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Tournament Pack 8 is a booster pack that was released to TCG tournament locations. It is the eighth Tournament Pack, following Tournament Pack 7.


Each pack contains 3 cards. The set contains 20 cards:



Set number English name French name Rarity Category
TP8-FR001 Magical Arm Shield Bouclier Magique de Bras Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
TP8-FR002 Harpie's Feather Duster Le Plumeau de Dame Harpie Super Rare Normal Spell Card
TP8-FR003 Slate Warrior Guerrier Ardoise Super Rare Flip monster
TP8-FR004 Dunames Dark Witch Dunames, Sorcière des Ténèbres Super Rare Normal Monster
TP8-FR005 Garma Sword Épée Garma Super Rare Ritual Monster
TP8-FR006 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Zaborg, Le Monarque du Tonnerre Rare Effect Monster
TP8-FR007 Granmarg the Rock Monarch Grandmarg le Monarque des Roches Rare Effect Monster
TP8-FR008 Mobius the Frost Monarch Mobius le Monarque de Glace Rare Effect Monster
TP8-FR009 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Thestalos, le Monarque de la Tempête de Feu Rare Effect Monster
TP8-FR010 Garma Sword Oath Serment de l'Épée Garma Common Ritual Spell Card
TP8-FR011 Berserk Gorilla Gorille Enragé Common Effect Monster
TP8-FR012 Ultimate Offering Offrande Suprême Common Continuous Trap Card
TP8-FR013 Gatekeeper Garde-Barrière Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR014 Behegon Behegon Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR015 Violent Rain Déluge Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR016 Temple of Skulls Temple des Crânes Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR017 Blocker Bloqueur Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR018 Wretched Ghost of the Attic Misérable Fantôme du Grenier Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR019 Sectarian of Secrets Sectaire des Secrets Common Normal Monster
TP8-FR020 Necrolancer the Timelord Common Normal Monster

Set number English name Italian name Rarity Category
TP8-IT001 Magical Arm Shield Scudo da Braccio Magico Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
TP8-IT002 Harpie's Feather Duster Spolverino dell'Arpia Super Rare Normal Spell Card
TP8-IT003 Slate Warrior Guerriero di Ardesia Super Rare Flip monster
TP8-IT004 Dunames Dark Witch Strega Oscura Dunares Super Rare Normal Monster
TP8-IT005 Garma Sword Spada Garma Super Rare Ritual Monster
TP8-IT006 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Zaborg il Monarca del Tuono Rare Effect Monster
TP8-IT007 Granmarg the Rock Monarch Grandmarg Monarca della Terra Rare Effect Monster
TP8-IT008 Mobius the Frost Monarch Mobius il Monarca Glaciale Rare Effect Monster
TP8-IT009 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Thestalos il Monarca della Tempesta di Fuoco Rare Effect Monster
TP8-IT010 Garma Sword Oath Giuramento della Spada Garma Common Ritual Spell Card
TP8-IT011 Berserk Gorilla Gorilla Berserk Common Effect Monster
TP8-IT012 Ultimate Offering Ultima Offerta Common Continuous Trap Card
TP8-IT013 Gatekeeper Custode del Cancello Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT014 Behegon Behegon Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT015 Violent Rain Pioggia Violenta Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT016 Temple of Skulls Tempio dei Teschi Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT017 Blocker Bloccatore Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT018 Wretched Ghost of the Attic Fantasma Miserabile della Soffitta Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT019 Sectarian of Secrets Adepto dei Segreti Common Normal Monster
TP8-IT020 Necrolancer the Timelord Common Normal Monster

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
TP8-SP001"Magical Arm Shield""Escudo Mágico de Brazo"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
TP8-SP002"Harpie's Feather Duster""Polvo de Pluma de Arpía"Super RareNormal Spell Card
TP8-SP003"Slate Warrior""Guerrero de Pizarra"Super RareFlip monster
TP8-SP004"Dunames Dark Witch""Bruja Oscura Dunames"Super RareNormal Monster
TP8-SP005"Garma Sword""Espada Garma"Super RareRitual Monster
TP8-SP006"Zaborg the Thunder Monarch""Zaborg el Monarca del Trueno"RareEffect Monster
TP8-SP007"Granmarg the Rock Monarch""Granmarg el Monarca de Roca"RareEffect Monster
TP8-SP008"Mobius the Frost Monarch""Mobius, el Monarca de la Escarcha"RareEffect Monster
TP8-SP009"Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch""Thestalos el Monarca de la Tormenta de Fuego"RareEffect Monster
TP8-SP010"Garma Sword Oath""Juramento de la Espada Garma"CommonRitual Spell Card
TP8-SP011"Berserk Gorilla""Gorila Berserker"CommonEffect Monster
TP8-SP012"Ultimate Offering""Ofrenda Final"CommonContinuous Trap Card
TP8-SP013"Gatekeeper""Custodio"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP014"Behegon""Behegon"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP015"Violent Rain""Lluvia Violenta"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP016"Temple of Skulls""Templo de Cráneos"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP017"Blocker""Obstructor"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP018"Wretched Ghost of the Attic""Desdichado Fantasma del Desván"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP019"Sectarian of Secrets""Sectario de los Secretos"CommonNormal Monster
TP8-SP020"Necrolancer the Timelord"CommonUnknownNo card type for Necrolancer the Timelord available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
