "Salamangreat Claw". Windy was annoyed by this card, and used "Bahamut Bomber" to destroy the claw, and lower Soulburner's LP to 100. With "Salamangreat Sanctuary", Soulburner used a "Heatleo" to summon another copy of it. Trying to finish Windy quickly, he equipped the latter with "Salamangreat Claw", and since it used a copy of itself as material, "Heatleo" could attack three times. Due to "Salamangreat Sparks", the ATK of "Bahamut Bomber" was lowered down to the ATK of "Heatleo".[39]
Windy pleaded Soulburner not to attack, whose "Heatleo" attacked "Bahamut Bomber", and only the latter was destroyed. With two "Salamangreat Tokens" on Windy's field, Soulburner wanted "Heatleo" to destroy them, and inflict piercing damage. Windy begged him to stop, but Flame cut the talk, as "Heatleo" dealt 2300 LP damage to Windy. His eyes ablaze, Soulburner went to finish the Duel with a third attack. Windy smiled, as he sent "Stormrider Gulldiver" to halve the damage and end the Battle Phase. Flame saw it was a bad situation, which reminded Soulburner of a Skill. Windy gloated, exclaiming he could use Storm Access during a Master Duel. To reverse the situation, Soulburner's "Salamangreat Sublimation" made him regain LP, equal to the ATK of the tributed "Sunlight Wolf": 1800. Soulburner proceeded to set the card he drew with the latter's effect, but Flame advised him to think, since Windy could have other measures against set cards. Soulburner frowned, and Flame let him do as he pleased.[39]
Windy was amused by Soulburner's foolish decision, and pointed out to Flame this was why they did not need partners. At Windy's turn, he Special Summoned "Stormridership Stratastorm" from banishment. Windy conjured a Data Storm for Storm Access Skill for the Master Duel. Flame claimed that was cheating, but Windy thanked him for those words. Using his two Link Monsters, Windy Link Summoned "Stormriderflagship Bahamut Bomber Custom". With "Blast" Field Spell, Windy's new ace's ATK became 3700. Furthermore, its effect made "Heatleo" a Continuous Spell Card, thus destroying "Salamangreat Claw". Its final effect destroyed all of Soulburner's cards in Spell & Trap Zone, and since he could not counter that effect, Soulburner took 1000 LP damage - 500 for his set card and "Heatleo". As Soulburner saw Flame was right, Windy gloated, since the human should've listened to his Ignis, which was a superior life form, though siding with a human made them inferior. "Bahamut Bomber Custom" went for a direct attack.[39]

Flame sides with Soulburner, who prepares for an Xyz Summon.
Soulburner smiled, as he went to use a Trap, but Windy didn't see any set cards. Flame told Windy he was too excited to win; Soulburner used the card that was just sent to the GY - "Salamangreat Ascetic" - to return "Heatleo", and summoned "Salamangreat Falco" in defense to protect himself. Windy was furious, and had his ace attack "Falco", whom Soulburner protected by banishing "Balelynx". Flame counted on Windy to destroy "Salamangreat Ascetic", who was enraged that he was fooled. Regardless, he counted on "Stormrider Blast", since it could turn Soulburner's monsters into attacking his "Bahamut Bomber Custom". Soulburner admitted they had been put in a difficult position, which made Windy dare him to try. Flame believed in his and Soulburner's future, and the latter smiled, calling Flame a partner.[39]
Soulburner managed to Xyz Summon "Miragestallio", and bring out "Beat Bison" with its effect. Soulburner negated "Bahamut Bomber Custom" and "Stormrider Blast" cards' effects. "Beat Bison", "Miragestallio" and "Falco" were used to summon "Salamangreat Heatleo" back, and the Xyz Monster, used as Link Material, allowed Soulburner to return Windy's ace back to Extra Deck. Windy went to protect it by sending "Stormrider Tubieloof" from his hand, to negate that effect. Windy yelled out he could still fight, though Soulburner exclaimed "his wind has stopped blowing." Swapping one "Heatleo" for the other one with "Sanctuary" on the field, Soulburner reduced Windy's ace's ATK, equal to "Salamangreat Spinny" in his GY: 1000. Windy became distraught, as Flame exclaimed the flame could burn stronger than being blown by the wind. "Heatleo" crashed through "Stormriderflagship Bahamut Bomber Custom", and defeated Windy, who was knocked off his Echo program.[39]

Flame takes Windy's data.
Windy was uncertain why did he lose, but Flame replied he only thought of himself; as a partner, both Flame and Soulburner had to respect each other to create a strength that could transcend obstacles. Soulburner exclaimed Windy lost that strength the moment he ditched his partner. Windy, set on flame, shouted that he lost because he lost his cool, and called upon Lightning. Flame jumped, and collected Windy's data, but not before Windy swearing he'd curse him. Soulburner wondered about the curses, but Flame, closing his eyes, replied that AIs do not curse.[39] After the Duel was over, soon after, the two saw a broadcast of Blue Maiden facing Bohman. They became concerned when Blue Maiden took an attack from "Cubic Hydradrive Lord", but were relieved when "Marincess Crystal Heart" was brought out. He saw that Blue Maiden was similar to them, too.[40] Flame continued to watch the Duel with Soulburner.[41]
They were alerted when Blue Maiden lost the Duel. Much to their shock, Soulburner and Flame saw a screen showing Kolter facing Playmaker. The two realized that Lightning was blackmailing Kolter, threatening Jin's life in order to defeat Playmaker. As Playmaker summoned "Decode Talker", Flame noted it could've been summoned to the Extra Monster Zone to point to "Codebreaker Zero Day" and gain ATK. He thought Playmaker had doubts if he should fight. Soulburner confirmed this, since this was his friend they were talking about, but Flame reminded of the consequences.[42] Flame knew that Playmaker could not fight Kolter, as Soulburner added that the latter was like family to Playmaker. As the latter played "Link Satellite", the two acknowledged that Playmaker was safe from attacks for a few turns. Regardless, Soulburner wished there was a way he could help Playmaker out. As "Link Satellite" was destroyed, the two were frustrated to see Playmaker in a pinch. Playmaker barely survived Kolter's attacks, and Soulburner explained that Playmaker was tired due to the emotional damage he was taking.[43]
The two were in despair when Playmaker screamed, but were relieved when he summoned "Decode Talker Extended". After Playmaker defeated Kolter and fell to his knees, Soulburner and Flame screamed for their names. After Playmaker confronted Lightning and fell unconscious, Soulburner started crying, as he screamed Playmaker's name. Fueled by revenge, Soulburner promised to avenge his fallen friend whom Bohman and Lightning attempted to trick.[43] Soulburner yelled out he would be their next opponent. Suddenly, the barrier surrounding the players disappeared, due to the work of Varis' allies in the real world. Thus, Soulburner jumped on his D-Board, and called upon Lightning and Bohman. The latter answered his call, whom Soulburner challenged to a Duel. Bohman led Soulburner to an oasis, and the two were taken underneath the watery surface, to a digital cave. Bohman stated that Soulburner worked with Flame, yet was against AI-s. Before the Duel started, Flame reminded Soulburner about Bohman's Hydradrives, which caused Blue Maiden and Aqua to lose. Despite the disadvantage, Soulburner resolved himself not to lose.[44]
As Soulburner analyzed Bohman's strategy, Flame advised him not to go all out at first. Soulburner went on offense, by using the method of Reincarnation Link Summon of "Heatleo". Flame applauded him, for when it was summoned, Soulburner returned "Judgment Arrows" to Bohman's deck, triggering the former's effect, which destroyed "Twin Hydradrive Knight". Despite getting hit by 2300 LP damage, Bohman nevertheless respected Soulburner, claiming the latter should feel proud for executing this strategy. Soulburner became annoyed by his pride, but Flame tried to calm him down, but the former still declared his rage has not been toned down. Bohman Special Summoned "Hydradrive Booster", and tributed it for "Hydradrive Agent", which allowed him to resurrect "Twin Hydradrive Knight". Using these two monsters, Bohman Link Summoned a new huge Hydradrive: "Paradox Hydradrive Atlas". Flame realized this was the same monster that attacked Cyberse World. For a moment, Flame started to fade away, but stated he was fine.[44]
Flame realized Bohman was the one that destroyed Cyberse World. Flame started shaking, feeling anger and sadness, for this fight reminded him about the loss of his homeworld, and that was his will. Bohman commented that without will, the AI could not evolve. However, he felt that the folly behind the will was to make it like humanity's, which he could maintain well. Instead, he told Flame not to fear defeat or shame, for he could accept him as he was. Flame pointed his finger, as he didn't want to be absorbed by Bohman. The two sides saw they had to settle this by continuing the fight; Bohman declared he'd roll a dice for "Paradox Hydradrive Atlas" to determine its Attribute. Soulburner was surprised that Bohman would rely on luck, who proudly exclaimed he was a part of LINK VRAINS, and luck was a part of him. He caused LINK VRAINS to flicker once more, declaring himself a god as the dice started to roll.[44]
Bohman continued rolling dices into his favor to summon "Rousing Hydradrive Monarch", and to inflict 3500 LP damage to Soulburner in one turn. Flame tried to encourage Soulburner to stand up, but felt a shock within himself. As Soulburner made his move, Flame reminded that Bohman's strategy to rely on luck was a random one; unlike AI, Bohman didn't have insight what to do next. Despite Bohman's excellence, using dice effects and predict his next move would be too much for him. Soulburner wanted to wrap things quickly: "Salamangreat Shrine" allowed him to Reincarnate Link Summon "Salamangreat Heatleo". Since Bohman had two cards set, he explained Soulburner had half the chance of success. Soulburner picked the card on the right, but Bohman used the other one, "Card of Pandora", to redirect the effect to it and draw two cards. Flame exclaimed the choice was the same, regardless of what card Soulburner chose. Next, Soulburner's "Heatleo" lowered the ATK of "Rousing Hydradrive Monarch" to that of "Salamangreat Mole", zero.[1]
As "Heatleo" went to attack, Bohman played "Dice Logic", so that the attacking monster's ATK becomes zero or doubled, if the dice's result is an odd or even number. However, Bohman amplified the effect so that he could increase the dice's result by one, so Flame pointed out if it is not a six, Bohman could protect himself. Bohman rolled a two, and the effect allowed him to increase that number by one, so that the ATK of "Heatleo" becomes zero. As Flame wondered about Bohman's abilities, he continued to flicker. Bohman exclaimed the AI was evolving faster then they thought, and soon they'd take over the humanity. Soulburner didn't think of Bohman as a god, who replied that humanity's time to be at the top was over, and showed that he relied on Flame for his moves. Soulburner denied this, since he thought of Flame more of a friend than an AI. Soulburner exclaimed he didn't actually understand what an AI actually was, but Flame brought him out of the despair; after meeting Playmaker, Soulburner swore that his soul would remain intact, regardless of what happened next.[1]

Windy returned to complete his curse to Flame.

Flame terminated after using all his strength against Windy.
Suddenly, Windy emerged out of Flame's body. Flame became weakened, as Windy reminded he'd curse Flame, whose body started to wither; he admitted that he rewrote Flame, as a program, to revive himself inside Flame's body. Soulburner tried to remove Windy, who splattered his hand to stop him, claiming he was underneath them. Thus, Windy wanted to get his revenge by consuming Soulburner, whose hand was being consumed. Bohman tried to stop Windy, who demanded of Bohman to be quiet and let him continue on. Windy was being restored, but suddenly, Flame started to resist him, and Windy asked where did he get the strength from. Flame ignored Windy, and reversed his effects and absorbed him once more. However, Flame reversed the effects and absorbed Windy back into himself, which amazed Bohman. Flame exclaimed the power of his will, as his soul was indomitable. Soulburner was pleased for Flame, but the latter continued to flicker. Thinking these were his final moments, he asked of Soulburner to defeat Bohman, using any means necessary. Claiming of Soulburner as his partner, Flame felt proud to be by his side, and was turned into data.[1]

Flame aiding in "Firewall Dragon Darkfluid's attack.
Flame was inside the Neuron Link, and was slowly being absorbed into Bohman's body. He and Aqua tried to persuade Ai to leave, as they would all be absorbed. To stop him, Flame shared some of his power to Ai, who passed it onto Playmaker, in form of "Firewall Dragon Darkfluid". Ai tried to save the Ignis, but Flame reminded that they had forgotten that they, too, were mortal, and these were their final moments before their demise. When Ai left, Bohman absorbed Flame and the rest of the captured Ignis. However, Flame briefly appeared when "Firewall Dragon Darkfluid" attacked with "Neo Tempest Flame".[45]
Season three[]
During Soulburner's duel against Varis, Flame appeared in spirit to encourage Soulburner. He said that despite neither him nor his parents being physically present, they would always be with Soulburner. His words gave Soulburner the resolve to continue the duel, as Flame's spirit disappeared, causing the rain to stop.[46]

Ai reminisces about his Ignis friends, before using their representations to summon "The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister".
During Ai's Duel with Playmaker, Ai reminisced about his Ignis friends. He looked at "Fire Phoenix @Ignister", which reminded him of Flame, and used it to Link Summon "The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister".[47]
- Ai: Flame first appears to look down on Ai, as the fellow Ignis was lazy when with his duties in Cyberse. He calls him an "airhead" and wishes to not be associated with him. Upon the two being united, he makes fun of Ai's name, calling it a "cutesy name" compared to his self-given name. Despite not wanting to be associated, Flame seems on good terms with Ai to go as far as ask for his help to find the other Ignis. He even calls him a comrade when he met Theodore in person despite dismissing it later. Regardless, Flame genuinely cares for Ai, showing concern when he found him and Playmaker trapped and was immediate in freeing them. Likewise, Ai cares for Flame very much, supporting him in his duel against Windy and panicking when Soulburner was pushed into a corner. Overall their relationship seems similar to that of brothers. Ai was visibly distraught at Flame's demise.
- Windy: Flame appeared to be very close to Windy as he was glad to see him alright when they met in the world of Wind. When Yusaku tells him that he suspects Windy of having a connection to Bohman, Flame refuses to believe it, standing by his stance that Windy is their friend while being completely oblivious of Windy's true malicious nature. After seeing the truth about Windy, he and Ai watch and support Varis as finished his duel against him. When confronted by Windy, Flame states he doesn't dislike him since Windy wasn't always twisted but swore to make him pay for betraying them. Flame was also very enraged by Windy's malicious taunts, disgusted by how low Windy has become. Despite everything, Flame still showed care for Windy, as he attempted to save Windy's data as he was being terminated by Lightning, but Windy rejected Flame's help, refusing to let go of his hate and cursed the FIRE Ignis before being destroyed. Flame appeared to be disappointed at Windy's passing. Even after Flame had saved him, Windy still bore immense hatred toward him, as seen when Windy rewrote Flame's program and tried to drain Flame in order to restore himself. Flame, however, proved to be stronger than Windy anticipated and was able to reabsorb Windy, however, this ultimately resulted in the demise of both Windy and Flame, however this was later revealed to be the result of Lightning's actions.
- Lightning: Flame was deceptive of Lightning when Ai told him and Soulburner that he and Windy trapped them. Flame showed that he wanted to doubt that Lightning destroyed Cyberse, but upon the latter admitting it to be true, he became enraged, determined to make him pay for destroying their home. Lightning also played a direct role in Flame's demise by implanting the curse within Windy
- Earth: Although they have never been seen interacting, Flame cared for Earth as a friend, as seen when he was hopeful that Earth had escaped from SOL Technologies, as well as his horror when it was revealed that Gore had implanted Earth's data into himself. After Playmaker and Ai defeated Gore and returned Crystal Heart to Aqua, Flame hoped that Earth would rest in peace.
Theodore Hamilton[]
Theodore is Flame's partner, having been modeled after him during the Lost Incident. Although he teases him at times about his dueling abilities and his poor hacking skills, Flame is very close to Theodore as they take on challenges together. Flame is also shown to be supportive, often helping out Theodore when he lacks confidence and shows genuine concern for him when he's in trouble as seen when he helped wake Theodore up after falling unconscious from Shepherd's trap. It is also revealed that Flame supports humans because he sees Theodore's unlimited potential, showing how much he believes in his partner. When Theodore was frustrated about the others working with the Knight of Hanoi to stop Lightning, Flame offered counsel to help him understand that Varis wanted to apologize.
Their initial meeting nearly has Flame crushed by Theodore, who thought he is a ghost that possessed the Duel Disk. Flame tries to get closer to Theodore, but the human is easily spooked by the Ignis and wouldn't look at him. However, after helping Theodore overcome his trauma and fears during his duel against Ryujiro, Theodore soon warms up to Flame. They appear to be the closest among the Ignis and their originators.
When Windy reemerges from Flame's body, he attempts to drain he life out of the latter and destroy Soulburner. However, Flame manages to take back control out of sheer will to protect his partner. This however causes his own termination. Before vanishing, Flame tells Soulburner he was happy he saw him as his equal and encourages him not to give up, calling him "partner" one last time.
Cal Kolter[]
Flame holds Kolter in high regard as one of the heroes who saved LINK VRAINS alongside Playmaker, always addressing him with the respectful "dono." This is seen when he respectfully asked Kolter to tell him his backstory, listening very intently as Kolter described his initial meeting and adventures with Yusaku. Flame was shocked to see Kolter battling Playmaker, remaining sympathetic about Kolter being blackmailed and Playmaker's reluctance to fight him. Flame also appeared very sad seeing Kolter erased after his duel with Playmaker, showing just how much he cared about a comrade he's always admired and respected.
- Flame is similar to Astral. Both are blunt and occasionally insult their partners, but also care about them. They also have a habit of keeping their arms crossed. Both also occasionally use reverse psychology to encourage their partners not to give up and remind them to stay calm when angered.
- Flame's termination is also similar to what happened to Astral. Both were being overtaken (by Windy and Number 96, respectfully) and managed to resist by thinking of their partners. Both soon vanished shortly after.
- They also share the same voice actor in the English dub; Marc Thompson.
- Flame is one of two Ignis whose personal Deck is used by their human partner; the other being Aqua.
- He is also the only male Ignis to have never dueled against anyone personally.
- Flame is the only absorbed Ignis to have returned in Season 3, momentarily returning as a spirit to encourage Theodore during his duel with Varis.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 95: "From the Ashes"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 43: "The Reveal"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 50: "A Common Cause"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 49: "Bring the Heat"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 45: "Standing Tall"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 96: "I Know Your Secret"
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 73: "Weathering the Storm"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 1: "Link into the VRAINS"
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 61: "Darkness Dawns"
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 63: "Scare Tactics"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 48: "Shed Some Light"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 51: "Bounty Hunting"
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 52: "Tapping Out"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 54: "Game of Drones"
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 55: "A Windy Welcome"
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 56: "Blue Gal Battles!"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 58: "Memory Games"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 60: "Sidekick Showdown"
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 62: "Fearing the Worst"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 64: "The Beginning"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 66: "Contact"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 68: "The Doorway"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 69: "Coexistence"
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 70: "A Storm Brews"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 71: "A Logical Decision"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 72: "Strategy Shift"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 74: "Brain Hack"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 75: "Earthfall"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 77: "A Family Reunion"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 78: "From One Hunter To Another"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 79: "The Hunt Is On"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 80: "Lightning Strikes"
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 81: "Heart of Darkness"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 82: "Gored"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 85: "My Brother’s Keeper"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 86: "The Weakest Link"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 87: "The Ultimate Connection"
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 88: "A Breezy Battle"
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 89: "Fan the Flames"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 90: "For a Friend"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 91: "From the Heart"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 92: "Fight with a Friend"
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 93: "A Fighting Promise"
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 94: "No Matter What It Takes"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 102: "The Final Turn"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 116: "Stuck in the Past"
- ↑ Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 118: "Alone Together"