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(Duelist Pack: Pharaoh's Memories → Duelist Pack: Memories of the Pharaoh)
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{{Unofficial name|Arabic|Croatian|Portuguese}}
{{Unofficial name|Arabic|Chinese|Croatian|Greek}}
{{Unofficial lore|Chinese}}
|arname = لوحة المصير
| ar_name = لوحة المصير
| zh_name = 通靈盤
|frname = Tableau de la Destinée
| hr_name = Ploča Sudbine
|dename = Schicksalstafel
| fr_name = Tableau de la Destinée
|crname = Ploča Sudbine
| de_name = Schicksalstafel
|grname = Πίνακας Της Μοίρας
| el_name = Πίνακας Της Μοίρας
|itname = Tavola del Destino
| it_name = Tavola del Destino
|krname = 위저 보드
| ko_name = 위저 보드
|ptname = Tabuleiro do Destino
|spname = Tablero del Destino
| pt_name = Tábua do Destino
| es_name = Tablero del Destino
|kanji = ウィジャ{{Ruby|盤|ばん}}
|jpname = ウィジャ盤
| ja_name = ウィジャ{{Ruby||ばん}}
| romaji_name = Wija Ban
|jphira = ウィジャばん
| trans_name = Ouija Board
|phon = Wija Ban
|trans = Ouija Board
| alt_name = Forbidden Board
| image = DestinyBoard-DPRP-EN-C-1E.png
|altname = Forbidden Board
| card_type = Trap
|image = DestinyBoardRP02-EN-SR-UE.jpg
| property = Continuous
|attribute = Trap
| passcode = 94212438
|typest = Continuous
|effect = Trigger, Continuous, Continuous
| effect_types = Condition, Trigger-like, Continuous-like
|lore = At the end of each of your opponent's [[turn]]s, place 1 "[[Spirit Message]]" card from your [[hand]] or your [[Main Deck|Deck]] [[face-up]] on the [[Playing Field|field]]. If you [[control]] the "Spirit Message" cards [[Spirit Message "I"|I]], [[Spirit Message "N"|N]], [[Spirit Message "A"|A]], and [[Spirit Message "L"|L]]” in the proper order, you win the [[Duel]]. If any "Spirit Message" cards or "Destiny Board" you control is removed from the field, all "Spirit Message" cards and "Destiny Board" you control are [[Send|sent]] to the [[Graveyard]].
| lore = When this card and all 4 "[[Spirit Message]]" cards with different names are placed on your [[field]], you win the [[Duel]]. [[Once per turn]], during your opponent's [[End Phase]]: Place 1 "Spirit Message" card from your [[hand]] or [[Main Deck|Deck]] in your [[Spell & Trap Zone]] [[face-up]], in the proper order of "[[Spirit Message "I"|I]]", "[[Spirit Message "N"|N]]", "[[Spirit Message "A"|A]]", and "[[Spirit Message "L"|L]]". When any "Spirit Message" card or "Destiny Board" you [[control]] [[leaves the field]], [[send]] all "Spirit Message" cards and "Destiny Board" you control to the [[Graveyard]].
|frlore = À la fin de chaque tour de votre adversaire, placez face recto sur votre Terrain 1 carte "Message Spirituel" de votre main ou de votre Deck dans l’ordre "I", "N", "A" et "L". Si toutes les cartes "Message Spirituel", "I", "N", "A" et "L" sont sur votre terrain, vous êtes déclaré(e) vainqueur. Si une des cartes est détruite ou retirée du Terrain durant la construction du message, toutes les cartes sont envoyées au Cimetière.
| fr_lore = Lorsque cette carte ainsi que toutes les 4 cartes "Message Spirituel" de noms différents sont placées sur votre Terrain, vous gagnez le Duel. Une fois par tour, durant la End Phase de votre adversaire : placez face recto 1 carte "Message Spirituel" depuis votre main ou Deck dans votre Zone Magie & Piège, dans le bon ordre "I", "N", "A" et "L". Lorsque "Tableau de la Destinée" ou une carte "Message Spirituel" que vous contrôlez quitte le Terrain, envoyez "Tableau de la Destinée" et toutes les cartes "Message Spirituel" que vous contrôlez au Cimetière.
| de_lore = Wenn diese Karte und alle 4 „Geisternachricht“-Karten mit unterschiedlichen Namen auf deiner Spielfeldseite liegen, gewinnst du das Duell. Einmal pro Spielzug, während der End Phase deines Gegners: Lege 1 „Geisternachricht“-Karte von deiner Hand oder deinem Deck in der richtigen Reihenfolge von „I“, „N“, „A“ und „L“ offen in deine Zauber- & Fallenzone. Wenn eine „Geisternachricht“-Karte oder „Schicksalstafel“, die du kontrollierst, das Spielfeld verlässt, lege alle „Geisternachricht“-Karten und „Schicksalstafel“, die du kontrollierst, auf den Friedhof.
|delore = Bringe am Ende jedes [[turn|Spielzuges]] deines Gegners eine [[Spirit Message|Geisternachricht]]-Karte aus deienr [[Hand]] oder deinem [[Main Deck|Deck]] offen auf das [[Playing Field|Spielfeld]] in der Reihenfolge [[Spirit Message "I"|"I"]], [[Spirit Message "N"|"N"]], [[Spirit Message "A"|"A"]] und [[Spirit Message "L"|"L"]]. Falls sie aus deinem Deck war, [[shuffle|mische]] dein Deck anschließend. Falls sich die Geisternachricht-Karten "I", "N", "A" und "L" auf deiner [[field|Spielfeldseite]] befinden, wirst du zum Sieger erklärt. Falls eine dieser Karten während der Erstellung der Nachricht [[destroy|zerstört]] oder vom Spielfeld entfernt wird, werden alle auf deinen [[Graveyard|Friedhof]] gelegt.
|itlore = Alla fine di ogni [[turn]]o del tuo avversario, piazza [[Face-up|scoperta]] sul tuo [[Playing Field|Terreno]] 1 carta "[[Spirit Message|Messaggio dello Spirito]]" dalla tua [[Hand|mano]] o dal tuo [[Main Deck|Deck]] nell'ordine "[[Spirit Message "I"|I]]", "[[Spirit Message "N"|N]]", "[[Spirit Message "A"|A]]", "[[Spirit Message "L"|L]]". Se tutte le carte Messaggio dello Spirito" "I", "N", "A" e "L" sono sul tuo Terreno, sei dichiarato vincitore. Se una delle tue "Tavola del Destino" o "Messaggio dello Spirito" sono rimosse dal Terreno, tutte le tue carte "Tavola del Destino" e "Messaggio dell Spirito" sono mandate al [[Graveyard|Cimitero]].
| it_lore = Quando questa carta e tutte e 4 le carte "Messaggio dello Spirito" con nomi diversi vengono messe sul tuo Terreno, vinci il Duello. Una volta per turno, durante la End Phase del tuo avversario: metti 1 carta "Messaggio dello Spirito" dalla tua mano o Deck nella tua Zona Magie & Trappole scoperta, nell'ordine appropriato "I", "N", "A", e "L". Quando qualsiasi carta "Messaggio dello Spirito" o "Tavola del Destino" che controlli lascia il Terreno, manda al Cimitero tutte le carte "Messaggio dello Spirito" e "Tavola del Destino" che controlli.
| pt_lore = Quando este card e todos os 4 cards "Mensagem do Espírito" com nomes diferentes forem colocados no seu campo, você vence o Duelo. Uma vez por turno, durante a Fase Final do seu oponente: coloque 1 card "Mensagem do Espírito" da sua mão ou Deck na sua Zona de Magias & Armadilhas com a face para cima, na ordem correta de "I", "N", "A" e "L". Quando qualquer card "Mensagem do Espírito" ou "Tábua do Destino" que você controla deixar o campo, envie todos os cards "Mensagem do Espírito" e "Tábua do Destino" que você controla para o Cemitério.
|ptlore = Durante cada uma das End Phases do seu oponente, coloque 1 carta "Spirit Message" da sua mão ou Deck virada para cima no campo. Quando as cartas "Spirit Message" "I", "N", "A", e "L" estiverem todas no seu lado do campo em sua ordem apropriada, você é declarado o vencedor. Se qualquer uma de suas cartas "Spirit Message" ou "Destiny Board" forem removidas do campo, todas as suas cartas "Spirit Message" e "Destiny Board" no campo são enviadas ao Cemitério imediatamente.
| es_lore = Cuando esta carta y todas las 4 cartas "Mensaje Espiritual" con nombres diferentes son situadas en tu Campo, ganas el Duelo. Una vez por turno, durante la End Phase de tu adversario: pon boca arriba, desde tu mano o Deck, 1 carta "Mensaje Espiritual" en tu Zona de Magia y Trampas, en el orden adecuado de "I", "N", "A", y "L". Cuando cualquier carta "Mensaje Espiritual" o "Tablero del Destino" que controles deje el Campo, manda al Cementerio todas las cartas "Mensaje Espiritual" y "Tablero del Destino" que controles.
|jplore = 相手エンドフェイズ手札・デッキから「死のメッセージ」カード1枚を「[[Spirit Message "I"|E]]」「[[Spirit Message "N"|A]]」「[[Spirit Message "A"|T]]」「[[Spirit Message "L"|H]]」の順番で魔法&罠カードゾーンに出す。自分フィールドの「ウィジャ盤」または「死のメッセージ」カードがフィールドから離れた時自分フィールド上のこれらのカードを全て墓地へ送る。全ての「死のメッセージ」カードが自分フィールド上に揃った時、自分デュエルに勝利する。
| ja_lore = このカードと「死のメッセージ」カード4種類が自分フィールドに揃った時、自分はデュエルに勝利する。①:相手エンドフェイズにこの効果を発動する。手札・デッキから「死のメッセージ」カード1枚を「[[Spirit Message "I"|E]]」「[[Spirit Message "N"|A]]」「[[Spirit Message "A"|T]]」「[[Spirit Message "L"|H]]」の順番で自分の魔法&罠ゾーンに出す。②:自分フィールドの「ウィジャ盤」または「死のメッセージ」カードがフィールドから離れた時自分フィールドの「ウィジャ盤」及び「死のメッセージ」カードは全て墓地へ送られる。
|krlore = 상대 턴 종료시마다 "I" "N" "A" "L"의 순으로 "죽음의 메시지" 카드를 패 또는 덱(마지막에 셔플)에서 필드에 낸다. 모든 카드가 모였을 때, 승리가 결정된다. 도중 1장이라도 필드에서 벗어나면, 이 카드들은 전부 묘지로 보내진다.
| zh_lore = 每次對方的結束階段,從手卡·卡組讓1張「死之信息」卡以「E」「A」「T」「H」的順序在魔法與陷阱卡區域出現。自己場上的「通靈盤」或者「死之信息」卡從場上離開時,自己場上的這些卡全部送去墓地。全部「死之信息」卡在自己場上齊集時,自己決鬥勝利。
|mangalore = [[Activate]]d when "[[Dark Necrofear]]" is placed in the [[Graveyard|cemetery]]. At the end of each of your opponent's [[turn]]s, the spirit of the Ouija Board will point to the letters D, E, A, T, and H in sequence. When all five letters have been revealed, the opposing player dies.
| ko_lore = 이 카드와 "죽음의 메시지" 카드 4종류가 자신 필드에 모였을 때, 자신은 듀얼에서 승리한다. ①: 상대 엔드 페이즈에 이 효과를 발동한다. 패 / 덱에서 "죽음의 메시지" 카드 1장을 "I" "N" "A" "L"의 순으로 자신의 마법 & 함정 존에 낸다. ②: 자신 필드의 "위저 보드" 또는 "죽음의 메시지" 카드가 필드에서 벗어났을 때에 자신 필드의 "위저 보드" 및 "죽음의 메시지" 카드는 전부 묘지로 보내진다.
|tsclore = A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the [[Spirit Message|"FINAL" message]] is completed.
| tsc_lore = A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the [[Spirit Message|"FINAL" message]] is completed.
|number = 94212438
| en_sets =
|archsupport1 = Spirit Message
{{Card table set/header|en}}
|archetype1 = Duel Winner
{{Card table set|LON-EN088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
|en_sets =
{{Card table set|DB2-EN021|Dark Beginning 2|Common}}
'''[[Dark Beginning 2]]''' ([[DB2-EN021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set|RP02-EN045|Retro Pack 2|Super Rare}}
{{Card table set|DPRP-EN041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LON-EN088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set/footer}}
|na_sets =
| na_sets =
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LON-088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set/header|na}}
|eu_sets =
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LON-E088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set|LON-088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
| eu_sets =
'''[[Retro Pack 2]]''' ([[RP02-EN045]] - [[SR]])
{{Card table set/header|eu}}
|fr_sets =
{{Card table set|LON-E088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
'''[[Dark Beginning 2|Genèse Ténébreuse 2]]''' ([[DB2-FR021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set/footer}}
| fr_sets =
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare|Labyrinthe des Cauchemars]]''' ([[LDC-F088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set/header|fr}}
|de_sets =
{{Card table set|LDC-F088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
'''[[Dark Beginning 2]]''' ([[DB2-DE021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set|DB2-FR021|Dark Beginning 2|Common}}
{{Card table set|RP02-FR045|Retro Pack 2|Super Rare}}
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LON-G088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set|DPRP-FR041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
|it_sets =
{{Card table set/footer}}
'''[[Dark Beginning 2]]''' ([[DB2-IT021]] - [[C]])
| de_sets =
{{Card table set/header|de}}
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LDH-I088]] - [[UR]])
{{Card table set|LON-G088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
|sp_sets =
{{Card table set|DB2-DE021|Dark Beginning 2|Common}}
'''[[Dark Beginning 2]]''' ([[DB2-SP021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set|RP02-DE045|Retro Pack 2|Super Rare}}
|jp_sets =
{{Card table set|DPRP-DE041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
'''[[Beginner's Edition.2]]''' ([[BE2-JP021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set/footer}}
| it_sets =
'''[[Duelist Legacy Volume.3]]''' ([[DL3-120]])
{{Card table set/header|it}}
{{Card table set|LDI-I088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
'''[[Gold Series 2012|ゴールドシリーズ2012]]''' ([[GS04-JP017]] - [[C]]/[[GUR]])
{{Card table set|DB2-IT021|Dark Beginning 2|Common}}
{{Card table set|RP02-IT045|Retro Pack 2|Super Rare}}
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare (Japanese)|Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LN-37]])
{{Card table set|DPRP-IT041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
'''[[The Gold Box]]''' ([[GDB1-JP077]] - [[GUR]])
| pt_sets =
|kr_sets =
{{Card table set/header|pt}}
'''[[Beginner's Edition.2]]''' ([[BP2-KR021]] - [[C]])
{{Card table set|DPRP-PT041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
'''[[Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[LON-KR088]] - [[UR]])
| sp_sets =
{{Card table set/header|sp}}
'''[[Gold Series 2012|골드시리즈 2012]]''' ([[GS04-KR017]] - [[C]]/[[GUR]])
{{Card table set|DB2-SP021|Dark Beginning 2|Common}}
|ntr_sets =
{{Card table set|RP02-SP045|Retro Pack 2|Super Rare}}
{{Card table set|DPRP-SP041|Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh|Common}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
| jp_sets =
{{Card table set/header|jp}}
{{Card table set|LN-37|Labyrinth of Nightmare (Japanese)|Ultra Rare}}
{{Card table set|LN-37|Labyrinth of Nightmare (Japanese)|Ultra Parallel Rare}}
{{Card table set|DL3-120|Duelist Legacy Volume.3|Super Rare}}
{{Card table set|BE2-JP021|Beginner's Edition 2|Common}}
{{Card table set|BE02-JP019|Beginner's Edition 2 (2011)|Rare}}
{{Card table set|GS04-JP017|Gold Series 2012|Common}}
{{Card table set|GS04-JP017|Gold Series 2012|Gold Rare}}
{{Card table set|GDB1-JP077|The Gold Box|Gold Rare}}
{{Card table set|DP17-JP040|Duelist Pack: Memories of the Pharaoh|Common}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
| ae_sets =
{{Card table set/header|ae}}
{{Card table set|LON-088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
| kr_sets =
{{Card table set/header|kr}}
{{Card table set|LON-KR088|Labyrinth of Nightmare|Ultra Rare}}
{{Card table set|BP2-KR021|Beginner's Edition 2|Common}}
{{Card table set|GS04-KR017|Gold Series 2012|Common}}
{{Card table set|GS04-KR017|Gold Series 2012|Gold Rare}}
{{Card table set|DP17-KR040|Duelist Pack: Memories of the Pharaoh|Common}}
{{Card table set/footer}}
| ntr_sets =
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour: Visitor from Beyond|Visitor from Beyond]]''' ([[Ultra Rare]])
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour: Visitor from Beyond|Visitor from Beyond]]''' ([[Ultra Rare]])
|sdd_sets =
| sdd_sets =
'''[[F-I-N-A-L (SDD-BP)|F-I-N-A-L]]''' ([[Rare]])
'''[[F-I-N-A-L (SDD-BP)|F-I-N-A-L]]''' ([[Rare]])
'''[[Yellow Millennium Eye (SDD-BP)|Yellow Millennium Eye]]''' ([[Common]])
'''[[Yellow Millennium Eye (SDD-BP)|Yellow Millennium Eye]]''' ([[Common]])
|gx02_sets =
| gx02_sets =
'''[[More Eternal Memories (GX02-BP)|More Eternal Memories]]''' ([[Ultra Rare]])
'''[[More Eternal Memories (GX02-BP)|More Eternal Memories]]''' ([[Ultra Rare]])
|wc6_sets =
| wc6_sets =
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: Labyrinth of Nightmare|Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[Super Rare]])
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: Labyrinth of Nightmare|Labyrinth of Nightmare]]''' ([[Super Rare]])
Line 89: Line 118:
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: All at Random|All at Random]]''' ([[Common]])
'''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: All at Random|All at Random]]''' ([[Common]])
| tsc_dc = 50
|anime_dm = 083, 084, 096
| tsc_number = 583
|manga_d = 146
| archseries = Duel winner
|tscdc = 50
| supports_archetypes = Spirit Message
|tscnumber = 583
| action =
|database_id = 5224
* Places cards from hand in Spell & Trap Zone
* Places cards from Deck in Spell & Trap Zone
| database_id = 5224

Revision as of 18:55, 1 December 2018

Destiny Board
ウィジャ (ばん)
English Destiny Board
Chinese 通靈盤
French Tableau de la Destinée
German Schicksalstafel
Italian Tavola del Destino
Korean 위저 보드
Portuguese Tábua do Destino
Spanish Tablero del Destino
Japanese (kana) ウィジャばん
Japanese (base) ウィジャ盤
Japanese (rōmaji) Wija Ban
Japanese (translated) Ouija Board
Other names Forbidden Board
Card type Trap TRAP
Property Continuous Continuous
Passcode 94212438
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04583 50?????????Unlimited
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited