Card number | English name | Spanish name | Rarity | Category |
CBLZ-SP000 | "Noble Arms - Caliburn" | "Armas Nobles - Caliburn" | Super Rare | Equip Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP001 | "Dododo Bot" | "Dododo Bot" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP002 | "Gogogo Ghost" | "Fantasma Gogogo" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP003 | "Bacon Saver" | "Ahorrador de Tocino" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP004 | "Amarylease" | "Tributo de Amarilis" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP005 | "ZW - Lightning Blade" | "ZW - Hoja Veloz" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP006 | "ZW - Tornado Bringer" | "ZW - Portador de Tornados" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP007 | "ZW - Ultimate Shield" | "ZW - Escudo Definitivo" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP008 | "Gagaga Clerk" | "Oficinista Gagaga" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP009 | "Spear Shark" | "Tiburón Lanza" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP010 | "Double Shark" | "Tiburón Doble" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP011 | "Xyz Remora" | "Rémora Xyz" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP012 | "Hyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon" | "Tiburón Megalodón Híper-Antiguo" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP013 | "Heraldic Beast Basilisk" | "Bestia Heráldica Basilisco" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP014 | "Heraldic Beast Eale" | "Bestia Heráldica Eale" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP015 | "Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle" | "Bestia Heráldica Águila de Dos Cabezas" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP016 | "Heraldic Beast Unicorn" | "Bestia Heráldica Unicornio" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP017 | "Heraldic Beast Leo" | "Bestia Heráldica Leo" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP018 | "Garbage Ogre" | "Ogro de Porquería" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP019 | "Garbage Lord" | "Carga de Porquería" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP020 | "Orbital 7" | "Estación Orbital 7" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP021 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Halcón" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP022 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Cuervo" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP023 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Gorila" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP024 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Oso" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP025 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Dragón" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP026 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Serpiente" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP027 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Golondrina" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP028 | "Hazy Flame Cerbereus" | "Llama Quimérica Cerbero" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP029 | "Hazy Flame Griffin" | "Llama Quimérica Grifón" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP030 | "Hazy Flame Sphynx" | "Llama Quimérica Esfynge" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP031 | "Hazy Flame Peryton" | "Llama Quimérica Peritón" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP032 | "Mermail Abyssdine" | "Sirenarmada Abisdine" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP033 | "Mermail Abyssnose" | "Sirenarmado Abisnariz" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP034 | "Mermail Abyssleed" | "Sirenarmado Abisleed" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP035 | "Fool of Prophecy" | "El Bufón de la Profecía" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP036 | "Reaper of Prophecy" | "Parca de la Profecía" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP037 | "Brushfire Knight" | "Caballero del Incendio Forestal" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP038 | "Inari Fire" | "Inari de Fuego" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP039 | "Valkyrian Knight" | "Caballero de la Valkiria" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP040 | "Pyrorex the Elemental Lord" | "Pirorex el Señor Elemental" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP041 | "Pyrotech Mech - Shiryu" | "Mecha Pirotec - Shiryu" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP042 | "Leotaur" | "Leotauro" | Common | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP043 | "Star Drawing" | "Dibujadora de Estrellas" | Short Print | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP044 | "Red Duston" | "Particulines Rojos" | Short Print | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP045 | "Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon" | "Número 92: Dragón Heart-eartH" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare Ghost Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP046 | "Number 53: Heart-eartH" | "Número 53: Heart-eartH" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP047 | "ZW - Leo Arms" | "ZW - Armas Leo" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP048 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Rey Tigre" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP049 | "Hazy Flame Basiltrice" | "Llama Quimérica Basilitriz" | Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP050 | "Mermail Abysstrite" | "Sirenarmada Abistrite" | Super Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP051 | "Diamond Dire Wolf" | "Lobo Terrible de Diamantes" | Secret Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP052 | "Lightning Chidori" | "Chidori de Trueno" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP053 | "Slacker Magician" | "Mago Vago" | Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP054 | "Zerozerock" | "Ceroceroca" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP055 | "Gagagadraw" | "Gagagarobo" | Super Rare | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP056 | "Xyz Double Back" | "Vuelta Doble Xyz" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP057 | "Heraldry Reborn" | "Heráldica Renacida" | Rare | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP058 | "Fire Formation - Tensu" | "Formación de Fuego - Tensu" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP059 | "Fire Formation - Tenki" | "Formación de Fuego - Tenki" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP060 | "Hazy Pillar" | "Pilar Quimérico" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP061 | "Abyss-scale of Cetus" | "Abis-escamas de Cetus" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP062 | "Spellbook of the Master" | "Libro de Magia del Maestro" | Secret Rare | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP063 | "The Big Cattle Drive" | "El Gran Camino del Ganado" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP064 | "March of the Monarchs" | "Avance de los Monarcas" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP065 | "Quick Booster" | "Aumentador Rápido" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP066 | "After the Storm" | "Después de la Tormenta" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP067 | "Goblin Circus" | "Circo Goblin" | Short Print | Continuous Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP068 | "Dimension Gate" | "Portal Dimensional" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP069 | "Xyz Dimension Splash" | "Salpicadura de la Dimensión Xyz" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP070 | "Heraldry Change" | "Cambio de Heráldica" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP071 | "Fire Formation - Tensen" | "Formación de Fuego - Tensen" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP072 | "Fire Formation - Tenken" | "Formación de Fuego - Tenken" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP073 | "Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito" | "Formación de Fuego Definitiva - Seito" | Rare | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP074 | "Hazy Glory" | "Gloria Quimérica" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP075 | "Abyss-scorn" | "Abis-desdeño" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP076 | "Spikeshield with Chain" | "Escudo de Púa con Cadena" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP077 | "Xyz Tribalrivals" | "Xyz Rivaltribal" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP078 | "Breakthrough Skill" | "Habilidad Rompedora" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP079 | "Jurrac Impact" | "Impacto Jurrac" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP080 | "Dice-nied" | "Dene-Dado" | Short Print | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP081 | "Noble Knight Medraut" | "Noble Caballero Medraut" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP082 | "Hazy Flame Mantikor" | "Llama Quimérica Mantícora" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP083 | "Mermail Abyssteus" | "Sirenarmado Abisteus" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP084 | "Bonfire Colossus" | "Coloso de la Hoguera" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP085 | "Mystical Fairy Elfuria" | "Hada Mística Elfuria" | Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP086 | "Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights" | "Artorigus, Rey Noble Caballero" | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP087 | "Infernal Flame Vixen" | "Diabólica de la Llama Infernal" | Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
CBLZ-SP088 | "Spell Wall" | "Pared de Conjuros" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
CBLZ-SP089 | "Kickfire" | "Llamarada" | Secret Rare | Continuous Trap Card |
CBLZ-SP090 | "Crimson Sunbird" | "Pájaro Sol Carmesí" | Common | Fusion Monster |
CBLZ-SP091 | "Ignition Beast Volcannon" | "Volcañón, la Bestia Ardiente" | Common | Effect Fusion Monster |
CBLZ-SP092 | "Noble Knight Joan" | "Noble Caballero Joan" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP093 | "Crimson Blader" | "Blader Carmesí" | Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
CBLZ-SP094 | "Infernity Archer" | "Arquero Inférnico" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP095 | "Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun" | "Alanegra - Gladius el Sol de Medianoche" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP096 | "Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night" | "Alanegra - Damascus la Noche Polar" | Rare | Effect Monster |
CBLZ-SP097 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Príncipe Caballo" | Super Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
CBLZ-SP098 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Espíritu" | Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
CBLZ-SP099 | "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor" | "Hermandad del Puño de Fuego - Emperador León" | Super Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |