For later manga appearances of this card, see "Final Attack Orders" (GX manga).
Main article: Final Attack Orders
Final Attack Orders
- Japanese: 最終突撃命令
- Romaji: Saishū Totsugeki Meirei
Card type | |
Property | |
As long as this card is in play all monsters must be in Attack Position. Each player chooses three cards from their Deck and sends the rest of their Deck to the Graveyard. Viz Media lore<nomobile>?:</nomobile> <mobile>(The English manga by Viz Media sometimes uses lores which are inconsistent with the Japanese lore or how the card worked.):</mobile> As long as this card remains on the field, all face-up monsters on the field are changed to Attack Position and their battle position cannot be changed. In addition, both players must draw 3 cards from their deck and place the rest of their deck in the graveyard. | |
Appearances |
Manga cards (Galleries: Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Gallery
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- Lores
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- Names
Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | 最終突撃命令 | このカードが場にある限り すべてのモンスターは攻撃表示となる。互いのプレイヤーはデッキの中から3枚を選び 残るすべてを墓地に置く |
- Seto Kaiba's Battle City Deck
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