The Field Searchers are a series of usually Level 4 monsters that have the ability to search a certain Field Spell Card for their archetype, series, or Type.
They all can discard themselves to add their corresponding Field Spell Card from the player's Deck to their hand (except for "Necroworld Banshee", "Salamangreat Balelynx", "Garden Rose Maiden", "Striker Dragon", "Numeron Wall" and "Armatos Legio Gradius"). Field Searchers with an original ATK of 2100 have an additional effect that destroy themselves if their corresponding Field Spell Card is not active.
The first set of Field Searchers were released in Force of the Breaker, with the distinction that when played on the field while their corresponding Field Spell is active, they would have 2100 ATK after the Field Spell's stat boosts are accounted for.