The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Portuguese names given are not official.
The Chinese and Portuguese lores given are not official.
Dark-Piercing Light |
消除黑暗的光 |
Lumière Perce-Ténèbres |
Dunkel durchdringendes Licht |
Luce Oscura Perforante |
어둠을 없애는 빛 |
Luz que Penetra as Trevas |
Luz Perfora-Oscuridad |
やみをかきけすひかり |
闇をかき消す光 |
Yami wo Kakikesu Hikari |
Darkness-Erasing Light |
Spell |
Normal |
45895206 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
Flip all face-down monsters on your opponent's side of the field face-up. |
Retournez face recto tous les monstres face verso de votre adversaire sur le Terrain. |
Flippe alle verdeckten Monster auf der Spielfeldseite deines Gegners auf. |
Scopri tutti le Carte Mostro coperte sul Terreno del tuo avversario. |
Vire todos os monstros virados para baixo no lado do campo do seu oponente para cima. |
相手フィールド上に裏側表示で存在するモンスターを全て表側表示にする。 |
상대 필드 위에 뒷면 표시로 존재하는 몬스터를 전부 앞면 표시로 한다. |
A spell that casts a dazzling blaze of light over the opponent. It reveals every opposing monster on the field. |
Flip all of your opponent's face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up. The effect of the monsters will activate at this time. |
TCG sets
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OCG sets
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Video game sets
Card search categories
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4356 ()
"Dark-Piercing Light" pages |