Eye of Wdjat

Eye of Wdjat in the anime
The Eye of Wdjat, also known as the Eye of Horus or simply the wdjat, is an Ancient Egyptian symbol, appearing various times throughout Yu-Gi-Oh! media. In Egyptian mythology, Wdjat was the protector goddess of Lower Egypt, and the eye symbol used by her was slightly altered to create the Eye of Horus. It is a symbol of protection and heavily associated with the pharaohs.
A different eye, called the Eye of Anubis or Millennium Symbol, is a fictional invention of Yu-Gi-Oh! and prominently features throughout the series; as such it is sometimes stylized to resemble the wdjat, such as on the Millennium Puzzle.
Yet another eye associated with the wdjat, the Eye of Ra, is derived from real-life Egyptian art in which it is depicted as the solar disk itself; this eye is less prominent in Yu-Gi-Oh! than the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Anubis, but serves as the inspiration for the Winged Dragon of Ra's Sphere Mode.
The Millennium Puzzle is the only Millennium Item on which the Eye of Anubis resembles the Eye of Wdjat. This same stylized wdjat appeared on the door to the afterlife in the Shrine of the Millennium Stone. After the Ceremonial Battle, Atem spoke his name to the Eye, causing the door to open.
The Eye of Wdjat is referenced on the OCG/TCG card "A Man with Wdjat", in which the man has a symbolic eye on his forehead and on each of his hands, and the Eye is fully depicted on the anime-exclusive "Eye of Ujat" card.