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(エー) カウンター

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Japanese (romanized)

Ē Kauntā



A-Counter, otherwise known as "Alien Counter", is a type of counter associated with the "Alien" archetype. Certain card effects depend on these to exist on opponent's monsters to work. The majority of the time, when an "Alien" monster battles a monster that has an A-Counter, the monster with the A-Counter loses 300 ATK and DEF during damage calculation only.

However for this ATK/DEF reduction, you need a monster on the field with an effect that specifically mentions this ATK/DEF decrease, as it is not an inherent condition for A-Counters. The benefit of this is that the ATK/DEF reduction is cumulative with more monsters that have that effect on the field, as supported by the rulings for "Alien Grey".

Lore-wise, A-Counters take the form of "Corruption Cell "A"", which resembles a gelatinous blob of flesh with a tubular "mouth" and a tail. "Interplanetary Invader "A"" is also an A-Counter, apparently having evolved legs and the ability to control minds without the need of another "Alien" monster.

The following A-Counter support cards are watered-down versions of staple cards:

Support card Based on
Interdimensional Warp Creature Swap
Cell Explosion Virus Mirror Force
Detonator Circle "A" Destruction Ring/Ring of Destruction
Planet Pollutant Virus Crush Card Virus
Alien Hypno/Brainwashing Beam Snatch Steal

The following cards use A-Counters:

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Alien Dogエーリアン・ドッグEffect MonsterLIGHTReptile315001000
Alien Greyエーリアン・グレイEffect MonsterFlip monsterLIGHTReptile2300800
Alien Hunterエーリアン・ハンターEffect MonsterWATERReptile41600800
Alien Hypnoエーリアン・ヒュプノEffect MonsterGemini monsterWATERReptile41600700
Alien Kidエーリアン・キッズEffect MonsterLIGHTReptile41600700
Alien Marsエーリアン・マーズEffect MonsterFIREReptile310001000
Alien Motherエーリアン・マザーEffect MonsterDARKReptile623001500
Alien Overlordエーリアン・リベンジャーEffect MonsterDARKReptile622001600
Alien Psychicエーリアン・サイコEffect MonsterDARKReptile1200100
Alien Shocktrooper M-Frameエーリアン・ソルジャー M/フレームEffect Monster
Link Monster
Alien Skullエーリアン・スカルEffect MonsterWINDReptile416001800
Alien Stealthbusterエーリアン・バスターEffect MonsterLIGHTReptile417001500
Alien Telepathエーリアン・テレパスEffect MonsterFIREReptile416001000
Alien Warriorエーリアン・ウォリアーEffect MonsterEARTHReptile418001000
Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar宇宙砦ゴルガーEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Cosmic Horror Gangi'el宇宙獣ガンギルEffect MonsterLIGHTReptile726002000
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
"A" Cell Breeding Device「A」細胞増殖装置Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
"A" Cell Incubator「A」細胞培養装置Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
"A" Cell Recombination Device「A」細胞組み換え装置Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
"A" Cell Scatter Burst「A」細胞散布爆弾Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Brainwashing Beam洗脳光線Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Cell Explosion Virus細胞爆破ウイルスTrap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Code A Ancient Ruins古代遺跡コードASpell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Corruption Cell "A"侵食細胞「A」Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Detonator Circle "A"デストラクト・サークル-ATrap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Interdimensional Warp亜空間ジャンプ装置Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Mass Hypnosis集団催眠Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Mysterious Triangleトライアングル・エリアSpell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Planet Pollutant Virus惑星汚染ウイルスTrap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card