Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
DLDI-FR001 | "Man-Eater Bug" | "Insecte Mangeur d'Hommes" | Common | Flip monster |
DLDI-FR002 | "Nimble Momonga" | "Momonga Agile" | Common | Effect Monster |
DLDI-FR003 | "Axe of Despair" | "Hache du Désespoir" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
DLDI-FR004 | "Enemy Controller" | "Contrôleur d'Ennemi" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
DLDI-FR005 | "Lightning Vortex" | "Vortex Foudroyant" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
Set number | Name | German name | Rarity | Category |
DLDI-DE001 | Man-Eater Bug | Menschenfresserkäfer | Common | Flip monster |
DLDI-DE002 | Nimble Momonga | Flinker Momonga | Common | Effect Monster |
DLDI-DE003 | Axe of Despair | Axt der Verzweiflung | Common | Spell Card |
DLDI-DE004 | Enemy Controller | Feindkontrolle | Common | Spell Card |
DLDI-DE005 | Lightning Vortex | Blitzeinschlag | Common | Spell Card |
Set number | Name | Italian name | Rarity | Category |
DLDI-IT001 | Man-Eater Bug | Insetto Mangia-Uomini | Common | Flip monster |
DLDI-IT002 | Nimble Momonga | L'Agile Momonga | Common | Effect Monster |
DLDI-IT003 | Axe of Despair | Ascia di Distruzione | Common | Spell Card |
DLDI-IT004 | Enemy Controller | Controlla-Avversario | Common | Spell Card |
DLDI-IT005 | Lightning Vortex | Fulmine Boltex | Common | Spell Card |
Set number | English name | Spanish name | Rarity | Category |
DLDI-SP001 | Man-Eater Bug | Insecto Come-hombres | Common | Flip monster |
DLDI-SP002 | Nimble Momonga | Momonga Ágil | Common | Effect Monster |
DLDI-SP003 | Axe of Despair | Hacha del Desespero | Common | Equip Spell Card |
DLDI-SP004 | Enemy Controller | Controlador de Enemigos | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
DLDI-SP005 | Lightning Vortex | Vórtice de Relámpago | Common | Normal Spell Card |