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Dark Signer Kalin Kessler is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Kalin Kessler, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime.

He first appeared in the Mark of the Dark Signer event on May 23rd, 2019 as a roaming Duelist.

He is exclusive to the special event Raid Duel - The Flames of Vengeance: Ccapac Apu, only being able to be dueled or unlocked during the event. However, as of January 14, 2020, he is now unlockable via Character Unlock missions.


As a Dark Signer, Kalin has the Mark of the Giant. In "happier" times, Kalin teamed up with Yusei and Jack to form the Enforcers - the most powerful Dueling team in the Satellite. When he was captured by Sector Security, he mistakenly blamed Yusei for his imprisonment. With his zero-card handless combo, Kalin used "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" to punish Yusei for his misdeeds





Level 10[]

Raid Duel[]

Level 100[]

Level 200[]

Level 300[]

Level 400[]

Level 500[]

Level 1000[]

Duel rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Infernity Mirage"
SR "Infernity Knight"
SR "Infernity Beetle"
SR "Infernity Patriarch"
SR "Infernity Inferno"
SR "Altar of the Bound Deity"
R "Phantom Hand"
R "Infernity Beast"
R "Wave-Motion Inferno"
N "Madjinn Gunn"
N "Witty Phantom"
N "Mabarrel"

Level-up rewards[]

The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Kalin Kessler reach a certain Level.

Main release[]

Level Reward
2 10 Gems
3 1 copy of "Memory Crusher"
4 Dark Tuning 100 (Skill)
5 Deck slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
6 15 Gems
7 1 copy of "Infernity Dwarf"
8 Deck slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
9 25 Gems
10 1 copy of "Memory Crusher"
11 1 copy of "Earthbound Immortal Revival"
12 35 Gems
13 Seal of the Immortal (Skill)
14 1 copy of "Infernity Dwarf"
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Infernity Avenger"
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Memory Crusher"
19 75 Gems
20 Wave-Motion Inferno (Skill)
21 1 copy of "Earthbound Immortal Revival"
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Infernity Dwarf"
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Infernity Guardian"
Level Reward
26 150 Gems
27 Deck slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Earthbound Immortal Revival"
31 100,000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 copy of "Infernity Break"
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Infernity Necromancer"
36 1 UR Jewel
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Infernity Necromancer"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Infernity Break"


Skill Effect Unlock
Dark Tuning 100 At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Infernity Avenger" to your Deck. Then, add 1 "Hundred Eyes Dragon" to your Extra Deck. Level 4
Seal of the Immortal Until the end of your opponent's next turn, "Earthbound Immortal" monsters cannot be destroyed by their own effect.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Level 13
Wave-Motion Inferno If you have no cards in your hand, this skill increases the ATK/DEF of all "Infernity" monsters you control by 400. Level 20
Handless Combo 100 Begin the Duel with 0 cards in your hand and "Hundred Eyes Dragon" on your side of the field. Drop
Fleeting Hand Can be used when your Life Points are at least 2000 less than the opponent's.
Return 1 to 3 cards from your hand to your Deck. Then, apply 1 of the following effects, depending on the number of cards returned:

1 Card: Place 1 "Infernity Archfiend" on top of your Deck from outside of your Deck.

2 Cards: Play 1 "Infernity Necromancer" from outside of your Deck.

3 Cards: Play 1 "Infernity Launcher" face-up from outside of your Deck.

Infernity Inferno Can be used on your 2nd turn. Discard up to 2 cards from your hand, then send an equal number of "Infernity" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard. Drop
One-Card Wonder Your starting hand will contain only 1 card. Your normal draws in the Draw Phase become 2 cards. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains no cards other than the following cards (excluding the Extra Deck):
  • "Infernity" cards
  • Cards that include "Infernity" in their card text
Immortal Charity Can be used if you control an "Earthbound Immortal" monster. Set 1 "Earthbound Whirlwind", "Earthbound Wave", or "Roar of the Earthbound Immortal" from outside your Deck.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Immortal Offerings Reveal 1 to 3 "Earthbound Immortal" monsters in your hand, then play an equal number of "Ceremonial Token" in Defense Position. During the turn you use this Skill, you cannot Normal or Special Summon any monsters, except "Earthbound Immortal" monsters on the turn you use this Skill.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Fiend's Exchange This Skill can be used twice per Duel.
1: At the start of your Main Phase, place 1 Level 5 or higher Fiend monster from your hand to the bottom of your Deck, and then draw 1 card.
Draw Sense: DARK Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random DARK monster in your Deck. Drop
Level Reduction Can be used when your Life Points are 3000 or lower, by revealing 1 monster card in your hand and selecting 1 monster on your field.
The selected monster's Level will decrease by the Level of the monster you revealed until the end of the turn (The minimum Level is 1). This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
LP Boost γ Increases starting Life Points by 2500, reduces hand by 2 cards. Drop
Power of Dark Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated. Drop
Restart Can be used only once after starting hands are drawn. Reduce your starting hand by 1, and then redraw your hand. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn. Drop



Yusei Fudo
  • When starting a Duel with Yusei Fudo, Kalin announces "You don’t know how long I've been waiting for my revenge." followed by "It's a shame it'll be over so quickly. Hahahahaha!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Kalin says "My dear old friend Yusei! You’re finished!" followed by "After what you did to me, this is sweet justice!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Kalin says "This was not a satisfying ending."
Jack Atlas
  • When starting a Duel with Jack Atlas, Kalin announces "Is it time for The Enforcers to ride again?" followed by "Hahahahahaha!"
Crow Hogan
  • When starting a Duel with Crow Hogan, Kalin announces "I was once your friend, but I’m now your enemy!" followed by "And I'm back to unleash my wrath on this birdbrain!"


  • When Kalin summons "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu", a cut-in frame of Kalin briefly appears, and he announces "Descend upon the world! Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu!". If that player hasn't already summoned "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Join the rest of the taken in the netherworld!" followed by "Ccapac Apu! Pound this pathetic peon into the darkness!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "You thought your monster protected you, but you were wrong! Ccapac Apu deals damage equal to your monster's attack!"
  • When Kalin Summons "Hundred Eyes Dragon", he chants "When the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows..." followed by "A world without light is revealed! Dark Synchro!" Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Kalin briefly appears, and he announces "The Shadow of the Netherworld! Hundred-Eyes Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Crush 'em, Hundred-Eyes Dragon!" followed by "Infinity Sight Stream!"
    • When Kalin activates the first effect of that monster, he announces "I activate Hundred-Eyes Dragon's effect!" followed by "It banishes a Dark Monster from my Graveyard to gain its effect!"
    • When Kalin activates the second effect of that monster, he announces "Hahahahahaha! I can’t stop laughing!" followed by "By destroying my dragon, I get the Dark Signer's ace card!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Archer", a cut-in frame of Kalin's face briefly appears, and he announces "Come out, Infernity Archer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Infernity Archer!" followed by "Infernity Crossbow!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Destroyer", a cut-in frame of Kalin's face briefly appears, and he announces "Join me, Infernity Destroyer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Destroyer attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "My hand's empty, so you take Infernity Destroyer's effect!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity General", a cut-in frame of Kalin's face briefly appears, and he announces "Here’s Infernity General!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity General attacks!" followed by "Infernity Blade!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Since I have no hand, Infernity General's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Earthbound Linewalker", he announces "Give strength to my Immortal! Earthbound Linewalker"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Earthbound Linewalker attacks!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Archfiend", he announces "Come, Infernity Archfiend!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Infernity Archfiend!" followed by "Infernal Pressure!"
    • When Kalin activates the first effect of that monster, he announces "I can Special Summon this card by showing it to you!"
    • When Kalin activates the second effect of that monster, he announces "And Infernity Archfiend's effect adds a card to my hand!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Avenger", he announces "The Tuner Monster, Infernity Avenger!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Avenger attack!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Avenger's effect activates from the Graveyard!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Beast", he announces "Infernity Beast! Come here!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Infernity Beast!" followed by "Infernal Howling!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Beetle", he announces "The Tuner Monster, Infernity Beetle!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Infernity Beetle!" followed by "Beetle Blast!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "I activate Infernity Beetle's effect!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Dwarf", he announces "Infernity Dwarf!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Infernity Dwarf!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Guardian", he announces "Infernity Guardian!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Guardian! Attack!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Knight", he announces "Infernity Knight!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "My Infernity Knight attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Knight's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Mirage", he announces "Infernity Mirage!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Mirage attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "My hand's empty, so Infernity Mirage's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Necromancer", he announces "Heh heh heh... Rise, Necromancer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Necromancer attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the first effect of that monster, he announces "When Necromancer is summoned, it switches to defense!"
    • When Kalin activates the second effect of that monster, he announces "My hand is empty, so I can activate Necromancer’s effect!”
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Patriarch", he announces "Infernity Patriarch!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Patriarch attacks!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Pawn", he announces "Infernity Pawn!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Pawn attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Pawn's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Randomizer", he announces "Infernity Randomizer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Randomizer attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Randomizer's effect activates!
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Sage", he announces "Infernity Sage!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Sage! Attack!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Sage's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Vorse Raider", he announces "Vorse Raider will get my revenge!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Vorse Raider!"
  • When Kalin activates "Altar of the Bound Deity", he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap, Altar of the Bound Deity!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "Altar of the Bound Deity's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin activates "Contaminated Earth", he announces "My Trap activates! Contaminated Earth!"
  • When Kalin activates "Contract with the Void", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Contract With the Void!"
  • When Kalin activates "Damage Translation", he announces "How dare you! Just kidding." followed by "I activate my Trap! Damage Translation!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "During the end phase, Damage Translation's other effect!" followed by "I create a Ghost Token for every time I take effect damage!"
  • When Kalin activates "Depth Amulet", he announces "I knew you’d do that! My Continuous Trap, Depth Amulet!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "I discard a card to activate Depth Amulet!" followed by "You can't attack!"
  • When Kalin activates "Earthbound Immortal Revival", he announces "Hahahaha... This card will resurrect my Immortal!" followed by "The Spell Card, Earthbound Revival!"
  • When Kalin activates "Earthbound Wave", he announces "That won't work against an Earthbound Immortal." followed by "I activate my Counter-Trap! Earthbound Wave!"
  • When Kalin activates "Earthbound Whirlwind", he announces "Your lame tricks won't work against my Earthbound Immortal." followed by "The Spell Card, Earthbound Whirlwind!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Break", he announces "Witness my handless combo! I activate Infernity Break!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Barrier", he announces "My Counter-Trap activates! Infernity Barrier!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Force", he announces "Don't mock my handless combo! Go, Infernity Force!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Inferno", he announces "I activate my Trap! Infernity Inferno!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Launcher", he announces "I activate my Continuous Spell, Infernity Launcher!"
    • When activating the first effect of that card, Kalin announces "Infernity Launcher's effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that card, Kalin announces "My hand's empty, so I can use my Launcher's other effect!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Reflector", he announces "I flip over my Trap Card! Infernity Reflector!"
  • When Kalin activates "Into the Void", he announces "I activate the Spell Card! Into the Void!"
  • When Kalin activates "Limit Impulse", he announces "I flip over my Trap Card! Limit Impulse!" followed by "I send 2 cards to the Graveyard to Summon 2 Soul Tokens!"
  • When Kalin activates "Offering to the Immortals", he announces "Hahahahaha... Nice try!" followed by "I activate my Trap! Offerings to the Immortals!"
  • When Kalin activates "Passion of Baimasse", he announces "I activate my Counter Trap! Passion of Baimasse!"
  • When Kalin activates "Phantom Hand", he announces "My handless combo begins!" followed by "My Continuous Trap! Phantom Hand!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "Phantom Hand's effect activates! My hand will be empty!"
  • When Kalin activates "Revival of the Immortals", he announces "Hahahaha... Fine, I'll resurrect my Earthbound Immortal." followed by "I activate my Trap! Revival of the Immortals!"
  • When Kalin activates "Roar of the Earthbound Immortal", he announces "Never mess with an Earthbound Immortal!" followed by "The Continuous Trap, Roar of the Earthbound!"
  • When Kalin activates "Wave-Motion Inferno", he announces "I activate my Continuous Spell, Wave-Motion Inferno!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "I use Wave-Motion Inferno to send my hand to the graveyard!"
  • When Kalin activates "ZERO-MAX", he announces "I have no cards in my hand, so I can activate ZERO - MAX!"

Unused Dialogue[]

(Voice lines found in game files but not currently not in game yet)

  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Climber", he announces "Infernity Climber!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack Infernity Climber!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Climber's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Queen", he announces "Infernity Queen!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "My Infernity Queen attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Queen's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Shield Bearer", he announces "Infernity Shield Bearer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack! Infernity Shield Bearer!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Shield Bearer's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Spear Bearer", he announces "Infernity Spear Bearer!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go Infernity Spear Bearer! Attack!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Spear Bearer's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin summons "Infernity Zero", he announces "Infernity Zero!"
    • Most of the time when Kalin declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernity Zero attacks!"
    • When Kalin activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernity Zero's effect activates!"
  • When Kalin activates "Infernity Burst", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Infernity Burst!"
  • When Kalin activates "Speed World", he announces "I activate the Field Spell! Speed World!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "I activate Speed World's effect!"
  • When Kalin activates "Speed World 2", he announces "I activate the Field Spell! Speed World 2!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Kalin announces "I activate Speed World 2's effect!"


  • When Kalin starts a Duel with Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Akiza Izinzki, Leo, and Luna, he announces "Let the war between the Signers and the Dark Signers begin!"
    • Kalin still possesses the aforementioned dialogue for the Signers, even though he already has character-specific dialogue for Yusei, Crow, and Jack.
  • Yugi Muto (DM), Espa Roba, Seto Kaiba (DSOD), Aigami, Jesse Anderson, Chazz Princeton, Jaden/Yubel, Axel Brodie, Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Akiza Izinski, Leo, Luna, Tetsu Trudge, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Kalin Kessler, Yuma and Astral, Reginald Kastle, Bronk Stone, Tori Meadows, and Kite Tenjo, are the characters who possess a Skill that allows them to begin a Duel with copies of specific Monster Cards added to their Main Deck and/or Extra Deck.
  • The Paradox Brothers, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, and Kalin Kessler are the characters who possess a Skill that allows them to begin a Duel with monster cards on the field, albeit at a significant cost.
  • There are some Legendary Duelists who possess a Skill that allows them to begin a Duel with a specific Field Spell on the field:
    • Yami Yugi, Arkana, Yubel, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Dark Signer Carly Carmine, Rex Goodwin - Power of Dark
    • Seto Kaiba (DM) - Peak Performance
    • Joey Wheeler (DM), Tristan Taylor (DM) - Fields of the Warriors
    • Mai Valentine - Harpies' Hunting Ground
    • Rex Raptor, Tyranno Hassleberry - Dinosaur Kingdom
    • Mako Tsunami - Mythic Depths
    • Bonz - Straight to the Grave
    • Chazz Princeton - Land of the Ojamas
    • Sartorius Kumar - Light Barrier
    • Jaden Yuki, Jaden/Yubel - Neo Space!
  • While Legendary Duelists have their own theme music when a player Duels against them, some share the same theme music:
    • Joey Wheeler (DM), Mai Valentine, and Tristan Taylor (DM)
    • Téa Gardner (DM) and Yugi Muto (DM)
    • Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Bandit Keith, and Bonz
    • Mokuba Kaiba (DM), The Paradox Brothers, Espa Roba, and Lumis and Umbra
    • Yami Bakura and Yami Marik
    • Ishizu Ishtar and Odion
    • Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD), Joey Wheeler (DSOD), and Téa Gardner (DSOD)
    • Sera and Prana
    • Jaden Yuki and Jesse Anderson
    • Zane Truesdale, Aster Phoenix, Chazz Princeton, Syrus Truesdale, Tyranno Hassleberry, and Axel Brodie
    • Leo and Luna
    • Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Dark Signer Carly Carmine, and Rex Goodwin
    • Bronk Stone and Tori Meadows
  • There are some Legendary Duelists who are alternate counterparts to each other:
    • Seto Kaiba (DM) and Seto Kaiba (DSOD)
    • Joey Wheeler (DM) and Joey Wheeler (DSOD)
    • Téa Gardner (DM) and Téa Gardner (DSOD
    • Yugi Muto (DM) and Yugi Muto (DSOD)
    • Mokuba Kaiba (DM) and Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD)
    • Tristan Taylor (DM) and Tristan Taylor (DSOD)
    • Sera and Prana
    • Jaden Yuki and Jaden/Yubel
    • Kalin Kessler and Dark Signer Kalin Kessler
    • Carly Carmine and Dark Signer Carly Carmine