Deshutes Lew
English name
Deshutes Lew
Deschutes Lew is a Card Professor hired by Yako Tenma in Yu-Gi-Oh! R . He is the first of the card professors to be encountered by Yugi .
Deck [ ]
Deschutes plays a Defensive Deck , consisting of monsters with high DEF and cards that can take control of the opponent's monsters to inflict damage with "Castle Gate ".
Castle Gate (キャッスル・ゲート Kyassuru Gēto )
Level 6 ★★★★★★ ATK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEF 0 0 0 0 2400
Gear Golem the Moving Fortress (機動砦のギア・ゴーレム Kidō Toride no Gia Gōremu )
Level 4 ★★★★ ATK 0 0 0 0 0 800 DEF 0 0 0 0 2200
Brain Control | Brainwashing - Brain Control (洗 ( せん ) 脳 ( のう ) -ブレイン・コントロール Sennō - Burein Kontorōru )
Card type Spell Card
Negate Attack | Attack Nullification (攻撃の無力化 Kōgeki no Muryokuka )
Card type Spell Card
Forceful Deal (強 ( ごう ) 引 ( いん ) な取 ( とり ) 引 ( ひ ) き Gōin na Torihiki )
Card type Trap Card
Duels [ ]