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Circuit Break Special Edition is a Special Edition in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG).


Each Circuit Break Special Edition contains:



Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
CIBR-FRSE1"Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon""Dragon Étincelles Chronique Poussière d'Étoile"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
CIBR-FRSE2"The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode""Le Dragon Ailé de Râ - Mode Sphère"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-FRSE3"Lockout Gardna""Protecteur Lock-Out"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-FRSE4"Parallel Port Armor""Armure Port Parallèle"Super RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategory
CIBR-DESE1"Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon""Sternenstaub-Chronik-Funkendrache"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
CIBR-DESE2"The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode""Der geflügelte Drache von Ra - Kugelmodus"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-DESE3"Lockout Gardna""Aussperr-Wache"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-DESE4"Parallel Port Armor""Rüstung des Parallelports"Super RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
CIBR-ITSE1"Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon""Drago Scintilla Cronaca Polvere di Stelle"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
CIBR-ITSE2"The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode""Drago Alato di Ra - Modalità Sfera"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-ITSE3"Lockout Gardna""Gardna Blocco"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-ITSE4"Parallel Port Armor""Armatura Porta Parallela"Super RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
CIBR-PTSE1"Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon""Dragão da Centelha das Crônicas de Poeira Estelar"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
CIBR-PTSE2"The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode""O Dragão Alado de Rá - Modo Esfera"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-PTSE3"Lockout Gardna""Gardna Bloqueado"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-PTSE4"Parallel Port Armor""Armadura da Porta Paralela"Super RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
CIBR-SPSE1"Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon""Dragón de Chispas de la Crónica del Polvo de Estrellas"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
CIBR-SPSE2"The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode""El Dragón Alado de Ra - Modo Esfera"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-SPSE3"Lockout Gardna""Gardna Bloqueo"Super RareEffect Monster
CIBR-SPSE4"Parallel Port Armor""Armadura de Puerto Paralelo"Super RareNormal Trap Card
