Cosmic Space
- Japanese: コズミック・スペース
- Romaji: Kozumikku Supēsu
Card type | |
Property | |
All monsters on the field gain Life Stars. Viz Media lore<nomobile>?:</nomobile> <mobile>(The English manga by Viz Media sometimes uses lores which are inconsistent with the Japanese lore or how the card worked.):</mobile> Place Life Stars on all face-up monster on the field when you activate this card and on each monster Summoned while this card is on the field equal to that monster's Level. During each player's End Phase, remove 1 Life Star from each face-up monster on the field. When a monster has no Life Stars on it, it is destroyed. | |
Appearances |
Manga cards (Galleries: R)
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- Lores
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- Names
Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | コズミック・スペース | すべての場のモンスターにライフ・スターが与えられる |
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