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Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 is a Duelist Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game.



There are 5 cards per pack:

  • 15 packs per Japanese box
  • 30 packs per Korean box

The set contains 56 cards.



Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
DP20-JP000"Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon"「ブルーアイズ・カオス・MAX・ドラゴン」Holographic RareEffect Ritual Monster
DP20-JP001"Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon"「青眼の混沌龍」Ultra RareEffect Ritual Monster
DP20-JP002"Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon‎‎"「ブルーアイズ・ソリッド・ドラゴン」Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-JP003"Bingo Machine, Go!!!‎‎"「ビンゴマシーンGO!GO!」Super RareNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP004"Rage with Eyes of Blue"「青き眼の激臨」RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-JP005"The Ultimate Creature of Destruction"「強靭!無敵!最強!」RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-JP006"Blue-Eyes White Dragon"「青眼の白龍」CommonNormal Monster
DP20-JP007"The White Stone of Legend"「伝説の白石」CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-JP008"Maiden with Eyes of Blue"「青き眼の乙女」CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-JP009"The Melody of Awakening Dragon"「ドラゴン・目覚めの旋律」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP010"Dragon Shrine"「竜の霊廟」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP011"Chaos Form"「カオス・フォーム」CommonRitual Spell Card
DP20-JP012"Cyber Eternity Dragon"「サイバー・エタニティ・ドラゴン」Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-JP013"Cyber Pharos"「サイバー・ファロス」RareEffect Monster
DP20-JP014"Cyberload Fusion"「サイバーロード・フュージョン」Super RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-JP015"Super Strident Blaze"「エターナル・エヴォリューション・バースト」RareEquip Spell Card
DP20-JP016"Cybernetic Revolution"「サイバネティック・レボリューション」Super RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-JP017"Cyber End Dragon"「サイバー・エンド・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-JP018"Cyber Twin Dragon"「サイバー・ツイン・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-JP019"Chimeratech Rampage Dragon"「キメラテック・ランページ・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-JP020"Cyber Dragon Drei"「サイバー・ドラゴン・ドライ」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP021"Cyber Repair Plant"「サイバー・リペア・プラント」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP022"Power Bond"「パワー・ボンド」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP023"Blackwing Full Armor Master"「BF-フルアーマード・ウィング」Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster
DP20-JP024"Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind"「BF-毒風のシムーン」Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-JP025"Blackwing - Auster the South Wind"「BF-南風のアウステル」RareEffect Tuner monster
DP20-JP026"Glowing Crossbow"「グローウィング・ボウガン」RareEquip Spell Card
DP20-JP027"Blackbird Close"「ブラック・バード・クローズ」RareCounter Trap Card
DP20-JP028"Black-Winged Dragon"「ブラックフェザー・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Synchro Monster
DP20-JP029"Blackwing - Bora the Spear"「BF-黒槍のブラスト」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP030"Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall"「BF-突風のオロシ」CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-JP031"Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite"「BF-精鋭のゼピュロス」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP032"Black Whirlwind"「黒い旋風」CommonContinuous Spell Card
DP20-JP033"Delta Crow - Anti Reverse"「デルタ・クロウ-アンチ・リバース」CommonNormal Trap Card
DP20-JP034"Starliege Photon Blast Dragon"「輝光竜フォトン・ブラスト・ドラゴン」Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster
DP20-JP035"Photon Vanisher‎"「フォトン・バニッシャー」RareEffect Monster
DP20-JP036"Photon Orbital"「フォトン・オービタル」Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-JP037"Photon Hand"「フォトン・ハンド」RareNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP038"Photon Change"「フォトン・チェンジ」RareContinuous Trap Card
DP20-JP039"Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon"「銀河眼の光子竜」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP040"Galaxy Knight"「銀河騎士」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP041"Photon Thrasher"「フォトン・スラッシャー」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP042"Photon Crusher"「フォトン・クラッシャー」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP043"Kuriphoton"「クリフォトン」CommonEffect Monster
DP20-JP044"Accellight"「アクセル・ライト」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP045"Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna"「魔界劇団-メロー・マドンナ」Ultra RareEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-JP046"Abyss Actor - Comic Relief"「魔界劇団-コミック・リリーフ」RareEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-JP047"Abyss Script - Romantic Terror"「魔界台本「ロマンティック・テラー」」RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-JP048"Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater"「魔界劇場「ファンタスティックシアター」」Super RareField Spell Card
DP20-JP049"Abyss Actors' Curtain Call"「魔界劇団のカーテンコール」RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-JP050"Abyss Actor - Superstar"「魔界劇団-ビッグ・スター」CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-JP051"Abyss Actor - Leading Lady"「魔界劇団-プリティ・ヒロイン」CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-JP052"Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy"「魔界劇団-ダンディ・バイプレイヤー」CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-JP053"Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony"「魔界台本「オープニング・セレモニー」」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP054"Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King"「魔界台本「魔王の降臨」」CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-JP055"Abyss Actors Back Stage"「魔界劇団の楽屋入り」CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameKorean nameRarityCategory
DP20-KR000"Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon""푸른 눈의 카오스 MAX (맥스) 드래곤"Secret RareEffect Ritual Monster
DP20-KR001"Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon""푸른 눈의 카오스 드래곤"Ultra RareEffect Ritual Monster
DP20-KR002"Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon‎‎""푸른 눈의 솔리드 드래곤"Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-KR003"Bingo Machine, Go!!!""빙고머신 GO () ! GO () !"Super RareNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR004"Rage with Eyes of Blue""파란 눈의 격림"RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-KR005"The Ultimate Creature of Destruction""강인! 무적! 최강!"RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-KR006"Blue-Eyes White Dragon""푸른 눈의 백룡"CommonNormal Monster
DP20-KR007"The White Stone of Legend""전설의 백석"CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-KR008"Maiden with Eyes of Blue""파란 눈의 소녀"CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-KR009"The Melody of Awakening Dragon""드래곤 자각의 선율"CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR010"Dragon Shrine""용의 영묘"CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR011"Chaos Form""카오스 폼"CommonRitual Spell Card
DP20-KR012"Cyber Eternity Dragon""사이버 이터니티 드래곤"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-KR013"Cyber Pharos""사이버 파로스"RareEffect Monster
DP20-KR014"Cyberload Fusion""사이버로드 퓨전"Super RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-KR015"Super Strident Blaze""이터널 에볼루션 버스트"RareEquip Spell Card
DP20-KR016"Cybernetic Revolution""사이버네틱 레볼루션"Super RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-KR017"Cyber End Dragon""사이버 엔드 드래곤"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-KR018"Cyber Twin Dragon""사이버 트윈 드래곤"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-KR019"Chimeratech Rampage Dragon""키메라테크 램페이지 드래곤"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
DP20-KR020"Cyber Dragon Drei""사이버 드래곤 드라이"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR021"Cyber Repair Plant""사이버 리페어 플랜트"CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR022"Power Bond""파워 본드"CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR023"Blackwing Full Armor Master""BF (블랙 페더) -풀아머드 윙"Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster
DP20-KR024"Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind""BF (블랙 페더) -독풍의 시문"Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-KR025"Blackwing - Auster the South Wind‎""BF (블랙 페더) -남풍의 아우스테르"RareEffect Tuner monster
DP20-KR026"Glowing Crossbow""그로우윙 보우건"RareEquip Spell Card
DP20-KR027"Blackbird Close""블랙 버드 클로즈"RareCounter Trap Card
DP20-KR028"Black-Winged Dragon""블랙 페더 드래곤"CommonEffect Synchro Monster
DP20-KR029"Blackwing - Bora the Spear""BF (블랙페더) -흑창의 블래스트"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR030"Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall""BF (블랙페더) -돌풍의 오로시"CommonEffect Tuner monster
DP20-KR031"Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite""BF (블랙페더) -정예의 제피로스"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR032"Black Whirlwind""검은 선풍"CommonContinuous Spell Card
DP20-KR033"Delta Crow - Anti Reverse""델타 크로우 - 안티 리버스"CommonNormal Trap Card
DP20-KR034"Starliege Photon Blast Dragon""휘광룡 포톤 블래스트 드래곤"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster
DP20-KR035"Photon Vanisher‎""포톤 버니셔"RareEffect Monster
DP20-KR036"Photon Orbital""포톤 오비탈"Super RareEffect Monster
DP20-KR037"Photon Hand""포톤 핸드"RareNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR038"Photon Change‎""포톤 체인지"RareContinuous Trap Card
DP20-KR039"Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon""갤럭시아이즈 포톤 드래곤"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR040"Galaxy Knight""갤럭시 나이트"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR041"Photon Thrasher""포톤 스래셔"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR042"Photon Crusher""포톤 크러셔"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR043"Kuriphoton""크리포톤"CommonEffect Monster
DP20-KR044"Accellight""액셀 라이트"CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR045"Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna""마계극단-멜로 마돈나"Ultra RareEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-KR046"Abyss Actor - Comic Relief""마계극단-코믹 릴리프"RareEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-KR047"Abyss Script - Romantic Terror""마계대본 "로맨틱 텔러""RareQuick-Play Spell Card
DP20-KR048"Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater""마계극장 "판타스틱시어터""Super RareField Spell Card
DP20-KR049"Abyss Actors' Curtain Call""마계극단 커튼콜"RareNormal Trap Card
DP20-KR050"Abyss Actor - Superstar""마계극단-빅 스타"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-KR051"Abyss Actor - Leading Lady""마계극단-프리티 히로인"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-KR052"Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy""마계극단-댄디 바이플레이어"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
DP20-KR053"Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony""마계대본 "오프닝 세레모니""CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR054"Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King""마계대본 "마왕의 강림""CommonNormal Spell Card
DP20-KR055"Abyss Actors Back Stage""마계극단 대기실 입장"CommonNormal Trap Card

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