The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.
Chinese lore given is not official.
(card lores)
Dark Witch |
女武神 |
Dark Witch |
Dunkle Hexe |
Strega Oscura |
발키리 |
Feiticeira das Sombras |
Bruja Oscura |
ヴァルキリー |
Varukirī |
Valkyrie |
Monster |
Fairy / Normal |
5 |
1800 / 1700 |
35565537 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
A popular creature in mythology that delivers fatal attacks with a sharp spear. |
Cette créature de la mythologie des abysses transperce le corps de ses ennemis avec sa lance acérée. |
Eine populäre Kreatur in der Mythologie, die mit einem scharfen Speer tödliche Angriffe unternimmt. |
Una popolare creatura mitologica che scaglia attacchi mortali con la sua lancia acuminata. |
Uma criatura popular da mitologia que profere ataques fatais com uma lança afiada. |
Una criatura popular en la mitología que descarga ataques fatales con una lanza afilada. |
神話に出てくる闘いの天使。手にする槍で天罰を下す。 |
在神話裡出來戰鬥的天使。它用手裡的長矛來詛咒壞人。 |
신화에 나오는 전투의 천사. 손에든 창으로 천벌을 내린다. |
A popular creature in mythology that delivers fatal attacks with a sharp spear. |
A warlike fairy who appears in myths from ancient times. Her spear brings divine retribution to the unjust. |
TCG sets
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OCG sets
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- Yugioh-Card card database: 4588 ()