Main article: Double or Nothing!
Double or Nothing!
- Japanese: ダブル・アップ・チャンス
- Romaji: Daburu Appu Chansu
- Translated: Double Up Chance
Card type | |
Property | |
When a monster's attack is negated: Target that monster; during this Battle Phase, it can attack once again, and if it does, its ATK is doubled during the Damage Step only.
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Appearances | |
Links |
Anime cards (Galleries: ZEXAL)
- Gallery
- Appearances
- Trivia
- Lores
- Artworks
- Names
Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Italian | Lascia o Raddoppia! | Quando l'attacco di un mostro viene annullato: scegli come bersaglio quel mostro; durante questa Battle Phase, può attaccare ancora una volta e, se lo fa, il suo ATK viene raddoppiato solo durante il Damage Step. |
Japanese | ダブル・アップ・チャンス | モンスターの攻撃が無効になった時、そのモンスター1体を選択して発動する。このバトルフェイズ中、選択したモンスターはもう1度だけ攻撃する事ができる。その場合、選択したモンスターはダメージステップの間攻撃力が倍になる。 |
Daburu Appu Chansu |
Search categories
- Stat changes
- Changes ATK value
- Attack categories
- Allows multiple attacks